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Investing in splinterlands to strengthen the water team.

Dear readers, a few weeks ago I was sharing with you my first experiences in splinterlands which have been very satisfactory, as I advance in the game there are some goals to overcome as moving up the league to improve the rewards, because, everyone knows that a few months ago there was an update that encourages players to climb at least to the bronze league II to acquire rewards in DEC, I am currently in the bronze league II but the game is very competitive and with the cards that the game offers you to start playing sometimes I find it difficult to win some games. In that sense, I decided to buy some cards to strengthen my water team which so far is my favorite and I think it has been very wise my choice because I have had better results.

Design by @amestyj with splinterlands screenshot and public domain images taken from Pixabay and commons.wikimedia

Before starting to show you the cards I bought, it is necessary to mention a card that is part of my strategy and that I was fortunate to receive as a reward, I mean Wavesmith hunt, which provides protection to the rest of my cards that are in combat providing two (2) shield, which is essential when our opponent uses melee or ranged attacks, this card is integral because it mixes offensive and defensive collective.

Image obtained by screenshot on the splinterlands platform.

Below, I show you the cards I have acquired.

To build my strategy I was looking for a card that provided considerable magic damage and had a large amount of life, looking in the market I managed to visualize some, but with a very high mana cost, which would hinder my gameplay on certain occasions, therefore, I needed to get a low mana tank and had the ability to evade some blows, with a thorough investigation I managed to locate the card Kelp Initiate, At first I thought it was a card without any value because it did not have any ability that would enhance my game, but I rented it and when I used it in combat in company of Wavesmith hunt, I realized that it is an excellent tank, because, first of all it has a low mana, despite having five (5) life its speed is also high five (5) which allows dodge certain hits especially when attacked by cards that do not provide much damage and being in bronze II is usual to get this type of cards. In short, I decided to buy it and today it is part of my water team.

Design by @amestyj with screen capture made on the splinterlands platform.

After acquiring the tank I was looking for, I automatically went to buy the card with considerable magic damage and I decided to buy Djinn Oshannus, why my decision? First of all because its magic damage is two (2) and when using the summoner Alric Stormbringer this gives more offensive magic because it brings an additional magic damage to each magic card, in addition to this, It has the ability to void which is essential when the opponent also uses magic because the void reduces the magic year received, the card also has five (5) speed which allows to dodge sometimes the melee or ranged damage of cards that do not provide much damage and to top it off it has 10 life. With the description above you can see that it is an excellent card that has allowed me to win in bronze II more than 85% of my fights when I use the water deck, my recommendation is to use it at the end of the formation which will allow to reach the end of the fight with enough life to win the game.

Design by @amestyj with screen capture made on the splinterlands platform.

Dear readers NFT lovers, splinterlands is a great game, which encourages you to generate strategies to win some games, I just started and I am immersed in a competitive world, which is certainly exciting for those who at some point we had fun with video games, but not only is gameplay is also an investment platform, as I believe that the cards acquired can increase its value significantly in the medium and long term, you just have to be patient and surely we will double our investment.

Part of my winning team

Image obtained by screenshot on the splinterlands platform.

Thanks for sticking with me until the end, I invite you to dive into this exciting game, if you want to make some friendly games, my user name is splinterlands is @jaac
