My submission for the 182nd splinterlands contest

Hello again my dear reader

Here you have my submission for this weeks contest.


It’s Nerissa Tridawn from the blue team.


It has a bit of a story behind it, you see my financè @eythorphoto loves the blue team and plays Nerissa quite a bit. The other day me made a post about the “blue ballers” and her role on the team … he refers to her as a S*** and boy was she not happy about that. Here you can see her take her justified anger out on MrPhoto and tossing him into the ocean.


I put a great deal of work into this one, being mindful of every detail I could see. Of course it’s not perfect but I like it a lot … I have included a Timelapse of me drawing it for your enjoyment. It’s 4minutes long but maybe you’ll enjoy watching 😊


Thank you for reading and congratulations to this weeks winners, it’s wonderful to see how many great artists are out there!!

All my love and I look forward to seeing how this weeks submission come out!

Amanda Yrr

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