Already in these weeks that we are celebrating our 6th anniversary, I have explained my adventure in Splinterland from the beginning:


I then immersed them in the importance of being within a clan and told my story summarized within this important part of splinterlands:


Finally, last week I commented on the importance of getting into the totneis to be able to advance and improve every day:


Once all this is known, it is very important that new collections of cards are released every time and this allows us to reinforce the alignments that we are used to making and also forces us to completely change the strategy.

But many times we can form a perfect alignment with cards from the different collections of the past and present, as is the case of the following combat where I use cards from the UNTAMED, CHAOS LEGION AND REBELION collections.

Since the UNTAMED edition is the one I know and I have some cards of my own.




This time we have GOING THE DISTANCE among the battle conditions, which restricts us to only using ranged attack cards.

We have the CRIPPLE ability, which decreases the total maximum life of the cards so if they regenerate, as they are attacked, they will never do so to the maximum life, reducing their life little by little until the damage produced even when These regenerate, you will have a better chance of eliminating them.

Furthermore, even if the attacks hit the shield, it will also reduce the maximum life of the attacked cards.

The POISON battle rule deals 2 damage per turn to all cards except those with the INVULNERABILITY ability, so this BATTLE CONDITION is an interesting challenge.

Additionally, we can use a maximum of 23 mana, which somewhat limits the cards we can use by limiting the amount of energy and we can use red, green and dragon cards.

My Team


This summoner has been one of those that have been discovered that can be used to achieve victory and even more so with certain types of battle conditions, since its PIERCING ability, by allowing it to do damage to the life of the opponent's tests if This damage exceeds its shield.

This would allow me to eliminate my enemy more quickly many times.


This card can provide some damage with its 3 ranged attack and also if MARTYR's ability, it will allow that when this card dies it will increase all the statistics of my TINDERLOCK, which will make it more dangerous.

Additionally, this card will protect my tank from the first attacks my enemy makes.


This card will be the main tank that will allow me to win, it will be the key to victory.

The CLOSE RANGE ability will allow you to attack from the first line, thus ensuring the attack from the first line of this card even when it is a ranged attack.

The LAST STAND skill will be the one that will lead me to victory by increasing all the statistics of my tank by being alone, which will enhance its danger and give the final push.


This card, when eliminated with poison, will allow me to increase all the statistics of my tank, possibly saving it from being eliminated.


This card will protect my tank from possible cards with SNEAK, and will contribute at least 1 attack because it will be eliminated in the second round as it only has 2 life, leaving only my TINDERLOCK so that the LAST STAND ability can be activated.



In round 1 my enemy attacks with LAVA LAUNCHER and SCAVO FIREBOLT and eliminates FIRECALLER. But this increases all the statistics of my TINDERLOCK.

MOLTEN ASH GOLEM attacks my TINDERLOCK. and leaves it at 9 life.

I attack his LAVA LAUNCHER with all my cards, taking away his shield but due to CRIPPLE's ability, it also affects his life, reducing his maximum life to 4 life.


The round begins and the poison eliminates my FLAME MEPHIT.

I eliminate his LAVA LAUNCHER with my TINDERLOCK and attack his SCAVO FIREBOLT with my VENARI MARKSRAT but he dodges the attack.

My enemy attacks my TINDERLOCK with all of his cards and due to the poison and his attacks it remains at 3 life.

RONDA 3 and 4

Turn 3 begins and due to the poison he eliminates my VENARI MARKSRAT and this saves my TINDERLOCK from being eliminated since he was left with 1 life after the poison and due to the increase in life due to the ability from MARTYR and due to his LAST STAD ability he is left with 6 life, 8 attack and 6 speed.

My TINDERLOCK attacks and eliminates his SCAVO FIREBOLT and my enemy attacks but misses his attack.

In the fourth round I finish eliminating my enemy.


En esta oportunidad la clave de mi victoria esta en la parte por el invocador de UNTAMED: QID YUFF, que al permitir atacar la vida de las cartas si al atacar con las mías sobrepasa el daño a el escudo, esto me permitió eliminar sus cartas con menos turnos de los necesarios.

El factor fundamental de la victoria fue mi carta TINDERLOCK que con su habilidad de LAST STAD y además que aumento sus estadísticas con la habilidad de MARTYR de mi VENARI MARKSRAT, permitió subir de 1 de vida hasta 6 de vida lo que permitió aguantar lo suficiente para eliminar a mi enemigo.

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