Splinterlands Social Media Challenge winning a 16 energy battle with a blue alignment.

Another week I show another low energy battle, although this time it is 16 energy which gives us a little more chance but it is still very limited and again I can win, I am learning to win these low mana battles.




Among the battle rule we have FOG OF WAR, which eliminates the OPPORTUNITY, SNEAK AND SNIPE skills from this combat, which means that only the first line cards will be attacked, this gives us an advantage by not having to worry about these cards that they cannot use because if they are melee attack cards they will not be able to attack if they are not on the first line.

We have 16 energy available which limits us but allowed us to summon our desired card, we can also play only red, blue and black.

My Team


This summoner will be very important by increasing 2 life to all my cards, which will allow him to resist my card for more turns.

The REACH ability will facilitate my tank's attack from the second position, which will help protect it since due to the battle rule FOG OF WARD it will not be attacked there.

Additionally, TRAMPLE's ability will allow him to perform an extra attack to eliminate a card from my opponent, which will be essential for my victory.


This card will only serve to protect my tank, which by increasing it by +2 health will help it resist 2 attacks.


This will be fundamental for my victory, since its double attack ability will allow it to be achieved 2 times and added to the TRAMPLE ability, it can be up to 4 attacks.

In addition to having 8 life and 2 shield, they make it difficult to eliminate.


RONDA 1,2,3,4 and 5

In round 1 I start attacking with my COASTAL SENTRY and manage to eliminate his HARDY STONEFISH and due to the TRAMPLE ability that the summoner gives me, I make a third attack on his DJINN OSHANNUS, removing the shield that his summoner gives him, and I also manage to attack with my TORRENT FIEND to his DJINN OSHANNUS leaving him at 9 life.

My enemy attacks my TORRENT FIEND with his DJINN OSHANNUS and leaves it at 2 life since the summoner adds +2 life to all cards.

Starting in round two, my enemy begins by eliminating my TORRENT FIEND.

I attack his DJINN OSHANNUS with the double attack of my COASTAL SENTRY, leaving him at 3 life.

In rounds 3 and 4 my COASTAL SENTRY attacks his DJINN OSHANNUS and I manage to eliminate him, even though his MERDAALI GUARDIAN regenerates him but the double attack does enough damage to exceed the regenerative capacity of my opponent's card, which sentences him to its elimination.

My enemy attacks my COASTAL SENTRY with his DJINN OSHANNUS, leaving him at 4 life.

Already in the 4th turn I finish completely eliminating my enemy who eliminates her only in one turn thanks to the TRAMPLE ability.


On this occasion the key to victory was the double attack of my COASTAL SENTRY and also the TRAMPLE ability that the summoner gives it, this allowed me to eliminate my opponent faster.

In addition, the REACH ability allowed you to attack from the first turn without having to suffer damage the first turn.

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2 columns
1 column