Social Media Challenge! Double attack by Katrelba Gobson saves a defeat.

Sometimes there are battles where everything seems lost and your opponent thinks that you already have you grip that you are already defeated but Brawl letters are that dangerous and even more so if you have the ability to attack 2 times even more dangerous are.



As we can see we will have +2 shield, we can only use monsters with melee attack and we have the ability to KNOUK OUT so double damage will be done to the monsters that are applied with STUN.

Additionally, we can only use blue and green cards and a quantity of 26 mana, which limits us to the cards that cannot have that much mana.

My Team


This summoner also subtracts 1 speed from all enemies and will allow me to summon a BRAWL card, which in this case will be the one that only achieves victory.


This monster has a high speed so it is very likely that it will attack first. Furthermore, its thorns ability will allow us to return 2 damage to the monsters that attack it, which in this case by having the battle rule of only monsters with melee attacks. Only monsters of this type will attack the body, so it will return all attacks with 2 damage.


This monster will be of support to receive an attack and protect the rest of the cards. It also has the thorns ability so when attacked it will also return the attack.


This monster will serve to eliminate your monsters from the rear and thus reduce their attack power just as I did in the last article.


This will be the central monster of the attack and is the one that ultimately achieves victory alone. With his SNEAK ability he attacks the rear to weaken my enemy's attack power, in addition to his BLOOD LUST ability it will make him more dangerous as he eliminates more enemies, making it more difficult for my enemy to kill him and also he will not be able to kill him. easier for my enemy, since with his double attack ability, when he increases by +1 his attack power will be as if he had increased +2 since he attacks 2 times.


This card will serve as support in addition to attacking the rear of my enemy due to its SNEAK ability. It also has a shield which will allow it to resist at least 2 attacks and thus protect my KATRELBA GOBSON.



In this turn 3 of their monsters attack VENARI KNIFER and manage to eliminate him but he at least weakens their shield, in addition his PELACORD BANDIT attacks my URAEUS and takes away 1 shield.

While this turn I manage to eliminate his TORRENT FIEND, however, URAEUS misses his attack so his PELACORD BANDIT remains intact.

VENARI KNIFER and MYCELIC MORPHOID attack COASTAL SENTRY and together with the damage from thorns they remove his shield and leave him at 5 health.

Here we are apparently already balanced but he managed to eliminate a monster with greater attack power than what I managed to eliminate and he still retains COASTAL SENTRY, his most dangerous card that also has a double attack.


In this round my enemy manages to eliminate my MYCELIC MORPHOID so he fulfilled his support function and also dealt 2 damage to two of the cards that attacked him, reducing his shield to his TIDE BITER and life to COASTAL SENTRY.

DEEPLURKER and PELACORD BANDIT attack and remove all of URAEUS's shield.

GOBLIN THIEF attacks and leaves his COASTAL SENTRY at 1 health.

While KATRELBA GOBSON takes away the entire shield with her two attacks on PELACORD BANDIT while URAEUS again misses his attack.

In this turn I am starting to worry And I see the shadow of death and defeat stalking me.

My enemy manages to eliminate one more card and I do none.


If I was worried before, now I am completely desperate

since my enemy manages to eliminate almost all the monsters and leaves only KATRELBA GOBSON.

Although my monster manages to eliminate his COASTAL SENTRY and leaves his TIDE BITER at 1 life.

Here my enemy apparently has the advantage and I could already assume without analyzing in depth that he already has the victory but as we will see in the end although my other monsters did not manage to eliminate many of his monsters they did leave him weak so that my KATRELBA GOBSON can eliminate them.

Round 4 to 6

This round 4 I eliminate his TIDE BITER and although he manages to attack me even as well as his PELACORD BANDIT, taking away my shield and leaving me at 3 life, but as in the previous turn I eliminated a monster my KATRELBA GOBSON By having a shield this protected it from 1 attack, so when DEEPLURKER attacks it it prevents it from eliminating it since it first eliminated another monster of my enemy having another additional shield.

In round 5 I already have total control since I start by eliminating his DEEPLURKER because by eliminating 3 monsters his attack speed increased so much that I managed to kill his monster without it being able to attack me.

Finally, on the first turn, he eliminated his PELACORD BANDIT.


As we could see, here the power of the BRAWL cards is shown once again, since in itself it is the only one that eliminated the entire team except for one monster of my enemy.

The key here was in addition to slowing down my enemy, which prevented my KATRELBA GOBSON from missing an attack.

As my opponent's cards were eliminated, his attack power also increased, which allowed me to eliminate more of my opponent's monsters, his speed increased, which allowed me to eliminate monsters before they attacked, and I placed a shield on him, which protected him. of dying by preventing his monsters from directly attacking his life points.

In addition, his ability to attack twice allowed me to eliminate my opponent, turning what was a humiliating defeat when I was left with only one monster left, into a brilliant victory.

I hope you like my contribution

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