This week one of the new conditions of restrictive battles is raised, which pose new challenges to pose the combats


Shades of Gray


Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.

My Battle


In addition to the SHADES OF GRAY condition, which only allows the use of neutral cards, which greatly limits the alignment to be used.

We also have the BLAST battle condition that deals damage to the cards on the second line, helping to quickly eliminate the enemy.

In addition, we can only use 17 energy and we can use all the cards except green and black, which in this rule will allow us to only use summoners of these colors, which by choosing the correct one will help us achieve victory.

My Team


This summoner will be the main reason for victory, since increasing life by +2 gives us more resistance, in addition the REACH ability allows us to put a melee attack card on the second line that can attack.

The fundamental ability is TRAMPLE, which allows us to achieve a second attack after eliminating a card from my enemy.

Grimbardun Fighter

This card is my main tank that has the CORROSIVE WARDS ability, which will allow you to reduce the enemy's shield by -2 for cards with melee attacks, which will facilitate its subsequent elimination.

In addition, the SHIELD skill reduces the damage from melee and ranged attacks, lengthening its possible survival. In addition, its life again, which with the summoner, rises to 9 and its 1 shield will help it survive even more.

Its 3 attack allows us to eliminate the opponent very quickly.

Venator Kinjo

This card will be the additional damage boost that will give that grain of sand that will allow me to achieve victory.

His SHIELD REFLECTION ability, which eliminates BLAST damage, which will not affect this battle condition, and through his REACH ability, will help with its 1 damage to eliminate the enemy, that additional damage will contribute to the victory.


RONDA 1,2 and 3

In this first turn I attack his Xenith Monk with my two cards, leaving him at 2 life. and I also deal damage to his Venator Kinjo through the BLAST ability, and I leave it at 1 life.

My enemy attacks with all his cards but can only do 2 magic damage since his Xenith Monk and his Chaos Lackey, which deal 1 damage and this damage is a melee or ranged attack, is completely prevented.

In turn 2, my enemy first attacks with all his cards and again he only deals 2 damage to my Grimbardun Fighter and leaves it at 5 damage.

I attack his Xenith Monk with Venator Kinjo and leave him at 3 health, but I manage to eliminate his Chaos Lackey through BLAST damage.

I attack his Xenith Monk with my Grimbardun Fighter and eliminate him, doing BLAST damage, removing his Moxian Rebel's shield, then as my Grimbardun Fighter eliminates his * Xenith Monk* managed to make a second attack and therefore eliminated his Moxian Rebel, and I dealt damage with the BLAST ability to his Chaos Agent and took away his shield.

On the third turn I eliminate my enemy's last card, although he manages to attack me before being eliminated.


This time the key to victory is first of all the summoner Possibilus the Wise, who with the ability TRAMPLE, allowed me to make an additional attack which was what helped me devastate my lineup. enemy, added to the BLAST ability, was fundamental in the result of the enemy's massacre.

In addition, my tank with his SHIELD ability, allowed him to prevent 2 damage which helped him survive longer, in addition to the CORROSIVE SHIELD ability, which by helping eliminate my enemy's shield, It allowed him to save 1 attack.

Another element of victory was my Venator Kinjo, which with its REFLECTION SHIELD ability, prevented BLAST damage, which allowed it to survive and that 1 extra damage, allowed us to be able to eliminate his Xenith Monk, who when left with 4 life, like my Grimbardun Fighter did 3 damage, he only needed 1 damage to eliminate him and this opened the tap of the massacre of the alignment of my enemy.

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