Battle Mage Secrets RULESET: What Doesn't Kill You blue Team

Sometimes choosing the cards well so that they take advantage of the battle rule proposed in one, can be the difference between victory and defeat, and you can even win a lineup full of legendary monsters, such as the case I will analyze.


In this battle rule all cards gain fury which will increase the attack and speed of cards with melee attack that are damaged and do not have their maximum life which multiplies their speed and melee attack by 1.5x rounded up.

This makes melee cards very dangerous, allowing them to eliminate their enemies faster and giving them a better chance of dodging melee or ranged attacks.

My Battle


In addition to the enraged battle condition we have AIM TRUE where all ranged attacks will hit, they will never miss.
Additionally, we can only use cards with a par mana cost, which will limit the cards used, having to use some that are not so used but that we consider could still be effective.

We can use fire, death and life cards which could very likely mean that more cards with melee and ranged attacks will be used. We can also use up to an alignment that uses up to 50 mana which allows us to use several high mana cost cards.

My Team


This summoner, in addition to allowing us to use a BRAWL card that will enhance our lineup, also subtracts -2 from shield, which makes it easier for us to eliminate our opponent and attack him faster to life.


This card, in addition to having a great attack that will increase even more with the ENRAGE battle rule, has TRUE STRIKE, which means that it never misses its attacks, which would ensure that it hits so that it can eliminate our opponent faster and also has a lot of life.


The main piece of victory has 3 shield that will increase the chances of surviving, in addition to having a great attack of 5 that will increase even more with the ENRAGE rule, and its BLOODLUST ability will make it even more dangerous and will be enhanced even more because it has the ENRAGE rule so this card could be very powerful on this occasion, helping us to eliminate the opponent very quickly.


Although this card will not benefit from the ENRAGE rule, at least its magic attack overcomes the opponent's shield and its STUN ability gives us the chance to avoid the attack of the enemy card in one turn, thus giving us a better chance of surviving and not receive damage from your cards that increased attack power with the ENRAGE rule.


It has a great attack of 3, it can attack from the first line and if it is the only card in play it increases its shield, its life, its speed and its attack, this will help us resist even more added to the fact that it has a lot of life, it will make a great job eliminating cards from our enemy.


It has a great attack of 3, it cannot be attacked unless it is in the first position and it has a chance, so this card will go for its weakest cards and due to its great attack and speed it will ensure that it will hit all its attacks and we will eliminate more your opponent's cards.


I put it in to use all the mana possible and it will only serve as support for us and since it is very slow they have a chance of dying without attacking.



First of all, my COUNTESS SINASH manages to eliminate his EXPLODING RATS without it attacking, here this card will be very useful and letan since it is the fastest in this battle, which will allow it to be the card that helps me eliminate our enemy faster .

my BATTERING RAM attacks and reduces the shield of his TECHNOWIZOLOGIST and since my enemy does not have cards with SNEAK or opportunity this card could help eliminate my opponent more quickly in case COUNTESS SINASH's attack does not kill my enemy's card this card I could finish it off.

The rest of my monsters attack and eliminate CORNEALUS and even when it regenerates and TECHNOWIZOLOGIST's first attack manages to regenerate but my CHARLOK MINOTAUR is damaged which increases from 4 attack power to 6 attack power and this together with the attack by CHIMNEY WALLSTOP and TINDERLOCK, we managed to eliminate his tank, which also played against my opponent, who, being a ranged attack card, being on the front line, was unable to attack.

My enemy only managed to eliminate **CHARLOK MINOTAUR **while I eliminated 2 monsters and here I am with an advantage and the ENRAGE rule helped me eliminate my enemy and the BLOODLUST ability left me with even more attack power in addition to raising the other statistics from my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.


In round 2 my COUNTESS SINASH eliminates his TECHNOWIZOLOGIST although after he attacked my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP but since it did not affect his shield and increased his speed and attack power which will make him even more dangerous and it will be the card that attacks first, also So I take away his card that could bother me more by applying a STUN to my card to my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.

My TECHNOWIZOLOGIST manages to stun his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP before this attack, which prevents it from doing damage for a turn, further increasing the survival of my own CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.

The rest of my monsters attack his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP and leave him at 3 life.

My opponent, due to my attacks and having a stunned card, only manages to damage my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, removing only his shield and leaving him with 7 life, which ensures that my opponent is already lost and this battle is now mine.

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In this round 3 I eliminate his TINDERLOCK without him attacking since my TECHNOWIZOLOGIST applies a STUN to him and my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP eliminates my opponent's before he can attack.

So in round 4 I finished eliminating his last monster, taking me the victory.


Here the key to victory was ENRAGE's ability, which increased his attack power, allowing him to eliminate his regenerating tank, and by increasing his speed, this gave him the opportunity to attack first and eliminate my opponent before he could do any damage. .

Additionally, added to this, my TECHNOWIZOLOGIST managed to do the STUN ability several times, which prevented damage and allowed me to eliminate those monsters without them doing damage that turn. In addition, the opportunity ability of my COUNTESS SINASH that eliminated some cards without them attacking thus contributed to the victory.

Happy day and I hope this helps you put together better and more successful lineups.

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