Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Ferocity with Yodin contra Quix





All units have the Fury ability.

Think carefully before including a unit with Taunt in your lineup as they will take double damage from units with Fury.


The Battle Ruleset


Ferocity: All units have the Fury ability.

This is a high mana ruleset game and almost every color is available to play, except is the Water and Earth Splinters. I like to play in high mana cap games, because it allows me to use my own strategy and favorite monsters or summoners to try to trick my opponent. The Ferocity ruleset will give the Fury ability to all of the monsters on the battlefield, which means that they will deal double damage against a monster with the Taunt ability. This is an easy ruleset, because it is totally up to me to ignore it.

There was not other ruleset in this battle, so I could easily use one of my favorite battle plan.


My Team Composition


Yodin Zaku cost seven mana and he is a very unique one summoner. He is a pretty strong summoner, because the Blast damage is truly overpowered.

He gives one ranged attack and health to all of his friendly monsters, which is always nice, but more importantly he gives the Blast ability to all of his monsters, which will makes them to damage the adjacent monsters of their target.


The Tusk the Wide will be my tank for this game, because he has a lot of health and the Void ability, which means that he will take half damage from all the incoming magic attacks. His cost is only 6, so I will have plenty leftover mana for the big guns.


I used the Ferox Defender as my off tank, because he has a lot of health and armor on its own, but his Protect ability will give two armor to all of his friendly monsters, which is always amazing.


The Lava Launcher is a damage dealer with the Close Rang ability, so he will be able to attack from the first position as well. He has quite a lot of health and armor for a ranged attack monster, but his mana cost is 9 to justify that.


The Ash Mirage is a very good creature, because he is very fast with good stats. He has the Headwinds ability, which will decrease the ranged attack damage of the enemy monsters by one.


Sorriel the Bale is a very good legendary monster, because he has two magic attack damage and the Double Strike ability, which means that he will attack twice in every round. He also gives the Blind curse to all of the enemy monsters, which will make them miss their melee or ranged attack if they are unlucky.


The Djinn Inferni cost 7 mana, but he has an enormous magic attack damage, which is four. He has the Giant Killer ability as well, which will increase his damage against monsters that cost 10 or more mana.


The Battle


Link to my battle:


My strategy was to deal as much as damage possible using Yodin's Blast damage, so the enemy monsters could not sustain that much damage. My opponent brought Quix the Devious, which is not the best for me, because it will remove the plus one ranged attack buff from my monsters, but that is why I am not relying only on ranged attack monsters rather mixing the attack types.

The enemy lineup was pretty strong with huge health monsters, so hoepfully the extra indirect damage would mean a lot of difference. In the first round not much happened apart from damagaing down the enemy tank and off tank, so in the second round my monsters straight away killed their Djinn Chwala and after their off tank as well. In the same round my team also managed to kill their Molten Ash Golem while my team was still alive.

Only my Tusk the Wide killed himself against the Cornelaus Thorns damage, but that is still okay as I also have an off tank waiting to jump in.

In the third round my team killed two of their monsters thanks to the Blast damage and only his Chaos Dragon left on the battlefield who got some stats increased by the Martyr ability.

Luckily that Chaos Dragon was only a level one version and he didn't have his most important ability, which is the Blast therefore my team won the battle for me.


Do you like Ferocity? Why or why not?

The Ferocity ruleset is a completely neutral ruleset and you can not really do much with that apart from the fact that you need to remember not to use any monsters with the Taunt ability otherwise you are going to get punished.


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