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Week 4 In The Splinterlands: Two Seasons In


Check out my Week 3 recap here if you missed it. Now, on to Week 4!

Another Season Down

My second season of Splinterlands just ended. Previously I had played in Silver league for my first season and then pushed up to Gold III on the last day. This season, I pushed up to Gold III early, rented enough power to make it up to Gold II for a day mid-season, and then dropped back down. By the end of the season I had lost enough power to fall all the way back to Silver I, but luckily that did not affect end-of-season rewards this time. In future seasons we will need to be in the right league on the final day, which is likely to get very expensive power-wise.

But that's a problem for another day. This time around, I got the rewards for Gold II... and they were lackluster. The highlight was a 2000 DEC chest, which was nothing to sneeze at, but otherwise it was just a couple common cards and a whole lot of potions. I'm sitting on 59 legendary potions and 78 alchemy potions now, so bring on those Chaos Legion packs! And bring on those new reward cards as well, because the reward chests have become mighty boring lately.

And speaking of potions...


No More Quest Potions

Or rather, no quest potions worth buying at their current price of 750 DEC. This was a major blow, as quest potions provide a huge boost to daily rewards in the lower leagues. Hopefully the prices get adjusted downwards in the near future, because I would really like to continue buying them. Even if they were no longer profitable, but broke even on average, they would still be worth purchasing just to make daily rewards feel a bit more fun.

Until quest potion prices drop, I've instead been saving any resources that had been earmarked for them. Those savings will go toward Chaos Legion packs once they release. Right now I've only got enough saved for 4 packs, but that number will be increasing regularly. I'm very unlikely to buy enough packs to use all those legendary and alchemy potions I've been getting, but I should be able to buy enough to get a good start on the new set.

Playing the Market

I mentioned last time that I had started looking at market prices to try to make some profit there. I'm still inexperienced, but I've started making some progress.

First off, while the market was high towards the end of the season, I sold off all of my higher-value cards that I don't use. Just that one action doubled my daily SPS airdrop and gave me plenty of DEC to play with on the market.


With that DEC in hand, I've been putting in a lot of bids on PeakMonsters for cards that I think might go up in value. Now I'm very new to this, so I've made some dumb decisions, but luckily only with small amounts of DEC. I've also found some good investments that easily made up for my mistakes. So far I've only scratched the surface with a small fraction of the DEC I have available, but as I become more confident and experienced, I plan on trying to make some larger plays. And once we start getting new cards, either from rewards or Chaos Legion, there will be plenty of opportunities in the market for everyone.

Guild Progress

I'm now an officer in my guild, and taking a more active role in directing our efforts. Currently, we're still working towards our first Brawl. We've knocked out the level 1 Hall and added an additional member to help us build the Arena. We still have a long ways to go there, but we're making steady progress. We've also started a guild discord to make communication a little bit easier and hopefully help some of our lower-ranked members do better in the game. Better players equal more DEC for the guild, so it only makes sense to help everyone improve as much as possible.

Giveaway Concluded

I've also finished running my first giveaways this week. (Yes, they're over, don't try to enter them now.) It was an interesting experience. The card giveaway got a ton of entries, while the SBI share giveaway was mostly ignored. That tells me that a lot more people need to start blogging about Splinterlands! Nevertheless, it was fun to give something back to the community. There are some things I would change for future giveaways, like shortening the duration, giving away a fixed card instead of a random one, only running one giveaway at a time, etc., but all in all I think it went pretty well for my first try.

Until Next Time

And that's all I've got for this week. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll join me again for next week's recap!


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