Hello Splinterlands love friends how are you all hope everyone is well and healthy

Another week and another Splinterlands challenge as usual, this time it wasn't very pleasant to use this card, as the FIRE deck has become one of my favorite decks and cost me quite a bit to win a few games with it: DJINN INFERNI which is the main challenge card. , however, after several attempts I finally managed to win some games and they were the following:

DJINN INFERNI is the eldest of the oldest fire watchers, spirits of flame who live in the deepest rivers of stone. Second to Lord Janai, he is proud and cunning, but fiercely loyal to his master. With the opening of the rift and Jean Murriat's betrayal, he has taken a blood oath of vengeance against the Chaos Practitioner, rising to the surface to destroy enemies of stone and fire."

Since there was a lot of mana available to use in this first battle 29 points I could choose good cards and in particular, I used the combination Dragon + Fire, which is not my favorite combination, but it gave me good results in this battle and the strategy is as follows: In the first position I put a card with the ability "thorn", this card I use 99% of the time I choose the DRAGON deck and that card is: Djinn Chwala, an excellent card both defensively and offensively, it is a full melee card. Continuing in second place is a card with a "reach" of my favorite abilities, and that card is: Phineas Rage, another great card in the Melee type, with a fairly high speed point (5 points total at LVL 2), plus a 9 point life. Thanks to the very resistant card. The next 3 positions contain Magic Attack type cards.

The star of this release is DJINN INFERNI, has a good magic attack, low life can be compensated with some summoner or ally shields to improve strategy her giant killer ability does double damage to the target if you have a mana cost of 10 or more unfortunately in my league Bronze II or Bronze III I can't use this ability I've never seen anyone with a 10 mana cost card.

The card of the week is an epic card. It is currently $0.57 in its normal version and $4.8 in its gold foil. If we compare it to the rest of the epic cards, it is a card that is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive, indicating that it is a very common card.

DJINN INFERNIcosts 7 mana points, at level 1 it has 3 magic attack points, 3 speed and 4 health. Also from level 1 it has the Giant Killer ability, an ability that deals double damage to creatures costing 10 or more mana. At level 3 it gains an extra point of magic damage, which makes it very attractive to be at this level if you play Silver League. At level 5 (Gold League) it gains the stun ability, a very good and interesting ability. In my case, despite playing in the gold league, I have it at level 3, because it's a bit expensive for me, but I hope to be able to upgrade it to level 5 one day.

Without further ado, let's move on to our main discussion.

Played a battle using 29 mana and of course managed to win the Swami Battle but the card most credited with the win was DJINN INFERNI,

7 Mana3 Attack1 Speed2 Armor6 HealthShield
Living Lava

The first mana card I used is a very powerful and powerful mana card. I think Fire Splendor is the most powerful card.

7 Mana3 Magic3 Speed4 HealthGiant Killer

And in the second place, the card that I used the main topic of our discussion today, and I found it reflected very well.DJINN INFERNI

3 Mana3 Speed2 HealthRepair

In third position I put an auto hillings or a power blocking card because I was afraid that I didn't know how much or what card my opposition player would use any accelerators.

3 Mana2 Attack3 Speed1 HealthOpportunity
Serpentine Spy

In fourth position I use an attacking card with three mana which plays a very important role in attacking the opponent.

5 Mana2 Attack2 Speed6 HealthSneak

And the number 5 or the last card that uses I think this card is used as the most attacking card of fire attacking or fire explanter and we always see the reflection of this card.

From the beginning I thought that I might not be able to win because my opposition player used Death Splendor and they all used fire priest cards so I thought that I used all the attacking cards too much so I was afraid in my heart but when the battle started Either way, the reflection looks much better because he loses a card in the first round.

Here are some screenshots from my winning battle, hope you like it

And presenting my winning battle link here so that you can enjoy my winning battle
Until today, everyone will be fine, stay healthy, pray for me, thank you all for being with me

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I am Md:Abu Raihan, an expatriate by profession.I have been living abroad for many years.I like blogging on online platforms the most. I always try to maintain a good relationship with my friends. So whenever I have time in my work I like blogging and gaming I try to love people so that people love me



Have a good day

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