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The Super Sneak - Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all to my blog and today I write to participate in this week's battle mage secrets weekly challenge. I am thrilled to be part of the Splinterlands family. I hope that you guys would like my entry. Without much ado, I would like to go straight to the purpose of this post. Today, the battle ruleset is "Super Sneak" and I would submit my entry to that here in this post including a video of my battle.

I designed this using canva


Per the ruleset of the game, All melee units gain the Sneak ability. I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I play in the Bronze league of the Modern Format. Before I demonstrate the battle here, let's briefly examine the game's Ruleset.



Ruleset IconDescription
Super Sneak
All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability. Choose a summoner that increases/reduces Melee's attack or Mylor. Keep a monster with Shield, Retaliate, or Thorns in the last position.
Fab Four
Only four monsters can be used in the battle.
Close Range
Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles. You can use high HP or high-speed Ranged monsters at position 2 (or even at position 1 if it has Heal). Choose summoners that bonus Ranged attack or speed and then choose high-damage Ranged attack monsters. Beware that your opponent might pick Lir Deepswimmer as a summoner or monsters with Return Fire. High HP and Heal are the way to go in this ruleset.

My Opponent's Team Line-up



My Team's Line-Up




I chose the "KEYLA FRENDUL". It was a 37-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. I chose the KEYLA FRENDUL summoner which increased the armor and speed of my monsters by one. My team lineup comprised Djinn Oshannus, Alva the Crusher, Diemonshark, and Costal Sentry.

1st Position:

Djinn Oshannus, this card has the void ability. It is an 8-mana monster with a speed of 5, 2 magic attack damage, and 10 health with 0 armor protection.

What Transpired in the Battle:

First, all monsters took effect from the summoners before the battle began, my first positioned monster with the highest speed attacked first with the magic attack followed by a melee attack from my opponent's Diemonshark monster.

The Coastal Sentry attacked double on the Swamp Spitter at the last position of my opponent's lineup. No monster was eliminated at the end of the first round.

Round 2: In this round, the same format of attacks occurred in Djinn Oshannus monster attached first with the magic damage after which Diemonshark attacked and eliminated my last position monster.

I was able to take down the last position monster of my opponent as well before the round ended.

Round 3-5:
In this round, my opponent eliminated two of my monsters and gained an advantage over me because he still had three more monsters while I got only one at the last round.

It was a similar attack happening in each round from round 3 to round 6 and before the end of the sixth round, I lost the battle.

Thank you all for your time and attention while reading my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


I designed this using canva