The Healed Out Ruleset - Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all to my blog and today I write to participate in this week's battle mage secrets weekly challenge. I am very happy to be part of the Splinterlands family. I hope that you guys would like my entry. Without much ado, I would like to go straight to the purpose of this post. Today, the battle ruleset is "Healed Out" and I would submit my entry to that here in this post including a video of my battle.

I designed this using canva


Per the ruleset of the game, All healing abilities are removed. This applies to summoners as well. I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I play in the Diamond league of the Wild Format. Before I demonstrate the battle here, let's briefly examine the game's Ruleset.

Healed Out


Ruleset IconDescription
Going the Distance
Only units with ranged attacks may be used. Consider including units with the Close Range and Return Fire abilities in your lineup.
Healed Out
All healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners. You can skip monsters and summoners having Affliction. This ruleset does not impact life Leech.
Rise of the Commons
Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles. Make a balanced team. Focus your attacks on a specific opponent's monster

My Opponent's Team Line-up



My Team's Line-Up




I chose the "Octavia Shadowmeld summoner". It was a 38-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. I chose the Octavia Shadowmeld summoner so that my monsters would have an increase in health and an extra chance to add a gladius monster to my team lineup. My team lineup comprised Gargoya Devil, Dhampir Stalker, Ravenhood Warden, Daigendark Hunter, and Liza Fox.

1st Position:

Gargoya Devil, this card has flying and close-range abilities. It is a 7-mana monster with a speed of 3, 2 range attack damage, and 3 health with 1 armor protection.

What Transpired in the Battle:

First, monsters took their effect from the summoner by gaining extra health. My opponent's lineup comprised two monsters including the Dhampir Stalker and Soul Strangler.

In the first round, the Soul Stragler on my opponent's last position attacked my Devil Gargoya and inflicted two damages to the armor. The Liza Fox monster on my team also attacked and eliminated the Dhampir Stalker monster.

The Daigendark Hunter then attacked and eliminated the Soul Strangler monster and that was all for the round and the battle. This was too easy for me indeed.
This was how my battle went and I won it with ease. I think the selection of my cards especially going in with the Gargoya Devil monster was a good option. In just one round, I was able to emerge victorious at the end of the battle.

Thank you all for your time and attention in going through my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


I designed this using canva

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