Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Djinn Oshannus defending my team

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Since this is a random battle, I would be making use of any maybe a good battle of mine. Let's see how it goes in this post guys.

Borrowed image from splinterlands post

I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I am currently playing in the Bronze stage. Before I demonstrate my battle here, let's briefly look into the Rulesets of the gameplay that I will be displaying here.

Ruleset of Battle

Ruleset IconDescription
Melee Mayhem
If you have melee monsters in the back-line with Sneak or Opportunity, those abilities take precedence. Select a summoner that increases melee attack or a summoner that reduces melee attack of enemies + a tank with Shield. Thorns, Inspire, Blast, and Retaliate help in this ruleset.

Melee Mayhem Ruleset can be Used with the Following

My Opponent's Team Line-up


My Team's Line-Up



I chose Bortus summoner so that my opponent's monsters would have a reduced magic attack. It was a 26-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. In using the Bortus, I decided to get cards that attack with magic and also have the void ability. Also, putting Axemaster in my lineup would help to perform a double scatter range attack on my opponent. I was having two monsters with the magic void ability and that gave me the upper hand. I also added two healers to my line up.

1st Position:

Djinn Oshannus, this monster is an 8 mana card and it has a speed of 10 and 2 magic attack damage. It is a level 1 monster with zero armor and 10 lives. I placed it in the first position so that it could utilize the magic void attack from my opponent but unfortunately, my opponent did not come with a magic attack monster.

From splintertools I was having 100% chance of winning the battle but and I was fully confident about that. Without much ado, let's move straight to the battle stage.

Round 1:
First of all, all monsters took their effect from the summoner by reducing the magic attack of my opponent. Djinn Oshannus attacked first with its magic and damaged the Diemonshark monster of my opponent's first position. It also attacked me back with 2-melee damage to Djinn Oshannus. The Axemaster** monster in my lineup also double attacked and damaged 4 armor from his first positioned monster.

Deeplurker from my opponent's lineup used its opportunity ability and eliminated my Torrent Fiend monster. Axemaster took some damage but Spirit Hoarder healed it back to its full life. Alchemist halving monster in my lineup also attacked his Diemonshark monster and reduced its melee attack damage to one. At the end of the first round, one of my monsters was killed and I was left with five monsters in my lineup.

Round 2:
Round two then began and as usual, Djinn Oshannus monster attacked first with its magic. The Pelacor Bandit monster on my opponent's lineup also attacked my Axemaster monster with one melee damage effect. Axemaster with its double attack was able to take down all the armor on his first-position monster.

Merdaali Guardian healed my Djinn Oshannus monster's life back and also Spirit Hoarder did the same to my Axemaster monster. At the end of this round, I was still left with five monsters while my opponent was having all of six of his monsters intact.

Round 3:

In this round, I was just hoping that Axemaster wasn't killed and that would grant me the chance of winning the battle. Fortunately, on my side, axemaster wasn't killed and I was able to eliminate his Diemonshark monster at the first position.

At the end of the round, he managed to eliminate one of my healing monsters (Merdaali Guardian) while I was able to eliminate its Diemonshark monster as well. I was then left with four monsters while my opponent was left with five more monsters to go.

Round 4:

In this round, my first attack from Djinn Oshannus was able to eliminate his Hardy Stonefish monster at a go. Axemaster attacked his Merdaali Guardian monster but it was able to restore back its life in the next round.

Deeplurker from my opponent was able to eliminate my healer monster (Merdaali Guardian) with a single melee attack. At the end of the round, I had three monsters left while my opponent had four monsters.

Round 5 to 7:

I wasn't expecting more rounds to come by, but Deeplurker and Pelacor Bandit monsters were strong enough to take the battle to the next two rounds.

In the last two rounds, I was able to battle out and eliminate all his monsters without any of the remaining monsters on the lineup being killed. I guess I made a perfect selection with my monsters here in this battle and it really granted me this win.

The battle wasn't an easy win as I was expecting it to be. That was an amazing battle for me and I know you guys would be amazed to see me winning this great battle.

Thank you all for your time and attention for going through my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards
Also, some images were taken from Splintertools

I designed this using canva

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