The LOLZ Project Adds HBD to LOLZ Dividends - Now You Can Earn HBD When You Stake LOLZ!

HBD Added to LOLZ Dividends

We are excited to let our LOLZ stakers know that we have added HBD rewards to our LOLZ Dividends payments. As you hopefully already know, our top 125 stakers earn daily dividends in a long list of Hive tokens.

Well, we are going mainsteam, and adding HBD dividends to the mix.

The Source of HBD

Until now, the HBD earned from our automated reports have been used to support the project (primarily server costs) and a wee bit of LOLZ buybacks. Recently we setup our own server and have recovered the costs for that. We also have a new plan for LOLZ and FUN burning (watch for news on that tomorrow!)

So going forward 100% of the HBD earned from our automated reports will be added into @lolztoken's savings bank, where it will earn 20% interest annually.

Then, much like our other token earnings, 40 percent of the interest earned will be paid out as dividends, 10 percent will be paid to the Dev team, and the remaining 50% will stay in savings and help build the projects HBD savings.

We don't expect the rewards to be all that impressive at first (around $5/month total to start with), but with everything on the Hive blockchain, as time goes on the pot will grow as will the interest. And you have to Love that HBD interest!


Our Starting HBD Savings

We aren't starting at square one. We were lucky enough to have jumped in to Golem Overlord early and were able to make some decent earnings which we used to get our HBD savings off to a good start.


While those earnings have stopped, adding the HBD from our automated reports will help continue to build up our HBD nest egg.


LOLZ Free For All

What do you think of our news? Help is share it with your friends and earn some LOLZ in our LOLZ Free For All! While this post is active, you can earn up to 7 LOLZ!

  • Drop us a comment below (1 LOLZ)
  • Tag a friend in your comment (1 LOLZ per friend up to 3 friends)
  • Re-blog this post and tell us you did in the comments (3 LOLZ)

Note all rewards will come staked.


About the LOLZ Project

The LOLZ Project is an engagement project with the mission of spreading laughter and joy on the Hive blockchain.


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