The Journey of Freedom Finding- PT II

This is the second part of The Journey of Freedom finding. Don't forget to click the link and catch up if you are yet to read the first part.

As it is the custom of the Umuzara people, Akin the oldest man in the village stood up from his chair and walked to where the white cloth was tied. He beckoned Ade to come join him. Ade looked at his father but his father did not return the look. He dragged himself off his chair and traipsed towards the old man stealing a few glances at his father who still wouldn't look at him.

"Hasten up young man, we do not have the whole day", a frail voice sounded from the crowd.

Ade got to where the white cloth was tied and stood Infront of it not sure of what he should do or what would happen next. Akin took his right hand and touched the cloth. As soon as his hand came in contact with the cloth, it became like a projector. He could see his life play out from the first day he left his father until the last moment. Everyone watched with wide eyes. He had spent his days away from his family frolicking with different women and getting involved in different vices.

Ade felt his chest tighten as tears flowed down his cheeks. He had disappointed his father. His whole world was crumbling before him. He had always thought as the first child, the crown would be his after the journey. Little did he know of the little theatrics the villages played on him. He ran to his father and knelt down before him holding his wrapper.

“Forgive me, Father,” he cried. “If I had known that my time away would be shown before a great multitude I would have done better. I am very ashamed of my deeds, Father.” he cried.

Alade squeezed shut his eyes for a moment and opened them. His face bore a wincing pained expression. He stood from his seat and motioned the guards to pull Ade away from him.

“Today you have disgraced me Ade, my first fruit. You went to a faraway land and forgot all you were taught as a child. Ignorance is no excuse. You are the first from my groins but the golden crown will never be yours. Depart from me. Guards! take him away".

Ade was dragged out of the compound. Akin beckoned on Ajoke who had her arms wrapped around herself. Just like Ade, she reluctantly stood up and walked towards the old man. She took a deep breath and placed her right hand on the white cloth and like a rolling tape, her time away from her father started to play on the white cloth.


Oladimeji Odunsi

Ajoke was seen in the market selling food items. The white cloth showed how she lied to customers and unnecessarily inflated prices of her goods. It also showed how she never cared about the beggars who came to her shop begging for food. The tape revealed that she was very quarrelsome and not a peacemaker.

Ajoke beamed. She wasn’t caught committing fornication or any of the vices her elder brother got involved in. She was only a shrewd business woman and that is no offence as far as she was concerned. She turned to look at her father but met a disapproving look. She looked around and saw everyone shaking their heads.

“Baba, you don’t seem to like what you just watched but I haven’t done anything wrong,” she shouted.

Alade shook his head. “You have done so much wrong, Ajoke. You brought untold hardship on people with the prices you sold your goods”

“But Baba”, she interrupted, “That is business and business is all about making profit”

“Yes, I agree but the plans of the diligent leads to abundance and anyone who is hasty only comes to poverty. You would have still made enough if you sold at the right price. Go away from me, you are dishonest and a troublemaker and as such, not fit to wear the golden crown. Guards!”

Baba looked at his quivering arms. He wasn’t sure what to expect of Ajabi. Ajabi had always been the stubborn one. Alade was heartbroken. He would die of shame knowing that he failed his forefathers.

“Ajabi, it is time” Akin's voice broke through the silence . Ajabi stood up and walked to the white cloth and did just as his elder siblings have done.

The white cloth showed how Ajabi helped the old ones and how he sacrificed his last meal to feed a family. It showed how he worked on people's farms for free. Everything shown was Ajabi doing good. The compound roared with shouts of praise and the young maidens took the center stage shaking their waist to the sound of the drums.

The young men lifted Ajabi and carried him to his father. Baba stood up and hugged him. He kissed Ajabi on the forehead. Akin brought the golden crown and presented it before Alade.

“You Ajabi have made me proud. You lived a good life in a faraway town where no one knew you. You brought honour to my name and today you shall be honoured. It is well with you my son” with these words, he placed the crown on Ajabi’s waiting head as everyone broke into dancing again.

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