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¿Me extrañarías? / Would you miss me?

He prometido quedarme a tu lado para siempre, y es una promesa que estoy encantado de cumplir eternamente. Únicamente será capaz de separarme de ti la llegada de la muerte, esa que no distingue pobre o rico, color de piel o antecedentes. Pero, hay una duda que me acosa día tras día, una interrogante que crece sin piedad y con alevosía: ¿me extrañarías?

Tus hermosos ojos se abren al máximo al oír mi pregunta. Quizás es la sorpresa al escucharla o tal vez el no entender el porqué la menciono lo que produce esa reacción en ti. Frunces el ceño y, sin decir una palabra, expresas tantas cosas con tu rostro, con tus gestos. No quiero incomodarte, pero, vida mía, quiero saber la verdad, solo quiero saber si tú me extrañarías.

Déjame explicarte de forma breve la razón que dio a luz este pensamiento, el cual me tortura incansablemente: Siempre he estado contigo, siempre has podido contar con mi amor, ese que ha crecido con el paso del tiempo y que deseo de todo corazón alimentar de aquí a la eternidad. Y es justo esa continuidad la que me lleva a pensar en cómo reaccionarías sin un día ya no estoy. ¿Me extrañarías?

Si fueras tú quien me faltara, si un día me levantara y ya no estuvieras a mi lado, ya mi mente no me pertenecería, porque solo tú ocuparías mi pensamiento, solo tú estarías presente en mi mente. Nada volvería a ser igual que antes, nada ni nadie podría reemplazar el amor tan grande que por ti siento. Si un día no estás, te extrañaría a cada instante. Y mi vida, mi vida ya no tendría continuidad, los días a partir de ese instante ya no pasarían, al menos no para mí.

El tiempo se detendría, el día o la noche, iguales serían. Amada mía, si no estás en mi vida, ya perdería sentido todo, ya no habría motivos para seguir adelante, aunque seguramente sí lo haría, pensando en ti, solo en ti. Si quieres saber por cuánto tiempo te extrañaría, solo bastaría con ver una noche estrellada, y sería una estrella por cada día.

Porque tú eres mi vida entera, la razón por la que siento que vale la pena vivir. Te encontré y mi vida cambió por completo, no tengo dudas de que eres mi otra mitad. ¿Entiendes ahora, amor? ¿Comprendes por qué saber si me extrañarías es tan importante para mí? Necesito saber cuan valioso soy para ti, necesito saber que este amor tan profundo que siento no será abandonado.

Y tu sonrisa al escucharme, tus manos cálidas tomando las mías me dan calma, pero tus palabras, esas que expresas con total serenidad y sinceridad, logran que me sienta feliz y totalmente convencido. Tal vez sean solo dos palabras, tal vez para otros no sean relevantes, quizás las hayan dicho sin sentirlas, pero sé que tú eres honesta al expresarlas.

Dos palabras que le dan la tranquilidad que tanto necesitaba mi mente. Palabras que no responden directamente mi duda sobre si me extrañarías, aunque al mismo tiempo lo hacen por completo. Gracias, muchas gracias por decirlas, gracias por decirme esas palabras tan bonitas y maravillosas, gracias por decirme: “Te amo”.

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English Version

I have promised to stay by your side forever, and it is a promise I am happy to keep forever. Only the arrival of death will be able to separate me from you, a death that does not distinguish between rich and poor, skin color or background. But there is a doubt that haunts me day after day, a question that grows mercilessly and with malice aforethought: would you miss me?

Your beautiful eyes open wide when you hear my question. Perhaps it is the surprise at hearing it or perhaps not understanding why I mention it that produces this reaction in you. You frown and, without saying a word, you express so many things with your face, with your gestures. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but, my life, I want to know the truth, I just want to know if you would miss me.

Let me explain to you briefly the reason that gave birth to this thought, which tortures me tirelessly: I have always been with you, you have always been able to count on my love, that which has grown with the passage of time and which I wish with all my heart to nurture from here to eternity. And it is precisely this continuity that leads me to think about how you would react if one day I am no longer here. Would you miss me?

If it were you who were missing, if one day I woke up and you were no longer by my side, my mind would no longer belong to me, because only you would occupy my thoughts, only you would be present in my mind. Nothing would be the same as before, nothing and no one could replace the great love I feel for you. If one day you were gone, I would miss you every moment. And my life, my life would no longer have continuity, the days from that moment on would no longer pass, at least not for me.

Time would stop, day or night would be the same. My beloved, if you are not in my life, everything would lose meaning, there would be no reason to go on, although I would surely do it, thinking of you, only of you. If you want to know how long I would miss you, it would only be enough to see a starry night, and it would be a star for every day.

Because you are my whole life, the reason I feel life is worth living for. I found you and my life changed completely, I have no doubt that you are my other half. Do you understand now, love? Do you understand why knowing if you would miss me is so important to me? I need to know how important I am to you, I need to know that this deep love I feel will not be abandoned.

And your smile when you listen to me, your warm hands taking mine give me calm, but your words, those that you express with total serenity and sincerity, make me feel happy and totally convinced. Maybe they are only two words, maybe for others they are not important, maybe they have been said without feeling them, but I know that you are honest when you express them.

Two words that give you the peace of mind that my mind needed so much. Words that do not directly answer my doubt about whether you would miss me, although at the same time they completely do. Thank you, thank you so much for saying them, thank you for saying those beautiful and wonderful words to me, thank you for giving me such a wonderful and beautiful word, thank you for telling me: "love you".

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Usuario en Discord: victoraraguayan1#4715