Los lentes de cristal馃憮鉂わ笍N#45鉂わ笍馃憮Glass lenses 2021

Para aquella 茅poca viv铆a una ni帽a de 7 a 8 a帽os Con sus padres; Amaba jugar domin贸, ludo. Era muy alegre tambi茅n. 馃暥馃憮馃憮馃暥鉂わ笍 Y algo testaruda a la hora de obedecer a veces. Amaba ir a la escuela y las mu帽ecas en especial las Barbies; Su padre cada navidad le regalaba dos. Cuando iba a la escuela las horas pasan r谩pido y cada ma帽ana al vestir era un entusiasm贸. Un d铆a mientras hacia su tarea, empez贸 a ver borroso.


Pues a los d铆as sus padres llevan a Vanessa al oftalm贸logo lo cual si estaba quedando ciega.
Y al regreso a clase deb铆a usar lentes;Pero ay un problema a la ni帽a no le gustaba y hasta lloraba.
Su profesora que estaba al tanto debido a que no se lo pon铆a la sentaba siempre de primera.

Fue as铆 que fue esforzando su vista a medida que pasa el tiempo.

No fue en la etapa de adolescencia que empezaron los dolores de cabezas y ya aquellos lentes azules era muy peque帽os.

Fue entonces que era hora de unos nuevos.
Pero no se lo comprar铆an, porque sab铆an que era solo una p茅rdida de dinero y no los usar铆a.
Un d铆a aquella salida con su madre vio al pasar una tienda
Y dijo que esta vez no ser铆a una perdida.
Entraron probo y probo y ninguno quiso se sent铆a fea.
Despu茅s de llegar a casa de un d铆a agotador para volver a su rutina estudiantil.
A la semana estar铆a de vacaciones
Pues su objetivo era encontrar uno que la hiciera sentir diva.
Y en esa mini tienda de miles de bellezas, se encontraba los famosos lentes de cristal.
Cuando Vanessa los vio le gust贸 tanto que hizo la compra.
Y fue la primera vez que acepto usar lentes sin sentir se incomoda.
Pues en la cajita dec铆a 隆煤same no te arrepentir谩s!
Eran tan bonitos que no tomo encuentra la nota.
Adi贸s dolores de cabeza y vista nueva.
Lo que no sab铆a que eran 煤nico ,despu茅s de regresar a clase y usarlos por un a帽o .. Tantos cuidarlo revent贸 en plena lectura de universal y al lastimarse...驴ahora? Como har谩 .. Pues de repente cae al suelo la acuestan todos en una mesa al despertar de pronto su vista empieza a aclararse.
Vanessa ha vuelto a ver ya tiene mejor vista y no lo puede creer
Pues vali贸 la pena su elecci贸n y dejar su iron铆a por un lado.

The crystal馃憮N#45馃憮Glass lenses. 馃暥馃憮By that time there lived a 7 to 8 years old girl With her parents; She loved to play dominoes, ludo. She was very cheerful too. 馃暥馃憮馃憮馃暥鉂わ笍 And somewhat stubborn when it came to obeying sometimes. She loved going to school and dolls especially barbies; Her father every Christmas gave her two. When she went to school the hours went by fast and every morning when she got dressed she was excited. One day while doing his homework, he started to see blurry.


Well within days her parents take Vanessa to the etymologist which if she was going blind.
And back to class she had to wear glasses ;But ay a problem the little girl didn't like it and even cried.
Her teacher who was aware because she didn't wear them always sat her first.

It was so that he was straining his eyesight as time goes by.

It wasn't in the teenage stage that the headaches started and already those blue glasses were already too small.

It was then that it was time for new ones.
But they wouldn't buy them for him, because they knew it was just would be a waste of money and he wouldn't use them.
One day that outing with her mother she saw a store as she passed by.
And said this time it wouldn't be a waste.
They came in probo and probo and none wanted to she felt ugly.
After arriving home from an exhausting day to get back to her student routine.
Within a week she would be on vacation
Well her goal was to find one that would make her feel diva.
And in that mini store of thousands of beauty, there was the famous crystal glasses.
When Vanessa saw them she liked them so much that she made the purchase.
And it was the first time I accepted to wear glasses without feeling uncomfortable.
Well on the little box it said use me you won't regret it!
They were so pretty that I don't take find the note.
Goodbye headaches and fresh eyesight.
What I didn't know they were unique ,after going back to class and wearing the for a year ..So many taking care of it burst in the middle of reading universal and getting hurt....now? How will she do ..Well suddenly she falls to the floor they all lay her down on a table when she wakes up suddenly her eyesight starts to clear up.
Vanessa has come back to see she already has better eyesight and she can't believe it
Well it was worth her choice and leave her irony aside.

Los lentes de cristal馃憮N#45馃憮Glass lenses.



Todas las im谩genes son de mi propiedad trabajadas en programa canva ,All the images are my own, worked in canva program.

Tiempo de cuarentena. quarantine time.

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