The Village Child | History | Part 2 | [Eng-Esp]


Después de casi 8 semanas de lluvias, tormentas, y una fría compañía de una mujer de la cual, sólo recibía ordenes, atenciones y conversaciones vacías.

Su tía Anna lo hacía sentir más solo que nunca, no encontraba la manera de agradarle, ni de ser digno de un abrazo o un pequeño gesto de amor, al menos una palabra dulce.

After almost 8 weeks of rains, storms, and a cold company of a woman from whom he only received orders, attentions and empty conversations.

His aunt Anna made him feel lonelier than ever, he could not find a way to please her, nor to be worthy of a hug or a small gesture of love, at least a sweet word.

Una mañana la tía Anna le pidió a Ricardo que se sentará en un sillón del salón, ella no solía hacer eso pero en su mano estaba la razón de aquella situación. La tía Anna tenía en su mano una carta, la cual contenía una importante noticia para Ricardo.

"Sé lo importante que es para ti tener un hogar. Además se me está haciendo cada vez más difícil venir, vivimos muy lejos Ricardo. Por esa razón creo que ha llegado el momento de que vengas conmigo"

Ricardo aun no podía creer lo que su tía le estaba diciendo, era un sueño perdido, un sueño imposible que se le estaba haciendo realidad.

"verás..." continuó la tía.
... Mi esposo me ha pedido que vayas conmigo, cree que ya es el momento de irnos de aquí. Sólo te pido que no me causes problemas, y que te lleves lo mejor posible con mi pequeña hija Lucy... Como verás ella es muy pequeña aún, así que olvida el perro que tienes, no es una opción llevarlo"

One morning Aunt Anna asked Ricardo to sit in an armchair in the living room, she did not usually do that but in her hand was the reason for that situation. Aunt Anna had a letter in her hand, which contained important news for Ricardo.

"I know how important it is for you, to have a home. Besides, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to come, we live far away, Ricardo. For that reason I think the time has come for you to come with me."

Ricardo still could not believe what his aunt was telling him, it was a lost dream, an impossible dream that was coming true.

"you see..." continued the aunt.
... My husband has asked me to come with me, he thinks it is time for us to leave here. I only ask you not to cause me any trouble, and that you get along as well as possible with my little daughter Lucy.... As you will see she is still very small, so forget the dog you have, it is not an option to take it".


Aquella palabra olvida el perro, no es una opción llevarlo, estaba hiriendo a Ricardo en lo más profundo de su corazón, la noticia que él quería oír hace tiempo, el sueño de una familia, de no vivir solo, le prohibía tener a su amigo Lobo.

¿Qué niño debería vivir solo? ¿quién podría escoger un perro, que una familia?, pero para Ricardo, esa decisión era muy difícil. No era un perro, era su amigo.

Ya se acercaba el día de irse, la tía Anna no esperaría por él. Por lo que a Ricardo se le ocurrió la idea de ir, convencer al esposo de su tía en dejarle tener a Lobo aunque sea fuera de casa. Mientras lo dejaría con sus amigos del pueblo.

That word "forget the dog, it is not an option to take him", was hurting Ricardo in the deepest part of his heart, the news that he wanted to hear for a long time, the dream of a family, of not living alone, was forbidding him to have his friend Lobo.

What child should live alone, who could choose a dog over a family, but for Ricardo, that decision was very difficult. He was not a dog, he was his friend.

It was getting close to the day he had to leave, Aunt Anna would not wait for him. So Ricardo came up with the idea of going, convincing his aunt's husband to let him keep Lobo, even if it was away from home. In the meantime he would leave him with his friends in town.


Aun así, era una decisión muy fuerte para Ricardo, sabía que le iba a doler, pero pensaba en sus sueños, en tener un hogar, una familia y para no herir ni abandonar a Lobo se esforzaría por convencer a todos de tenerlo con él. Esos días durmió en el galpón con Lobo, jugaba y se divertía mucho con él, para olvidar la tristeza que lo invadía por dentro, la culpa lo hacía sentir triste.

Llegó el día de partir, era muy oscuro aun, pero ya sus maletas estaban listas, su bufanda favorita se la colocó en el cuello a Lobo, éste brincaba y ladraba de emoción. Bajaron al pueblo y sus amigos lo esperaron afuera para despedirse de él.

Le brindaron cariño y cortas palabras ya que la tía Anna estaba muy apurada por irse, Ricardo al pasar por la casa de su amigo el panadero, entregó algunas cosas de Lobo, lo abrazó muy fuerte y se lo entregó a su amigo.

Even so, it was a very strong decision for Ricardo, he knew it would hurt him, but he thought of his dreams, of having a home, a family and in order not to hurt or abandon Lobo he would try to convince everybody to have him with him. Those days he slept in the shed with Lobo, he played and had a lot of fun with him, to forget the sadness that invaded him inside, the guilt made him feel sad.

The day came to leave, it was still dark, but his bags were ready, he put his favorite scarf around Lobo's neck, Lobo jumped and barked with emotion. They went down to the village and his friends waited for him outside to say goodbye.

They gave him affection and short words since aunt Anna was in a hurry to leave, Ricardo when passing by his friend the baker's house, handed some of Lobo's things, hugged him very tightly and gave him to his friend.


La tía Anna lo separó del perro y de la mano le llevó, Lobo comenzó a ladrar y querer correr tras de Ricardo, pero el amigo panadero lo tenía agarrado con mucha fuerza. Ricardo comenzó a llorar, no podía dejar de verlo pero la tía lo llevaba a fuerzas y muy rápido, no quería perder el tren.

Así se fueron alejando más y más del pueblo y en cada minuto que pasaba el corazón de Ricardo se sentía cada vez más triste, mas dolido y muy culpable. Tenía los ladridos de Lobo en su oído aun, gritando que no lo dejase, que regresará, estaba roto por dentro.

Aunt Anna separated him from the dog and took him by the hand, Lobo started to bark and wanted to run after Ricardo, but the baker friend held him tightly. Ricardo started to cry, he couldn't stop looking at him, but his aunt took him by force and very fast, he didn't want to miss the train.

So they went farther and farther away from the town and every minute that passed Ricardo's heart felt sadder and sadder, more and more hurt and very guilty. He still had Lobo's barking in his ear, shouting not to leave him, to come back, he was broken inside.


Después de un día de viaje, finalmente llegaron a casa de la tía Anna, todo estaba oscuro, silenciosamente la tía lo dirigió hasta la recamara dónde dormiría Ricardo. Todos en casa dormían, así que, después de un baño y un vaso de leche, Ricardo también fue a dormir. Estaba muy agotado de tanto llorar, de tanta tristeza y culpabilidad.

Al día siguiente, Ricardo se despierta con el sonido de las voces de su tía y el esposo. A pesar de la nostalgia y el dolor, el solitario niño del pueblo (Ricardo) por primera vez en mucho tiempo, sintió el cálido despertar de un hogar

After a day of traveling, they finally arrived at Aunt Anna's house, everything was dark, and the aunt silently directed him to the bedroom where Ricardo would sleep. Everyone at home was asleep, so after a bath and a glass of milk, Ricardo also went to sleep. He was exhausted from so much crying, so much sadness and guilt.

The next day, Ricardo awoke to the sound of his aunt and her husband's voices. Despite the nostalgia and pain, the lonely village boy (Ricardo) for the first time in a long time, felt the warm awakening of a home.


"Esa voz..." dijo Ricardo, mientras bajaba las escaleras. Al llegar al salón donde se encontraba su tía, la halló sola. Muy sorprendido le preguntó por la persona que escuchaba hablar con ella.

Su tía le dijo que había salido en busca de leche y panes. Ricardo se preparó para su primer día en la casa de su tía, en un hogar, saludó a la pequeña Lucy, estaba muy emocionado. Su tía le dicto todas las tareas que tendría durante el día, y a los minutos de ponerse al día fueron a desayunar.

El hombre que estaba en la cocina cortando los panes y sirviendo la leche, tenía una espalda enorme, una altura sorprendente y unas botas que llamaron la atención de Ricardo. Cuando aquel hombro volteo a verlo, Ricardo estaba verdaderamente sorprendido.

¡Era su padre!, aquel hombre era el padre de Ricardo, su corazón latía a mil por horas, lleno de dudas, emoción, dolor, se quedó ahí de frente viéndolo sin poder hablar.

"That voice..." said Ricardo, as he descended the stairs. When he reached the living room where his aunt was, he found her alone. Very surprised, he asked her about the person he heard talking to her.

His aunt told him that she had gone out in search of milk and bread. Ricardo prepared for his first day in his aunt's house, in a home, he greeted little Lucy, he was very excited. His aunt dictated all the chores he would have during the day, and within minutes of catching up they went to breakfast.

The man who was in the kitchen cutting the bread and serving the milk had a huge back, a surprising height and boots that caught Ricardo's attention. When that shoulder turned to look at him, Ricardo was truly surprised.

It was his father, that man was Ricardo's father, his heart beat a thousand beats per hour, full of doubts, emotion, pain, he stood there looking at him without being able to speak.


Ese hombre abrazó a Ricardo, quizó decirle algunas palabras pero el silencio y el rostro de su hijo tampoco lo dejaban hablar. Su tía Anna tomó la mano del padre de Ricardo y le dijo que tenían que hablar.

"Tu padre y yo estamos casados Ricardo, la pequeña Lucy es tu media hermana y desde hoy vivirás con nosotros..."

Ricardo se alejó de ellos, retrocedió y subió a su habitación de prisa, estaba muy confundido, tenía una cantidad de emociones dentro de él que no podía pensar ni hablar, a pesar de la corta edad de Ricardo, era lo suficientemente inteligente para saber que las lágrimas de su madre no eran por enfermedad, sino por desamor.

Recordó las cartas que leía su madre llorando a solas, mientras él la observaba desde la ventana, antes creía que su madre de favor le rogaba a su hermana Anna que cuidará de él, pero ahora entendía que no le rogaba por su cuidado, sino por su padre.

That man hugged Ricardo, he wanted to say a few words to him but the silence and his son's face didn't let him speak either. His aunt Anna took Ricardo's father's hand and told him that they had to talk.

Your father and I are married Ricardo, little Lucy is your half-sister and from today you will live with us... " Ricardo walked away from them, backing away.

Ricardo walked away from them, backed up and went up to his room in a hurry, he was very confused, he had a lot of emotions inside him that he couldn't think or speak, despite Ricardo's young age, he was smart enough to know that his mother's tears were not because of illness, but because of heartbreak.

He remembered the letters his mother used to read crying alone, while he watched her from the window, before he believed that his mother was begging his sister Anna to take care of him, but now he understood that she was not begging for his care, but for his father.


Algunas veces escuchaba a su madre hablar con Doña Rosa, la señora de las gallinas del pueblo, recordó que ella le decía que si su hermana no quería pasarle sus cartas a él, que fuera ella misma a verlo. Ricardo jamás se imaginó que se trataba de su padre.

Todo se le vino en mente, ese viaje inesperado que hizo su madre, del cual llegó muy débil, pálida, y destrozada, fue el regreso de ese viaje lo que la mato de tristeza.

Su corazón latía a mil, el sueño de un hogar se había convertido en la peor pesadilla de Ricardo. Sentía que no podía respirar, se sintió más solo que muchas otras veces.

"Loboooooo..." gritó Ricardo, cuando su padre entró a la habitación, Ricardo ya tenía un bolso en su espalda, corrió sin detenerse por una hora. Subió a un tren y no miró atrás.

Esta vez tenía en sus oídos el sonido de la voz de su padre gritar su nombre. Pero a diferencia de Lobo, él no miró atrás, tampoco se sentía culpable, al contrario; mientras más se alejaba más su corazón dejaba de doler.

Sometimes he heard his mother talking to Doña Rosa, the lady of the chickens in town, he remembered her telling him that if his sister didn't want to pass his letters to him, she should go to see him herself. Ricardo never imagined that it was about his father.

Everything came to his mind, that unexpected trip his mother made, from which she arrived very weak, pale, and devastated, it was the return from that trip that killed her with sadness.

Her heart was pounding, the dream of a home had become Ricardo's worst nightmare. He felt like he couldn't breathe, he felt more alone than many times before.

Lobooooooo... " shouted Ricardo, when his father entered the room, Ricardo already had a bag on his back, he ran without stopping for an hour. He got on a train and didn't look back.

This time he had in his ears the sound of his father's voice shouting his name. But unlike Lobo, he didn't look back, he didn't feel guilty either, on the contrary; the farther he went the more his heart stopped hurting.


Gracias al carnicero del pueblo, Ricardo logró regresar tras un día de viaje muy largo, ese amigo colocó varias monedas en su bolsillo, no le fue difícil regresar a su pueblo. Era de noche, todos salieron a la calle cuando escuchaban la voz de Ricardo gritar Lobo. Pero Lobo no salía a su llamado.

Lobo estaba triste, no quería verlo, esos dos días no había querido comer, se había echado a morir. La voz de Ricardo le parecía un sueño del que no quería despertar. Pero al sentir los brazos de su amigo Ricardo, Lobo despertó.

Lobo lloraba aullando, los amigos de Ricardo lloraban con él y estaban todos abrazados, Ricardo no quería soltar a su gran amigo.

"Jamás te volveré a dejar solo Lobo, no lo haré nunca más" fueron las palabras de Ricardo a su amigo Lobo.

Thanks to the town butcher, Ricardo managed to return after a very long day of travel, that friend put several coins in his pocket, it was not difficult for him to return to his town. It was night, everyone went out to the street when they heard Ricardo's voice shouting Lobo. But Lobo did not come out to his call.

Lobo was sad, he didn't want to see him, those two days he hadn't wanted to eat, he had laid down to die. Ricardo's voice seemed to him like a dream from which he didn't want to wake up. But when he felt his friend Ricardo's arms, Lobo woke up.

Lobo cried howling, Ricardo's friends cried with him and they were all hugging each other, Ricardo didn't want to let go of his great friend.

I will never leave you alone again Lobo, I will never do it again " were Ricardo's words to his friend Lobo.



Ricardo no quiso saber más de su tía ni de su padre, se dio cuenta que tenía amigos en todo el pueblo, que tenía la única compañía que quería, la de su amigo Lobo, que habían muchas personas cerca de él y pendientes de él, con orgullo se sentía el niño del pueblo, del pueblo que lo vio nacer y que lo vería crecer.

Ricardo cumplió la promesa que le hizo a su amigo Lobo, de jamás dejarlo solo, y una vez más, la compañía de Lobo curó las heridas y la soledad de Ricardo, el niño del pueblo que todos amaban, que todos decidieron cuidar y no dejarlo solo.

Aun no estaba listo para volver a ver a su padre, prefirió ser feliz, ser niño, entendiendo que algunas veces es mejor mantener el mayor de sus sueños, en sólo sueños y ya. Porque su realidad era muy cruel y dura.

Ricardo creció entre el pueblo, aprendió muchas cosas más del campo, logró estudiar, mejorar su pequeña casa de campo y olvidar todo lo que lo hacía llorar.

Ricardo didn't want to know more about his aunt or his father, he realized that he had friends in the whole town, that he had the only company he wanted, that of his friend Lobo, that there were many people close to him and looking after him, proudly he felt he was the town's boy, the town that saw him born and that would see him grow up.

Ricardo kept the promise he made to his friend Lobo, to never leave him alone, and once again, Lobo's company healed the wounds and loneliness of Ricardo, the child of the town that everybody loved, that everybody decided to take care of and not to leave him alone.

He still wasn't ready to see his father again, he preferred to be happy, to be a child, understanding that sometimes it is better to keep the biggest of his dreams, just dreams and that's it. Because his reality was very cruel and hard.

Ricardo grew up in the village, learned many more things from the countryside, managed to study, improve his small country house and forget everything that made him cry.



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