Writing Between Love and Letters~ Choices of The Heart.

Rodrigo Souza
In the middle of all his thought, Martins wasn't yet happy with the way things have turned out between the love of his life and him. He wondered how he got so careless and carried away by the wind of infatuation to fall cheaply to Sandra. If he knew, he would have aborted those gestures before they become a life pattern for just three months.

Lizzy, stood by the railings of the college library waiting for her friend, Sandra who was signing out from the innermost of the library. When she waited, her eyes caught up with the eyes of Martins who was staring lustfully at full-blown hips and sumptuous breasts and cleavage. His smile was so warm and welcoming that it could sweep an unsuspecting maiden off her feet.

The two young fellows exchanged pleasantries as Martins looked into her eyes like he wanted more but shy Lizzy looked away. It was the first time they were meeting and it won't be right for her to fall easily for his handsome looks. Just then, Sandra walked into the scene and saw how handsome the guy looks. She couldn't deny it.

Hi. Sandra. I am pleased to meet you. I hope I did not interrupt anything. Sandra gestured.

With a smile from both Lizzy and Martins. They answered almost at the same time;

No. You didn't.

Sandra was apt with her move. She won't allow this handsome-looking lad to skip her, not after she lists out Michael, the most valuable basketball player in the college, to a classmate of hers, Daniella.

It's my first time seeing you on campus. Are you a fresher? Sandra asked, twisting her fingers like one seeking attention.

Lizzy was beginning to wonder why Sandra has taken over the discussion she did not begin. She was getting too emotional and self-seeking.

I am staying lite. I have been here for three years, perhaps you guys are the freshers here.

The chitchat went on for close to thirty minutes before Martins requested to get Lizzy's phone contact she declined, playing hard to get.

The two ladies walked through the quadrangle to the lady's common room to get some pastries before returning to their hostel. They got home and Lizzy decided not to mention what she felt for Martins. Sandra spoke uncontrollably about how she would love to be in the hands of such a handsome young-looking man. She spoke until they slept off.

When they woke up in the morning, preparing for an early lecture, Lizzy brazed up to get her software from the corridor, there he met a brown envelope 💌, on it was drawn a red heart indicating love. She picked it up and saw that it was addressed to her. She wouldn't have known who had dropped off the letter until she opened it.

Hi Lizzy,

I haven't met a lady before who would turn me down. It happened to me the first time and it's from you. This is what I have looked for and now that I have found it, I won't let it slip from my fingers.

Kindly do me the favor to be you, Val. I know we haven't known each other intimately but I can picture a good future for you and me. It's you I desire and no one else.

I came to your doorpost to knock so I can see your face again. I stood there, wearing your shoes as I felt your warmth while putting this letter together.

Lizzy, I will wait for you at the quadrangle after tour morning lectures, so we can talk it out. Please, just a moment with you is all I ask.

I'd be waiting.

Lots of Love,


After reading the lines, her heart melted. She stood there akimbo, not knowing what to feel. Loved or infatuated. She ran inside to put on her clothes.

After lectures, Lizzy was walking to the quadrangle to meet up with Martins to at least hear him out. As she looked ahead, she saw Sandra already there with him. "What the heck does she want with him?" Lizzy's soliloquy as she walked steadily to meet them.

Wow. Here comes my Miss World. You look stunning today. Martins said.

He spread out his hands to catch a hug but Lizzy was so timid that he have it. She just gave him her side with her hands lurking together in shyness.

Martins asked that Sandra give them a minute. She wasn't happy but had no choice but to take a walk down the aisle that leads to the amphitheater.

I wasn't able to sleep because of you. I have never felt this way before for any girl and now you want me to stay away from you?

Lizzy cut in and asked:

You asked that we meet here and called my friend here too? We cannot have this conversation here because I can't keep her away for too long.

He pleaded to her that it was a coincidence. He did not invite Sandra.

That day, Lizzy confessed her love for Martins in her heart. She had been struggling with her emotions since she met Martins. He broke her defense.

She could not help but stare into his eyes. If there was anything she feared it would be allowing any boy to break her weak heart. It was no longer a hidden secret that her best friend Sandra was head over heels for him.

Maybe this is a mistake. Lizzy stressed.

I don't think I'm ready for anything and besides, we won't pretend that we don't know what my friend feels.

That day ended without any decisive conclusion for them both. Lizzy had caused the slow pace of reaching consent. Now, she arrived home and couldn't bear it anymore.

Dear Mart,

I know that you'd find it difficult to understand. Over these few days, my thoughts have been clouded by your image in my head.

It's hard to say, but I indeed love you. Please, do not be alarmed. I am not shy to say it to your face.

All I need from you is to call my friend and ask her to stop feeling anything for you, that we, you and I, are in love and we have agreed to begin an affair.

When you have done that, on Valentine's day, I would be back to Western High to see you, my love

I'd be going home to see my older brother who is returning to the States, to bid him farewell. It would take just six days to be with him before he leaves.

For me, it's going to be tough to be without you.

Please, remember that I Love you to the moon and back.

See you then.

Your Love,


Early in the morning before cockcrow, Lizzy left Western High. She passed Martins' hostel and dropped the letter through his pigeonhole. She felt goosebumps as she dropped it off. Lizzy had first thought of bumping in on Martins before leaving but she felt she could do without it.

As she dropped the letter, Martins opened the door and found her standing aloof, their eyes clicking a glance at one another. Martins walked briskly to her, held her hands and planted a passionate kiss to her lips.

Sandra fell off the real picture because Martins had always wanted to be with Lizzy but she was always on the move to get Martins' attention. It was Lizzy through the heart of the handsome boy, Martins.

The End

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