Deseos Ufanos 🔥

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Ella no sabe que yo existo y mi tragedia no es esa. Cargo el pesar de que yo la descubrí y la nombré mi sueño, sin que hubiese, a cambio, una mirada para este inerte espectador.

La veo de lejos y me pesa la carencia de su cercanía. Yo sólo soy el testigo de esa tercera persona que entrena ser la protagonista de mis deseos ufanos.

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Tiene un cuerpo increíble. La miro de arriba a abajo y más allá de que la imagino completamente desnuda, lo más perverso e íntimo ocurre luego, cuando me calmo y vuelvo a pensar en ella, ya vestida, desarreglada, descuidada y distraída, luciendo todavía hermosa. Es allí que me preocupo, porque ya no sólo deseo su figura de seda. El fetiche ha cometido el desliz humano de encariñarse con su completa compañía.

La acecho y disfruto con la prudencia de que mis ojos le dejan de mirar para no levantar sospecha. Mis pupilas se dilatan cuando suben y bajan el escote de su espalda sudada. Las clavículas danzan a la par de sus manos que con movimientos, armónicos pero grotescos, me advierten que se sabe defender y que yo podría resultar agraviado, quizá, por la fuerza que tienen sus tersos brazos.

Hace calor. El ejercicio continua y ella está completamente humedecida. El sol rechina en su goteante pecho y aquel líquido se destila lentamente por su fino abdomen.... y soy muy cauto para verla. Sigo confundido, porque antes que la mirada lasciva y obsesiva que le despoja de la ceñida ropa que lleva, a mi imaginación la vence que quiero adueñarme permanentemente de su preciosa sonrisa.

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Es sumamente bella y reitero que tiene la silueta de una diosa, con unas piernas sedosas que se elongan hasta completar la pose de una estrella. Pero antes de acabar, ella se va estirando, poco a poco, hasta conseguir el pleno de la flexibilidad y yo... eh, resulta imposible no imaginarse placeres perversos que ocurren en mi mente, cuando me deleito al mirarla ajustando su cuerpo para completar el suspiro de su reposo. Es imposible que ningún musculo padezca del estancamiento que sí tiene mi sangre en ese lugar donde se detiene cuando la rutina de ella llega a su fin.

Es muy raro este placer, porque yo he sido sumiso para demostrarle mi atracción. No me preocupa consumir así, de lejos, su físico. Lo que, en realidad, me causa emoción, y sobre todo duda, es que tras los embates que realiza haciendo sus ejercicios, yo me quedo queriendo mirarla sonreír, me imagino entrenando dos vidas con tal de que se fortalezca el músculo de su felicidad.

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Nadie sabe que la veo de esa forma. La mirada no es perturbadora, abusiva, ni invasiva, por más que que sí tenga hambre de descubrir enteramente su dermis. La forma de mirar más personal es la que sucede después, cuando no conforme con haberle comido las pieles con mis ojos, descubro que quiero contemplarla más en lo íntimo de su vida, donde sigue sudada por haber recorrido muchas metas y disfruta de estar por enterada que estuve de lejos devorándome su templo, mientras nos ejercitábamos, y que sigo a su lado cuidadosamente vistiéndole la sonrisa que me obsesionó.

La clase termina y nadie lo sabe. Para mi desdicha, así de frustrantes son las rutinas de las miradas que desnudan a la felicidad.



She doesn't know I exist and my tragedy is not that. I carry the regret that I discovered her and named her my dream, without there being in return a glance for this inert spectator.

I see her from afar and the lack of her closeness weighs on me. I am only the witness of that third person who trains to be the protagonist of my proud desires.

She has an incredible body. I look her up and down and beyond the fact that I imagine her completely naked, the most perverse and intimate thing happens later, when I calm down and think of her again, already dressed, disheveled, unkempt and distracted, still looking beautiful. It is there that I worry, because I no longer only desire her silken figure. The fetish has committed the human slip of becoming attached to her full company.

I stalk her and enjoy her with the caution that my eyes stop looking at her so as not to arouse suspicion. My pupils dilate as they move up and down the neckline of her sweaty back. Her collarbones dance in time with her hands that, with harmonic but grotesque movements, warn me that she knows how to defend herself and that I could be aggrieved, perhaps, by the strength of her smooth arms.

It is hot. The exercise continues and she is completely wet. The sun squeaks on her dripping chest and that liquid slowly distills down her fine abdomen.... and I am too cautious to see it. I remain confused, because rather than the leering and obsessive gaze that strips her of the tight clothing she wears, my imagination is overcome by the fact that I want to permanently own her beautiful smile.

She is extremely beautiful and I reiterate that she has the silhouette of a goddess, with silky legs that elongate to complete the pose of a star. But before finishing, she stretches, little by little, until she achieves the fullness of flexibility and I... eh, it is impossible not to imagine perverse pleasures that occur in my mind, when I delight in watching her adjusting her body to complete the sigh of her repose. It is impossible for any muscle to suffer from the stagnation that my blood has in that place where it stops when her routine comes to an end.

It is very rare this pleasure, because I have been submissive to show her my attraction. I am not worried about consuming her physique in this way, from afar. What, in reality, causes me emotion, and above all doubt, is that after the onslaught she performs doing her exercises, I am left wanting to look at her smile, I imagine myself training two lives as long as the muscle of her happiness is strengthened.

No one knows I see her that way. The gaze is not disturbing, abusive, or invasive, however much I do hunger to entirely uncover her dermis. The most personal way of looking is the one that happens later, when not satisfied with having eaten her skin with my eyes, I discover that I want to contemplate her more in the intimate part of her life, where she is still sweaty for having reached many goals and enjoys being aware that I was from afar devouring her temple, while we were exercising, and that I am still by her side carefully wearing the smile that obsessed me.

The class ends and no one knows it. To my unhappiness, that is how frustrating are the routines of the looks that strip happiness.

This certifies that.png

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