Pasión pirata - Reto literario de Hispapro [ESP-ENG]

Imagen de MasterTux en Pixabay

This is a bilingual publication, you can go directly to the English version by clicking HERE

Este micro relato es para celebrar la evolución de @hispaliterario que ya cumplió mas de un año con éxitos, actividades e interacciones en nuestra cadena de bloques, y como no, para celebrarlo no podía dejar pasar por alto la oportunidad de participar con esta aventura de corsarios, que se me ocurrió imaginándome a Jack Sparrow en una de sus travesías.

Y si tu quieres participar puedes hacerlo integrándote aqui

Pasión pirata

Las olas gruñían bajo el cielo estrellado mientras el barco pirata cruzaba los mares oscuros.

En la cubierta, el capitán y su amante se encontraban en una apasionada cita.

Las fresas habían sido su regalo secreto, esparcidas por la cama de seda.

Mordiscos juguetones y murmullos llenaron la habitación mientras el aroma dulce llenaba el aire. Entre suspiros y gemidos, sus cuerpos ardieron con la pasión de una aventura prohibida.

Las manos del capitán trazaban mapas ardientes en la piel de su amante, navegando por mares desconocidos.

Aquella noche, las fresas estuvieron ardiendo, dejando un sabor agridulce en sus memorias.

Invito a @zonadigital21 y @andrewmusic a que se integren a participar.

Si te ha gustado mi relato, hazmelo saber en los comentarios.

Gracias por leerme.

English Version

This micro story is to celebrate the evolution of @hispaliterario, who has already completed more than a year with successes, activities and interactions in our chain of blocks, and of course, to celebrate it, I could not miss the opportunity to participate in this adventure of corsairs, which occurred to me imagining Jack Sparrow on one of his voyages.

And if you want to participate, you can do it by joining here

Pirate Passion

The waves growled under the starry sky as the pirate ship crossed the dark seas. On deck, the captain and his lover were in a passionate rendezvous.

The strawberries had been his secret gift, strewn across the silken bed. Playful nibbling and murmuring filled the room as the sweet aroma filled the air.

Between sighs and moans, their bodies burned with the passion of a forbidden adventure.

The captain's hands traced burning maps on the skin of his lover, navigating unknown seas.

That night, the strawberries were burning, leaving a bittersweet taste in his memories.

I invite @zonadigital21 and @andrewmusic to join and participate.

If you liked my story, let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading me.

Translated with Simple Translate by Sienori.
(Using the google translate API)

The header image is from pixabay and has a link to their web and credit to the author. The separators and the signature were made using and are entirely my own.

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