The Unyielding Grind

The Unyielding Grind - A Short Poem by @luizeba

Source: Pexels

The Unyielding Grind

In a world where clocks dictate our days,
Where we toil and toil in life's busy maze,
There exists a longing deep within our souls,
For moments of respite to make us whole.

We work tirelessly, day and night,
Caught in the whirlwind, losing our sight,
Chained to our duties, with no end in sight,
Neglecting the joy that once burned so bright.

In the race of success, we lose our way,
Trading our time for the price we must pay,
Our dreams and passions fade into haze,
As work consumes us in its relentless craze.

Let us pause, step back from the ceaseless grind,
Embrace the moments that bring peace of mind,
Rediscover the joys that make our hearts sing,
And nurture the bonds that life's work can't bring.

Thanks for reading this post, and until next time!

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Also, believe it or not, I'm not actually a squirrel! This handsome rodent in my profile picture is a character from 'Conker: Live & Reloaded'. Here's Real Life me!

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