Tommy logra su anheló - historia [ESP-ENG]

La dureza de muchos obliga a las personas a actuar y finalmente son criticadas por ello. Esta es la continuación de la historia de Tommy en su segunda parte, un adolescente inducido a vivir una vida que no quería.

The harshness of many forces people to take action and they are eventually criticized for it. This is the continuation of Tommy's story in its second part, a teenager induced to live a life he did not want.



Tommy había tomado una actitud bastante inusual al ver lo que ocurría a su alrededor, estar en esa escuela militar ya era demasiado para él. Sus padres fueron inmediatamente a ver qué pasaba, a su lugar de estudio, ya que Tommy estaba internado allí. Su madre fue un poco fuerte al hablar con él, ya que le dijo que debía pensar en su futuro, y así llegar a ser una persona de renombre, y para ello debía continuar y esforzarse por conseguirlo. Tommy le dijo lo que pensaba y lo que quería para su futuro, pero su madre le dijo que por su edad no sabía lo que era mejor.

Tommy had taken a rather unusual attitude when he saw what was going on around him, being in that military school was already too much for him. His parents immediately went to see what was going on, to his place of study, since Tommy was boarding there. His mother was a little strong when talking to him, because she told him that he should think about his future, and thus become a person of renown, and for that reason he should continue and strive to achieve it. Tommy told her what he thought and what he wanted for his future, but his mother told him that because of his age he did not know what was best.


Su padre, en cambio, únicamente observó esa conversación y tomando la mano de Tommy, le pidió que caminara por el patio de la escuela, esta conversación solamente duró unos minutos, pero hizo que Tommy se calmara y aceptara seguir con un buen comportamiento, su madre se sorprendió, tanto que le dijo que había hecho un buen trabajo. A Tommy solo le quedaba un año para asistir a ese liceo militar.

His father, on the other hand, only observed that conversation and taking Tommy's hand, asked him to walk through the school yard, this conversation only lasted a few minutes, but it made Tommy calm down and agree to continue with a good behavior, his mother was surprised, so much so that she told him that he had done a good job. Tommy only had one year left to attend that military high school.


El tiempo pasaba muy rápido y la familia estaba muy contenta porque Tommy se graduaba con honores, y esto llenaba de orgullo a esa madre que quería ver a su hijo cumplir el sueño materno de ser médico, y todo apuntaba a ello ya que Tommy había tomado la decisión de continuar sus estudios en la academia militar donde podría ser un gran profesional. Los halagos no se hicieron esperar para la madre de Tommy por los logros de su hijo, porque todo el mundo la felicitaba por las metas que se proponía.

Time passed very fast and the family was very happy because Tommy was graduating with honors, and this filled with pride, that mother who wanted to see her son fulfill his mother's dream of becoming a doctor, and everything pointed to it since Tommy had made the decision to continue his studies at the military academy where he could be a great professional. The compliments were not long in coming for Tommy's mother for her son's achievements, as everyone congratulated her for the goals she was setting for herself.


La alegría duró un par de días, era hora de despedirse de Tommy porque tenía que presentarse en la academia militar donde iría a cumplir un sueño, enmarcado por su madre. Las lágrimas no se hicieron esperar en esa despedida, donde sólo estarían en contacto con su hijo por medio de llamadas telefónicas durante mucho tiempo. Todos los que conocían a Tommy estaban contentos porque su madre les había dicho que había aceptado la beca para estudiar medicina en la academia militar y al mismo tiempo alcanzar un buen rango dentro de ella.

The joy lasted a couple of days, it was time to say goodbye to Tommy because he had to report to the military academy where he would go to achieve a dream, framed by his mother. Tears were not long in coming at that farewell, where they would only be in contact with their son by phone calls for a long time. Everyone who knew Tommy was happy because his mother had told them that he had accepted the scholarship to study medicine at the military academy and at the same time achieve a good rank within it.


Los meses pasaron rápidamente, sólo pudieron comunicarse por teléfono durante mucho tiempo, un año después Tommy pudo volver a casa ya que le habían concedido un permiso de dos días para visitar a su familia. Su madre le preguntó emocionada cómo iban sus clases de medicina, y Tommy le dijo rápidamente que iban muy bien. El motivo de su visita era que tenía que salir del país por un tiempo, por motivos de estudios para su carrera, su madre emocionada al imaginar a su hijo un gran profesional de la medicina, lo abraza para despedirse. Su padre emocionado lo toma y le expresa su apoyo con un gran abrazo diciéndole al oído sé que serás el mejor, porque lo llevas en el corazón.

The months passed quickly, they could only communicate by phone for a long time, a year later Tommy was able to go home since he had been granted permission for two days to visit his family. His mother excitedly asked him how his medical classes were going, and Tommy quickly told her that they were going very well. The reason for his visit was that he had to leave the country for a while, for reasons of studies for his career, his mother excited to imagine her son a great professional in medicine, hugs him to say goodbye. His excited father takes him and expresses his support with a big hug telling him in his ear I know you will be the best, because you carry it in your heart.


Pasaron casi seis años donde Tommy no fue visto por sus padres, pero un día recibieron una llamada que llenó de alegría el corazón de sus padres, en un par de semanas estaría de vuelta en casa todo un profesional, logrado con honores. Sus padres llenos de alegría acordaron recibirlo con una pequeña reunión familiar, donde su madre estaba doblemente orgullosa porque Tommy era un militar de alto rango y además, para ella, un gran médico. La familia no esperó a estar allí para recibirlo con gran orgullo.

Almost six years went by where Tommy was not seen by his parents, but one day they received a call that filled with joy the heart of his parents, in a couple of weeks he would be back at home all a professional, achieved with honors. His parents full of joy agreed to receive him with a small family reunion, where his mother was doubly proud because Tommy was a high-ranking military man and also, for her, a great doctor. The family did not wait to be there to welcome him with great pride.


Tommy llegó feliz, vestido con un gran atuendo militar, por haber logrado sus objetivos y por volver a ver a sus queridos padres, pero en medio de la emoción Tommy quiso hablar con sus padres a solas, dirigiéndose a una habitación, donde les expresó a ambos una verdad que podría afectarlos enormemente. Tommy les contó que no había estudiado medicina en la academia, que gracias a las palabras de un buen amigo suyo, pudo hacer lo correcto diciéndoles que muchas veces en la vida tenemos que tomar nuestras propias decisiones, que a su vez podrían perjudicar a muchos, pero donde estará en juego nuestra felicidad, por eso me gradué de arquitecto, mi sueño de niño. Estas palabras se las había escuchado a su padre cuando estaba en el liceo militar.

Tommy arrived happy, dressed in a great military attire, for having achieved his goals and for seeing his beloved parents again, but in the middle of the excitement Tommy wanted to talk to his parents alone, going to a room, where he expressed to both of them a truth that could affect them enormously. Tommy told them that he had not studied medicine at the academy, that thanks to the words of a good friend of his, he was able to do the right thing by telling them that many times in life we have to make our own decisions, which in turn could hurt many, but where our happiness will be at stake, that is why I graduated as an architect, my dream as a child. These words he had heard from his father when he was in the military high school.


Reflexión, a veces muchos hijos mienten a sus padres porque no los escuchan y tratan de imponer sus gustos y metas, que en muchos casos son las metas frustradas de sus padres. Escuchemos a nuestros hijos y enseñémosles que todo lo que decidan hacer en su vida, deben hacerlo con amor.

Reflection, sometimes many children lie to their parents because they do not listen to them and try to impose their tastes and goals, which in many cases are the frustrated goals of their parents. Let us listen to our children and teach them that whatever they decide to do in their lives, they should do it with love.


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