A small question for the I Ching- the Oracle of Complex Non-Linear Dynamics: Introduction

The I Ching is one of the most ancient and complex systems of divination in existence. Its appearance dates back to Chinese antiquity (approximately 3000 years), when the system was used to resolve matters of bio-survivial, state-politics, and social domestication. It was a widely used system of divination that had a major influence on the culture at the time. In the 60s, this system became popular among the hippies, and even made it into several pop-cultural works in music (Pink Floyd), literature (Philip K. Dick), and futurism (Terence McKenna). There is a strong congruence (concrescence?) between the I Ching and the psychedelic experience, which is the path that led me to its discovery many moons ago.


I’ve been using the I Ching for several years now. I base my methodology on the translation by Ritsema and Karcher (1995). I like this version because it’s a rather thorough, academic, and no-nonsense treatment of the subject. In these series of posts I plan to describe and consult the oracle of changes to demonstrate its structure and usage. I plan to ask the oracle one question:

How will we end the covid19 pandemic?

In the next series of posts, I will discuss the following topics and questions:

Introduction: A question for the oracle
Background: The I Ching as a tool for divination
Apparatus: Tools of the trade
Design: How do you use it?
The research question: How will we end the pandemic?
Results and Interpretation: What did the oracle tell me?
Summary and Discussion: The I Ching, what is it good for?

I hope you find it interesting and illuminating.


Ritsema, R. and Karcher, S. (1995). I Ching: The classic Chinese oracle of change : the first complete translation with concordance. Ascona: Eranos Foundation.

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