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A gift from strangers (Short Halloween story) [Eng | Spa]

Hello, Writing Club community!

Greetings, today I come with a story that I thought about the other day. While I was walking I saw a car of the most curious, in an unusual but very human situation, a ride on certain occasions can impress, so here I bring you a re-imagination of what I saw, I hope you enjoy it.

A gift from strangers

A couple was in a street restaurant, one of those famous food trucks, in the main vein of the middle to lower class area of my city, there they were sorry to be, pending that no one attempted against their precious car, watched them from afar.

He looked about 42 years old, and she was not far from 37 or 38, I was annoyed to check in the book to find out, but I had no doubts in my estimates, it has been many years watching thousands of people during them. I watched as a young man looked at them from across the street, he looked at them with a doubting look, I wasn't the only one who noticed, good eye young man.

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I waited for a while, I watched as a public transport pass in front of me, I could ride but it was no longer working, the driver was smoking next to a female night worker, what memories. So I kept waiting, soon it got dark, the young man came out of a pub and passed by my side, walking, and there I decided it was time to walk too.

As I slowly walked down the road, the young man without looking back soon became diffuse in the shadows, but the couple came back to my mind since the automobile caught up with me, I could see how the man put the effort into braking suddenly, and as It rolled down the window he said in a loud voice: Lady get in, I will give you a ride, and his wife looked on with an annoying look.

As I got on I could see the reaction of both of them, the first one wrinkled his nose, and she looked at me now with a slight spark of anger in her eyes, no doubt feeling cheated according to her look. Young people, if it's no problem, I live in the apartments nearby, in block A you can drop me off" I said to both of them, to reassure them.

He smilingly ignored his reaction and went on to talk to me, it should be noted that with passionate happiness, which I found adorable. He said they were going to see a friend who moved to the area, his first proper home with his family, and away from the negative influences in his life, cutting ties and acquiring freedoms, with a rather high emphasis on the latter.

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During his talk I could see how his wife looked at the matter, in her eyes shone feelings of guilt when they spoke of negative influences, how curious, perhaps I should look at my book I thought, that today would be another day of work, apparently.

These young people forget that the gaze is the window to the soul, they were easy to read to the experienced eye. They looked like open books with their pages exposed, what I feared was confirmed to me, their pages were not only uneven, what she thought was different from him, and their times were not in sync.

Today was a difficult job I thought, and I watched out of the corner of my eye as the young man who had left me walking behind saw the three of us slowing down the road. He recognized the car and me, but when he looked at me I saw the fear that arose in his gaze, he tried to tell me something, he probably wanted me to get out, but no young man, this is intentional.

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Soon we turned the corner and sped up, the last kilometer of the trip, we drove in silence to the end, the young man had already stopped talking about his friendly relationship with the person they were going to visit, and the guilt was still deeply marked in her look, how come the young man didn't know, I wondered.

I was dropped off at block A, but just before I got off I gave him a plastic coin, I had it in my purse, I picked it up off the floor a couple of days before and told him, When you see the boy tell him it is a gift from strangers, you will understand when it happens and I got off, while the young man and the woman joked about whether they pick up a witch and went on.

It was no surprise to read about it in the newspaper in the morning, after all the young man we passed by was the journalist who wrote it. The headline of the press release was: "A toy coin saved a moron and condemned his wife " very macho and yellowish headline, as always.

The young man survived the teenager, at the beginning of the armed robbery, he gave him the plastic coin and repeated the words I said. The teenager smiled and deactivated the firing pin. They were forced to stay that night at his friend's house, and it was soon discovered that she had been unfaithful with his friend years before, and that doomed their marriage.

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The press release was real, that's the weirdest thing about the subject, I read it the next day in a local newspaper. Only a madman would think of entering the lower areas with a late-model Mustang and think that they gave the tail to a very curious old lady, with a look full of experience and years, maybe she was a sage, maybe...

I hope you enjoyed my short story, I invite you to support me as you wish and take advantage of Halloween to bring out your darkest stories, I'll be waiting for you in the comments in case you want to tell me your stories, see you soon.

Spanish | Español

¡Hola comunidad del Club de la Escritura!

Saludos, hoy vengo con una historia que pensé el otro día, mientras me encontraba caminando vi un automóvil de lo mas curioso, en una situación inusual pero muy humana, un aventon en ciertas ocasiones puede impresionar, así que aquí les traigo una re-imaginación de lo que vi, espero la disfruten.

Un regalo de los extraños

Una pareja se encontraba en un restaurante de calle, uno de esos famosos food trucks, en la vena principal de la zona clase media a clase baja de mi ciudad, allí estaban apenados de estar, pendientes de que nadie atentara contra su preciado automóvil, los miraba desde lejos.

El parecía de unos 42 años y ella no estaba muy lejos de los 37 o 38, me daba fastidio chequear en el libro para saberlo, pero no me cabían dudas en mis estimados, han sido muchos años observando a miles de personas durante ellos. Vi como un joven los miraba desde el otro lado de la calle, este los miro con una mirada dubitativa, no fui la única que lo noto, buen ojo joven.

Subido por Ractapopulous en Pixabay.

Espere un rato, vi como paso frente a mi un transporte publico, pude montar pero ya no estaba laborando, el conductor fumaba junto a una trabajadora de la noche, que recuerdos. Así que seguí esperando, pronto anocheció, el joven salio de un local y paso por un lado, caminando iba el y allí me decidí que era tiempo de caminar también.

Mientras bajaba lentamente la carretera, el joven sin mirar atrás pronto se hizo difuso en las sombras, pero la pareja volvió a mi mente puesto el automóvil me alcanzo el ritmo, pude ver como el hombre puso esfuerzo en frenar repentina mente y mientras bajaba la ventana el decía con voz alta: Doña móntese que yo la llevo, y su esposa miraba con una mirada hastió.

Al montarme pude ver la reacción de ambos, el primero arrugo la nariz y ella solo me miro ahora con una leve chispa de enojo en sus ojos, sin dudas sintiéndose engañada según si mirada. Jóvenes si no hay problema, vivo en los departamentos de la cercanía, en el bloque A me pueden dejar les dije a ambos para tranquilizarles.

El sonriente ignoro su reacción y paso a hablarme, cabe acotar que con una apasionante felicidad, la cual encontraba adorable. Dijo que iban a ver a un amigo que se mudo al área, su primer hogar propio junto a su familia y lejos de las influencias negativas en su vida, cortando lazos y adquiriendo libertades, con un énfasis bastante alto en eso ultimo.

Subido por Comfreak en Pixabay.

Durante su charla pude ver como miraba su esposa el asunto, en sus ojos brillaron sentimientos de culpa cuando hablaron de influencias negativas, que curioso, quizás debería mirar mi libro pensé, que hoy seria otro día mas de trabajo al parecer.

Estos jóvenes olvidan que la mirada es la ventana del alma, eran fáciles de leer para el ojo experimentado. Parecían libros abiertos con sus paginas expuestas, lo que temía me fue confirmado, sus paginas no solo eran desiguales, lo que ella pensaba era distinto a el y sus tiempos no estaban en sincronía.

Hoy era un trabajo difícil pensé, y vi de reojo como el joven que antes me había dejado por detrás caminando, nos vio a los tres ir lento por la carretera. Reconoció el automóvil y a mi, pero cuando me miro vi el miedo que surgió en su mirada, intento decirme algo, probablemente quería que me bajara, pero no joven, es intencional.

Subido por Gdakaska en Pixabay.

Pronto doblamos la esquina y aceleramos, el ultimo kilómetro del viaje, fuimos en silencio al fin, el joven había dejado ya de hablar de su relación de amistad con la persona que iban a visitar, y la culpa seguía profundamente marcada en la mirada de ella, como es que el joven no lo sabia era que yo me preguntaba.

Me dejaron en el bloque A, pero justo antes de bajarme le regale una moneda de plástico, la tenia en el bolso, la recogí del suelo un par de días antes y le dije: Cuando veas al niño dile que es un regalo de los extraños, entenderás cuando suceda y me baje, mientras el joven y la mujer bromeaban sobre si aventaron a una bruja y siguieron.

No fue sorpresa leer el periódico en la mañana, después de todo el joven que pasamos por un lado fue el periodista que lo redacto, el titulo de la nota de prensa era: "Una moneda de Mario salvo a un tarado y condeno a su esposa" muy machista y amarillista el titulo, como siempre.

El joven sobrevivió al adolescente, al inicio del robo a mano armada, le regalo la moneda de plástico y repitió las palabras que dije. El adolescente sonrió y desactivo el percutor. Se vieron forzados a quedarse esa noche en casa de su amigo y pronto se descubrió que ella le había sido infiel con su amigo años atrás y esto condeno su matrimonio.

La nota de prensa fue real, es lo mas raro del asunto, la leí al día siguiente en un periódico local. Solo a un loco se le ocurre entrar en las áreas bajas con un Mustang ultimo modelo y pensar que le dieron la cola a una anciana de lo mas curiosa, con una mirada llena de experiencia y años, quizás si era una sabia, quizás...

Espero hayan disfrutado mi historia corta, les invito a apoyarme como deseen y aprovechar que se acerca Halloween para sacar sus relatos mas oscuros a relucir, los espero en los comentarios en caso de que gusten contarme sus anécdotas, nos leemos pronto.