Reading and writing is the most democratic form of communication

I acknowledge that, from the point of view of who is consuming the content, reading may not be the most efficient way to consume information the vast majority of the time.

From the point of view of producing content, however, writing is the most accessible way to exchange ideas. We can take the empyrical experience for example. I can say for myself that I would much rather text my friends, instead of recording an audio message, because if I mistype I can go back and fix it, but when writing the idea is made on an ideal world, where I can stop, think and edit what I have written before sending.

The fact that texts reside in an ideal world can be illustrated by making a thought experiment. Imagine how much easier it is to create fantastic worlds by text and let the reader imagine, compared to building 3D worlds using computer graphics, for instance!

That thought experiment is made even more relevant when you consider that behind 3D worlds there are texts. Behind movies, series, and even podcasts there is text, so writing is the essence of communication, even if the final product is not consumed by reading.

But yes, reading is not as efficient in most cases, using the 3D fantasy world as an example, you can absorb a lot of information by looking at a picture, while in a book you would need a few pages to grasp the full picture of what the writer wants you to imagine. But then again, when reading, you are only limited by creativity itself.

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