Writing Club Contest: Theme of the week "Life as magic" ( Results) | What's new in the community


Han pasado ya casi 2 meses desde que les pedimos participar en nuestro ultimo concurso. Donde ustedes tenían que hacer una historia ficticia sobre el tema semanal que era "la vida como magia".

It has been almost 2 months since we asked you to participate in our last contest. Where you had to make a fictional story about the weekly theme which was "life as magic".

Queremos agradecer a todo ustedes por su masiva participación, fueron más de 100 entradas validas. A su vez queremos pedir disculpas sinceras por la demora de los resultados, sin embargo estamos aquí para anunciarlos y darles nuevas noticias importante sobre la comunidad.

We want to thank all of you for your massive participation, there were more than 100 valid entries. At the same time we want to apologize sincerely for the delay of the results, however we are here to announce them and give you important news about the community.

Antes de entrar a lo más serio de esta publicación, queremos darle un aplauso a estos 5 ganadores; pues dado por la masiva participación y que hubieron muchos empates entre los dos últimos lugares de tres, hemos decidido extender los ganadores, por lo que la repartición inicial de premios sufrió también un cambio.

Before we get to the more serious part of this publication, we want to give a round of applause to these 5 winners; because of the massive participation and that there were many ties between the last two places out of three, we have decided to extend the winners, so the initial distribution of prizes also suffered a change.


5th place @bardobrujo

🌳 Juan el Fauno 👹

4th place @marybellrg

Myself, the crystal girl (story) [En - Es]

3rd place @abdul-qudus

In this special case, we do not agree that the remuneration of this post has been reduced to 0, there is no hard evidence of any kind of fraud or plagiarism. The award is deserved for its content.

Journey to the land of magic

2nd place @jadams2k18

Sack Coleman - Writing Club Contest: Theme of the week "Life as magic" [SPA/ENG]

1st place @abmakko


Felicidades a ustedes quienes nos han dejado sin aliento por sus estupendas entradas. Realmente fue un arduo trabajo el que tuvo nuestros jurados, pero satisfactorio al ver que están activos y entusiasmados en participar en nuestros concursos y hacernos imaginar vuestras historias.

Congratulations to you who have taken our breath away with your great entries. It was really hard work for our jurors, but satisfying to see that you are active and enthusiastic to participate in our contests and make us imagine your stories.


These rewards are the 50% raised from the contest publication and 25 Hives sponsorship by our friend @bluemist whom we thank for all the support he has given us.


Queremos darles las buenas noticias, a nuestro equipo se ha unido dos grandes escritores y usuarios de Hive, quienes seguramente ya conoces.

We want to give you the good news, our team has been joined by two great writers and Hive users, who you probably already know.

Gracias a @franchalad y @susurrodmisterio por unirse a la familia de Writing Club, estamos seguros que seguirán haciendo un trabajo estupendo en conjunto con nosotros.

Thanks to @franchalad and @susurrodmisterio for joining the Writing Club family, we are sure they will continue to do a great job together with us.



También queremos hacerles saber que muy pronto buscaremos alternativas para crear alianzas con las comunidades de escritura, a fin de que los escritores tengan diferentes comunidades con la cual sentirse a gusto y que este no limite sus posibles recompensas.

We also want to let you know that very soon we will be looking for alternatives to create alliances with writing communities, so that writers have different communities to feel comfortable with and that this does not limit their possible rewards.

Por cierto no podemos despedirnos de todos ustedes sin hacerles saber que ya tenemos cuenta en la red social Twitter, pueden seguirnos como "@writingclubhive" donde pronto estaremos compartiendo nuevas noticias, posts votados e información de interés para ustedes.

By the way we can't say goodbye to all of you without letting you know that we already have an account in the social network Twitter, you can follow us as "@writingclubhive" where we will soon be sharing new news, voted posts and information of interest to you.


En vista de todos estos cambios, queremos hacerles llegar lo siguiente:

In view of all these changes, we want to let you know the following:

Nuestra comunidad desde un inicio estuvo de acuerdo con el cross-posting, pero debido a que buscamos aliarnos de forma significativa con el resto de las comunidades de literatura, hemos decidido no aceptar esta opción de compartir vuestro contenido, por lo que de hacerlo, puede correr el riesgo de que su post sea muteado y de reincidir en lo mismo, podría ser muteado como usuario de nuestra comunidad por un lapso de tiempo pertinente.

Our community from the beginning agreed with cross-posting, but because we seek to ally ourselves in a meaningful way with the rest of the literature communities, we have decided not to accept this option of sharing your content, so if you do, you may run the risk that your post will be muted and if you repeat the same thing, you could be muted as a user of our community for a relevant period of time.

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