Domingo [ESP-ENG] Sunday

Domingo, día de descansar
Consagrado, sólo a Dios lo has de dedicar
Ni pico, ni pala, ni siquiera la pluma vas a agarrar
No vayas al Señor del sábado a molestar
Seis días trabajarás y uno descansaras
Así lo dijo Moisés por orden de Yahvé
Y ni el más ateo lo contradice
Vienes de Ala, Shabbat o Domingo, parar
Si mi trabajo es mi placer y pasión
Yo no conozco de horarios, no es obligación
Las horas corren veloces sin distracción
El cansancio me sorprende con satisfacción
Trabajo me trajo el domingo por sorpresa
No le dije que no, lo emprendí con tesón
Las horas alcanzan, pero hasta la materia reposa
Mañana lunes le daré fin sin aprensión
Y el martes me daré buen un descanso
Y el miércoles se verá si es la ocasión
De reanudar el trabajo o prolongar el remanso
Jueves y viernes aún lejanos, para una ablución
El Creador descansó, cuando su obra terminó
Complacido en lo bueno lo vio y descansó
El descanso se para el hombre y no al revés
Pero preciso es que primero recoja la mies
Hoy dormire a placer, cansado y el deber cumplido
El material preparado y un plan anotado
Bendecido con algo bueno que hacer
Mejor que estar aburrido y solo barrer
Mientras todo se enfría y es la hora de recoger
Término la última estrofa dichoso
De un día provechoso
De laborar, rimar y querer


Sunday, rest day
Consecrated, only to God you have to dedicate it
No pickaxe, no shovel, not even the pen are you going to grab
Do not go to the Lord of Saturday to disturb
Six days you will work and one you will rest
This is what Moses said by Yahweh's order
And not even the most atheist contradicts him
Come from Ala, Shabbat or Sunday, stop
If my work is my pleasure and passion
I don't know about schedules, it's not an obligation
The hours run fast without distraction
Tiredness surprises me with satisfaction
Work brought me Sunday by surprise
I didn't say no, I undertook it with tenacity
The hours are enough, but even matter rests
Tomorrow Monday I will end it without apprehension
And on Tuesday I will give myself a good break
And on Wednesday we will see if it is the occasion
To resume work or prolong the backwater
Thursday and Friday still far away, for an ablution
The Creator rested, when his work was finished
Pleased in how good he saw it and rest
The rest stops the man and not the other way around
But it is necessary that you first harvest the harvest
Today I will sleep to pleasure, tired and duty fulfilled
The material prepared and an annotated plan
Blessed with something good to do
Better than being bored and just sweeping
While everything cools down and it's time to pick up
I finish the last stanza happy
of a profitable day
To work, rhyme and love

To the readers in English, I ask you to excuse my ignorance of your language in order to better rhyme these improvised verses, written while I process my craft material.
Thanks to you for reading me and to Google for doing the translation.

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