Saludos, esta es mi entrada al concurso de Hispaliterario 14. Ahora es el turno de @nafonticer y @arzkyu97 para que se animen.
El árbitro contó los pasos para marcar la distancia. El arquero estaba sobre la línea del arco. Su rival mantenía la concentración en el balón. Ambos, separados por unos doce metros. Ambos, mirando el balón. A su alrededor, el sonido ensordecedor de miles de personas, expectantes. Cuando el jugador pateó el balón, el tiempo se detuvo y se hizo un silencio mortal. El arquero se lanzó hacia un lado y todos en las gradas se levantaron…
Andrés jugaba en su play y ya era la tercera vez que perdía el partido. Estaba jugando una simulación del campeonato del mundo, al mismo tiempo que practicaba para participar en una de esas competiciones de e-sports, pero no conseguía resultados. A veces salía a jugar con sus amigos, y jugaba mucho mejor de lo que lo hacía en la play.
Había quedado con uno de sus amigos para practicar y así entrenar para el torneo. Llegó Juan y de inmediato fueron a la sala de juegos. A medida que avanzaba la tarde, Juan le enseñaba algunas estrategias y trucos a Andrés para que mejorara. Siguieron con varias partidas antes de irse a jugar. Habían quedado con el resto de los muchachos esa misma tarde.
Sin embargo, mientras terminaba una partida hubo un corte de energía. Todo quedó a oscuras y de la consola saltaron varios chispazos y un fenómeno extraño ocurrió. Andrés y Juan sintieron un corrientazo y que se desvanecían poco a poco. Ambos gritaron y los controles cayeron al piso.
Escucharon un enorme estruendo y el ruido de la gente. Estaban aturdidos. Andrés se miró las manos, luego los pies. Llevaba botines y medias negras. Su camiseta era blanca, y las manos… no entendía lo que estaba sucediendo. Buscó a Juan, intentó descifrar cuál de aquellos era su amigo.
Juan también buscaba a Andrés. Quería comprender qué hacía allí, en un campo de fútbol. Sabía que era él, pero no era su cuerpo. Sus manos estaban cubiertas por dos guantes y se descubrió debajo del arco.
Andrés comenzó a moverse, intentó detenerse, pero no pudo. No controlaba su propio cuerpo. Hacía movimientos con los que estaba familiarizado; era como si alguien más lo manejara. Emprendió una carrera hacia el arco, Juan lo vio venir y cerró los ojos, luego se abalanzó hacia la pelota, Andrés hizo un regate cuando sintió que lo tomaron del pie y rodó por el césped. El balón se fue a un costado.
El árbitro contó los pasos para marcar la distancia. Juan estaba sobre la línea del arco. Andrés miraba el balón. Ambos, separados por unos doce metros. Ambos miraban el balón. Escuchaban el ruido ensordecedor, figuras pixeladas que no se reconocían. Andrés pateó el balón, Juan se lanzó hacia un lado y desde un sillón un niño alzaba las manos que sostenían un control, mientras que a su lado otro se tomaba la cabeza con ambas manos, lamentándose por haber perdido la partida.
The goal
The referee counted the steps to mark the distance. The goalkeeper was on the goal line. His opponent kept his concentration on the ball. Both, separated by about twelve meters. Both looking at the ball. Around them, the deafening sound of thousands of expectant people. When the player kicked the ball, time stopped and there was a dead silence. The goalkeeper dived to one side and everyone in the stands rose to their feet....
Andres was playing in his play and it was already the third time he had lost the game. He was playing a simulation of the world cup, at the same time he was practicing to participate in one of those e-sports competitions, but he was not getting any results. Sometimes he went out to play with his friends, and he played much better than he did on the play.
He had arranged to meet one of his friends to practice and train for the tournament. Juan arrived and they immediately went to the game room. As the afternoon progressed, Juan taught Andres some strategies and tricks to help him improve. They continued with several games before going to play. They had arranged to meet the rest of the boys that afternoon.
However, while finishing a game there was a power cut. Everything went dark and the console sparked several times and a strange phenomenon occurred. Andres and Juan felt a rush of electricity and felt that they were fading little by little. They both screamed and the controls fell to the floor.
They heard a huge roar and the noise of people. They were stunned. Andres looked at his hands, then at his feet. He was wearing black booties and black socks. His shirt was white, and his hands... he didn't understand what was happening. He looked for Juan, tried to decipher which of those was his friend.
Juan was also looking for Andrés. He wanted to understand what he was doing there, on a soccer field. He knew it was him, but it was not his body. His hands were covered by two gloves and he uncovered himself under the goal.
Andres started to move, tried to stop, but couldn't. He couldn't control his own body. He was not in control of his own body. He was making movements with which he was familiar; it was as if someone else was handling him. He started a run towards the goal, Juan saw him coming and closed his eyes, then he rushed towards the ball, Andres made a dribble when he felt he was grabbed by the foot and rolled on the grass. The ball went to the side.
The referee counted the steps to mark the distance. Juan was on the goal line. Andres was looking at the ball. Both were about twelve meters apart. Both were looking at the ball. They heard the deafening noise, pixelated figures that could not be recognized. Andres kicked the ball, Juan jumped to one side and from an armchair a boy was raising his hands holding a controller, while next to him another one was holding his head with both hands, lamenting for having lost the game.
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