Dreem Word Of The Week: Distant

I pondered on how best to use the prompt "distant" and all I could think of is a young guy who's admiring a lady from afar. He stays from a distance with the wishes that she could see the flame of desires from his eyes and from the little things he does, but while he watches from afar, she's happy with another guy.
I have coined this in a poem titled

From A Distance

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I watch from a distance
Hoping the birds would sing my love song to her
And the flowers will spread the petals of my heart
I was charmed by her smiles
Pure as a crystal flux
Her eyes like the lilies of Lebanon

From a distance I had thousand wishes
I build towers from which I stood and admired the princess in my Metaverse
I wish I had the courage to tell her how I feel
I wish she could look into my eyes and see my new world
But they were only wishes

In my little castle were paintings of her
And Just like the effect of strong wine I was drunk
Intoxicated by her beauty.
But she was a princess from a Distant land
A land I couldn't reach guarded by a stranger

My heart sought for her but she was far away
So far that she couldn't notice the man standing next to her
My heart yelled but she heard me not
And I realized it was just me in the world I have imagined for us
But I waited just maybe she'll come back someday
Into my embrace

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