Contest/ The Duke and the Woman in Black (Eng/ Esp)

Fuente/ Source


Anne was in the carriage that she had occupied to go to the castle of Manchester, she was going to occupy the position of governess of the small Madeleine, daughter of the aristocratic duke Williams Mack clay, who was widower since his girl was born 10 years ago; his wife died during the childbirth, since then he has remained solitary, it is said in the nearest town, that the pretty young girls that have gone to work to the castle, end up madly in love with the duke, many had arrived at the suicide...

These strange events had made that the parents of the young girls of the town, did not want that their young daughters, in marriageable age, approach neither to the castle, nor to the duke, because the only one to have contact with him, in a way even minimum, made that the girls were taken, as hypnotized, He was so indifferent that he seemed to live in another world, totally absorbed in his thoughts, in his memories, he barely noticed his little daughter, who had been forced to stay in another wing of the castle, different from her father's. Forced to change governesses, she was forced to change her father's wing, and she was forced to change her father's wing.

Forced to change governesses from time to time, as none of them had lasted with her for long, since all of them had either quit or ended in strange suicides; it was already "common" in the castle premises, to find lifeless girls in any part of the castle. The corpses were discreetly removed, delivered to their relatives with a compensation and that was it, since they were determined to be suicides and the cases were closed, without further investigation.

Anne came from another town, so she knew little about these rumors, the only thing she knew was that she was going to be paid very well, that she had to live in the castle and that every now and then she could take a weekend off and visit her family if she felt like it. She knew that Duke Williams was a young widower and that he had a little girl, the fruit of his marriage, and that he needed help with the girl's education, as she was soon to enter the stage of being presented in society and she urgently needed etiquette classes and to polish her academic knowledge. She was very happy with this job.

On the way she began to observe the green meadows, they looked so beautiful, but as they approached the castle, the weather was changing, a thick fog and cold covered the place; when Anne got off the carriage she fixed her dress, the wide skirt was wrinkled by the trip and she put on the black coat. She was received by the housekeeper, who took her to her rooms in the north wing of the castle, where the girl was. She could not help but shudder as she entered her rooms, everything was very luxurious, beautiful but dark curtains kept closed, preventing the passage of light into the rooms.

It seemed to him that he was entering a very ornate mausoleum. She smiled at this gloomy but amusing thought and tried to cheer herself up even though she felt as if several eyes were looking at her at the same time, as she walked through the long corridors, each one darker than the other, only the light of a few torches illuminated the spaces. Anne received the instructions of what she was going to do, from the housekeeper, then she would meet the girl and the duke, after settling into her quarters. She arrived at her rooms and at once set about arranging her things, everything was extremely spacious.

For the closet, there was a room for her clothes, that was a lot of ostentation, they were barely visible, there was plenty of space, that was for someone who had a complete wardrobe, not for her who only had the minimum and not to mention the bathroom, it was huge, it had a tub of bronze and marble finely crafted by hand, as well as all the furniture. Not to mention her bed, it was huge, it could easily sleep 4 people in it, full of pillows everywhere, she felt like a princess in her kingdom. The only thing was that the curtains were all closed, she had to draw them to be able to see the sunlight...

At the end of the day, she had dinner alone in her room, as the duke had arranged it, since he was not in the castle that day, and the girl also had dinner alone in her room, as she usually used to do, according to her father's orders. She went to bed happy to be in her new job. She began to dream that she was wandering through the castle, looking around the rooms, when suddenly, she began to hear the screams of several women at the same time, they seemed to be terrified, Anne was already running looking to leave the place, but the doors were closing, at the end of the place where she was, she could only see a strange woman dressed in black with a veil that covered her face and she could barely glimpse her, a look of contempt, disdain and hate ... and there she woke up bathed in sweat.

The next day she prepared to go down to breakfast, as the housekeeper indicated, she went downstairs with one of her best dresses, it was emerald green, full of lace that flew as she walked, it fitted her fine bust and her small waist, making her look like a flower in full spring, her delicate skin stood out with that dress, her heart-shaped face looked beautiful, with her long hair, modestly gathered. Anne, she knew she looked efficient, neat and ready to meet little Madeleine and the duke. She arrived at the huge dining room and saw only a beautiful little girl with big blue eyes watching her curiously.

She was shyly seated, waiting for the other diners to arrive, upon seeing her Anne gave her a slight bow and greeted her, very friendly; the little girl gave her a shy smile, lowering her gaze; Anne proceeded to sit down and do her own thing, to wait for the duke so she could have breakfast and finally meet him, when she was immersed in her thoughts, in an instant, a tall, muscular man with a broad back, full hips and a manly face, with full lips and big blue eyes suddenly arrived; Instantly, both girls rose and bowed to him by way of greeting; he instantly motioned that they could sit down and continued to sit, looking up for the first time and gazing at his guest, Anne.

At that moment, their glances crossed and Anne could feel a strange electricity throughout her body, at the same time that without knowing why, she blushed completely; while, the duke, astonished, out of his thoughts, stopped to really see that pretty young woman, he could appreciate her narrow waist, her small, but emerging breasts and her delicate skin, which looked like silk, at least that he felt, he could not help but imagine himself touching her ... He could not help but imagine himself touching her..., a little disturbed, he introduced himself officially, introduced his daughter and began to tell her what he expected from her, now with better control of himself, Anne heard him totally enraptured, as if she heard his voice far away, she could only see that turgid, red mouth that talked and talked... she heard everything but could not take her eyes off him and his mouth, when she realized her rudeness, she looked down a little embarrassed by her audacity, she only hoped he had not noticed...

The duke provoked endless emotions in her, she could not imagine being touched by him, but at the same time, the distance he imposed was very mysterious to her, because she only said what was necessary and from then on, she said nothing more, ate, said goodbye and got up; while Anne was completely disturbed by the impact he caused her. When he left, suddenly a tray that was on the table, was thrown to the wall, for no reason, it was as if someone took it and crashed it with rage ..., the girl to see that, did not flinch, just said: "you'll get used to it ...".

Anne was surprised and the servants began to clean up as if nothing had happened. Anne decided to proceed with her activities with the girl in a classroom set up for classes, still wondering what it was all about. The day ended and she did not see the duke anymore; at night when she went to sleep, she began to dream that the duke took her in his strong arms and kissed her passionately, plunging her into a complete ecstasy..., but suddenly, the woman in black appeared and pushed her away from him, throwing her into the void... Anne woke up again bathed in sweat, ashamed and frightened by the dream... she decided it was only a dream and tried to sleep....

The days passed, and Anne had a routine with the little girl, now they had their meals together, apart from the activities that had been assigned to her, there she took the opportunity to teach her more about etiquette, the correct use of cutlery, the arrangement of each one of them and what each one of them was for and other things that a young lady should know and handle. Meanwhile, Anne could not get that attractive duke out of her thoughts until that night. She was a little hot, she went out to the castle gardens to take the fresh air, when suddenly among the rose bushes, she spotted him, she was ready to greet him politely, he did the same and approached her with a slight enigmatic smile and at the same time as if he wanted to run away....

He stood by her side and began to ask her how her daughter was doing, how she was doing if she had not had any the same time he watched her out of the corner of his eye, unable to avoid seeing her enviable figure, he felt attracted for the first time in many years by someone, although he had tried to avoid it, because he knew what could happen to her, he was already tired...but he continued to accompany her on the walk, Anne talked to him, but he only watched her with growing desire, it was something he could not control. In one of those, they both stumbled and fell to the floor, the duke trying to pick her up, she fell again, but this time on top of was too much for him.

Inevitably, he grabbed her by the waist and embraced her with great tenderness while he kissed her neck very subtly, like someone asking for permission, to reach the center of his desire..., he kissed her and Anne could not resist it, her emotions came and went like a hundred sensations shot, she reciprocated at first, shyly, then with total ardor and wildness, it was inevitable. When they were at the height of the moment, they felt the scream of an angry woman throughout the garden. The duke released her on the spot, completely white, and ran off across the place. Anne stood like a statue trembling, not knowing what to do....

When she reacted, she went to her room, completely stunned, while she felt as if she was being followed, someone's footsteps, as if altered, she felt afraid and locked herself in when she arrived. She did not know what was happening, she wondered why he had left her so abruptly, whose was that horrible scream they had heard, and the question that most kept her waiting, why had he kissed her so passionately, that had been the best of the whole experience, she remembered him touching her swollen lips, which still burned with passion for the duke. She went to bed hoping to at least dream about him....

Incredibly, she fell into a heavy but uneasy sleep, she began to see herself in the castle in her nightclothes, running through the corridors, visibly frightened, when from one of the rooms came out the woman in black and grabbed her by the neck taking her to the balcony of one of the rooms with intentions of throwing her into the void...she felt she was drowning, she was suffocating her, she was gradually losing consciousness, everything was turning black, while that woman was shouting at her: "he is mine, no one else's, die!" Anne, was lost in the darkness for a few moments; when suddenly she woke up in the duke's arms, coughing, choking, who was looking at her alarmed, terribly frightened, but this time he did not leave her, he had her in his arms, on the balcony of his room....

When Anne came to, she asked him what was the matter and he only answered that he was left wandering around the castle, when he heard the sinister screams and entered her room with the master key, and found her on the edge of the balcony almost about to fall into the void, propelled by this woman in black.... He had a confrontation with her and with great effort he was able to snatch Anne from her hands... She was terrified and asked him who this woman was and he told her that she was the evil spirit of his spinster sister-in-law, that she always had a murky feeling for him and that since he married her sister, she had lived with them since she had no one else..., but that she was always on the lookout for him....

He hated his sister because she had obtained his love and she had been rejected again and again... when his sister died he thought she would have a chance again, but the duke rejected her again because he only felt pity for her. When she saw his attitude, she told him: "You will regret this all your life, every woman who sets her eyes on you, will be marked by me, I swear"..., the next day she was found dressed in black, lying on her bed, with her veins cut... and from then on, every girl who looked at him either "committed suicide" or left the palace in a state of shock.

Then, Anne understood many things of what was happening in that place, the looks that were felt, the steps, the things crashed on the walls, then she felt so much pity for her beloved duke, that she proposed him to go away from that place. The duke, thinking of his love, his safety and that of his own daughter, decided to close that castle and go to other lands where he had other properties with his daughter and beloved Anne, marrying on the spot, leaving behind all that murky past, with his demons well bound, ready to have a full, normal and happy life.

Joining the Contest of this beautiful community, leaving you my participation; I invite my friends @ismaelgranados, @annafenix and @chacald.dcymt to participate.

Fuente/ Source


Anne iba en el carruaje que había ocupado para dirigirse al castillo de Manchester, iba a ocupar el cargo de institutriz de la pequeña Madeleine, hija del el aristocrático duque Williams Mack clay, quien era viudo desde que su niña nació hace 10 años; su mujer murió durante el parto, desde entonces se ha mantenido solitario, se dice en el pueblo mas cercano, que las chicas mas jóvenes bonitas que han ido a trabajar al castillo, terminan perdidamente enamoradas del duque, muchas habían llegado al suicidio…

Estos extraños sucesos habían hecho que los padres de las jovencitas del pueblo, no quisieran que sus hijas jóvenes, en edad casadera, se acercaran ni al castillo, ni al duque, porque el solo tener contacto con el, de una manera aunque fuese mínima, hacia que las chicas quedaran prendadas, como hipnotizadas, de este misterioso hombre, quien ni siquiera volteaba a verlas, pues era tal su indiferencia, que parecía que viviera en otro mundo, totalmente absorto en sus pensamientos, en sus recuerdos, apenas si se percataba de su pequeña hija, quien se había visto obligada a permanecer en otra ala del castillo, diferente a la de su padre.

Forzada a cambiar de institutriz, cada tanto, pues ninguna había durado con ella, por mucho tiempo, ya que todas o habían renunciado o terminaban en extraños suicidios; ya eso era “común” en las instalaciones del castillo, conseguir a las chicas sin vida en cualquier parte del castillo. Los cadáveres eran retirados discretamente, entregados a sus familiares con una compensación y listo, ya que se determinaba que eran suicidios y se cerraban los casos, sin mayor investigación.

Anne venía desde otra población, así que poco conocía de estos rumores, lo único que sabía, era que le iban a dar muy buena paga, que tenía que vivir en el castillo y que cada tanto podía librar un fin de semana y visitar a su familia si así le apetecía. Sabía, que el duque Williams era un joven viudo y que tenía una niña, fruto de su matrimonio y que necesitaba ayuda con la educación de la niña, pues pronto iba a entrar en la etapa de ser presentada en sociedad y necesitaba clases de etiqueta urgentemente y pulirse en sus conocimientos académicos. Estaba muy feliz con este empleo.

En el camino empezó a observar las verdes praderas, se veían tan hermosas, pero a medida que se iban acercando al castillo, el clima fue cambiando una espesa neblina y frío cubría el lugar; al bajarse del carruaje Anne se arreglo el vestido, la amplia falda venia arrugada por el viaje y se colocó el negro abrigo. La recibió el ama de llaves, la llevó hasta sus habitaciones que quedaban en el ala norte del castillo, donde estaba la niña. No pudo menos que estremecerse al ir adentrándose a sus ambientes, todo era muy lujoso, bellas pero oscuras cortinas que mantenían cerradas, evitando el paso de la luz a las habitaciones.

Le parecía ir entrando a un muy adornado mausoleo. Sonrió al tener este tétrico pero divertido pensamiento y trató de animarse a pesar de que sentía como si varios ojos la miraran al mismo tiempo, que iba caminando por los largos pasillos, cada uno más oscuro que el otro, solo la luz de unas pocas antorchas iluminaban los espacios. Anne recibió las instrucciones de lo que iba a hacer, del ama de llaves, luego conocería a la niña y al duque, después de instalarse en sus aposentos. Llegó a sus habitaciones y de una vez se dispuso a arreglar sus cosas, todo era sumamente espacioso.

Para el closet, había una habitación para sus prendas, eso era mucha ostentación, apenas si se veían, sobraba espacio, eso era para alguien que tuviera un vestuario completo, no para ella que solo tenía lo mínimo y no se diga el baño, era inmenso tenía una tina de bronce y mármol finamente trabajada a mano, al igual que todo el mobiliario. Ni se diga de su cama, era inmensa, fácilmente podían dormir 4 personas en ella, llena de almohadas por doquier, se sentía como una princesa en su reino. Lo único, es que las cortinas las tenían todas cerradas, tuvo que correrlas para poder ver la luz del sol…

Terminó el día, cenó sola en su habitación, pues así lo había dispuesto el duque ya que no se encontraba ese día en el Castillo y la niña también cenó sola en su habitación, generalmente así acostumbraba, por disposición de su padre. Se acostó a dormir feliz, de estar ya en su nuevo empleo. Empezó a soñar, que deambulaba por el castillo curioseando las habitaciones, cuando de repente, empezó a oír los gritos de varias mujeres al mismo tiempo, parecían estar aterrorizadas, Anne corría ya buscando de salir del lugar, pero las puertas se cerraban entre si, al final del lugar donde estaba, solo logro divisar a una extraña mujer vestida de negro con un velo que le cubría el rostro y que apenas podía vislumbrarle, una mirada de desprecio, desden y como de odio…y allí despertó bañada en sudor..

Al otro día se dispuso a bajar a desayunar, como le indicó al momento la ama de llaves, bajo con uno de sus mejores vestidos, era del color verde esmeralda, lleno de muchos encajes que volaban al ella caminar, que le entallaba el fino busto y su pequeña cintura, haciéndola ver como una flor en plena primavera, su delicada piel destacaba con ese vestido, su cara en forma de corazón se veía primorosa, con su larga cabellera, recogida modestamente. Anne, sabía que se veía eficiente, pulcra y lista para conocer a la pequeña Madeleine y al duque. Llegó al enorme comedor y solo vio a una hermosa niña de grandes ojos azules que la veían con curiosidad.

Estaba tímidamente sentada, esperando a que llegaran los demás comensales, al verla Anne le hizo una leve reverencia y la saludo, muy amistosamente; la pequeña le dedicó una tímida sonrisa, bajando la mirada; Anne procedió a sentarse y a hacer lo propio, esperar al duque para poder desayunar y por fin conocerlo, cuando estaba sumida en sus pensamientos, en un instante, un hombre alto, musculoso de espaldas anchas, entalladas caderas y un rostro varonil, con labios carnosos y grandes ojos azules llegó repentinamente; al instante, ambas chicas se levantaron y le hicieron una reverencia a modo de saludo; él al momento, les hizo señas que se podían sentar y siguió a sentarse, levantando la mirada por primera vez y mirar a su invitada, a Anne.

En ese momento, sus miradas se cruzaron y Anne pudo sentir una extraña electricidad por todo su cuerpo, al mismo tiempo que sin saber por que, se ruborizaba completamente; mientras, el duque atónito, sacado de sus pensamientos se detenía a ver realmente a aquella linda joven, pudo apreciar, su estrecha cintura, sus pequeños, pero nacientes pechos y su piel delicada, que parecía seda, por lo menos eso presentía, no pudo evitar imaginarse tocándola …,algo turbado, se presento oficialmente, presentó a su hija y empezó a decirle lo que esperaba de ella para con su hija, ya con mejor dominio de sí mismo, Anne lo oía totalmente arrobada, como si oyera su voz muy lejana, solo podía ver esa boca turgente, roja que hablaba y hablaba…oyó todo pero sin poder retirar la mirada de él y de su boca, al percatarse de su descortesía, bajo la mirada algo avergonzada por su atrevimiento, solo esperaba que él no lo hubiese notado…

El duque, le provocaba un sin fin de emociones, no se imaginaba ser tocada por él, pero al mismo tiempo, el distanciamiento que el imponía, se le hacía muy misterioso, pues solo dijo lo necesario y de allí en adelante, no dijo nada mas, comió, se despidió y se levanto; mientras Anne quedaba completamente turbada, por el impacto que el le causó. Al salir él, de pronto una bandeja que estaba en la mesa, salió despedida hacia la pared, sin mayor motivo, era como si alguien la tomara y la estrellara con rabia…, la niña al ver aquello, no se inmuto, solo le dijo: “ya te acostumbraras…”

Anne, se quedó sorprendida y de una vez, los sirvientes empezaron a limpiar todo aquello, como si nada hubiese sucedido. Anne, decidió proceder a sus actividades con la niña, en un salón dispuesto para las clases, todavía preguntándose, que fue todo aquello. Terminó el día y no vio mas al duque; por la noche ya al irse a dormir, empezó a soñar que el duque este la tomaba entre sus fuertes brazos y la besaba apasionadamente, sumiéndola en un éxtasis completo…, pero que de repente, la mujer de negro hacia su aparición y la empujaba de el tirándola al vació…Anne despertó nuevamente bañada en sudor, avergonzada y a la vez asustada con el sueño…decidió que solo era un sueño y trato de dormir..

Pasaron los días, y ya Anne tenía una rutina con la pequeña, ahora hacían sus comidas juntas, aparte de las actividades que le habían sido asignadas, allí aprovecho para enseñarle algo mas de etiqueta, el uso correcto de los cubiertos, la disposición de cada uno de ellos y para qué servían cada uno de ellos y otras cosas mas, que una señorita debía saber y manejar. Mientras Anne, no lograba quitarse a aquel atractivo duque de sus pensamientos, hasta esa noche. Ella algo acalorada, salió a los jardines del castillo a tomar el fresco, cuando de repente entre los rosales, le divisó, se dispuso a saludar educadamente, él hizo lo propio y se le acercó con una leve sonrisa enigmática y a la vez como si quisiera salir corriendo…

Se puso a su lado y empezó a preguntarle cómo iba su hija, que como se desempeñaba sino había tenido algún problema…al mismo tiempo que la observaba de reojo, sin poder evitar ver su envidiable figura, se sentía atraído por primera vez en muchos años por alguien, aunque había tratado de evitarlo, porque sabía lo que le podía suceder, ya estaba cansado…pero siguió acompañándola en el paseo, Anne le hablaba, pero él solo la observaba con creciente deseo, era algo que no podía controlar. En una de esas, ambos se tropezaron y cayeron al piso, el duque al intentar levantarla, ella cayó de nuevo, pero esta vez encima de él…fue demasiado para él

Inevitablemente, la agarró por el talle y la abrazó con gran ternura al mismo tiempo que iba besándola por el cuello muy sutilmente, como quien pide permiso, para llegar al centro de su deseo…, la besó y Anne no podía resistirse a aquello, sus emociones iban y venían como un centenar de sensaciones disparadas, le correspondió al principio, tímidamente, luego con total ardor y desenfreno, era inevitable. Cuando estaban en lo mejor del momento, sintieron el grito de una mujer colérica por todo el jardín. El duque la soltó en el acto, completamente blanco y salió corriendo por el lugar. Anne se quedó como una estatua temblando sin saber qué hacer…

Cuando reaccionó, se fue a su habitación, completamente aturdida, mientras sentía como si la siguieran, unos pasos de alguien, como alterado, sintió miedo y se encerró al llegar. No sabía que estaba pasando, se preguntaba, ¿porque él la había dejado así tan abruptamente? ¿de quién era ese grito tan horrible que habían oído? y la pregunta que más la tenía a la expectativa ¿porque la había besado tan apasionadamente?, eso había sido lo mejor de toda la experiencia, lo recordaba tocándose sus inflamados labios, que aún ardían de pasión por el duque. Se acostó esperando por lo menos soñar con él…

Increíblemente, cayó en un sueño pesado pero intranquilo se empezó a ver en el castillo con su ropa de dormir, corriendo por los pasillos, visiblemente asustada, cuando de una de las habitaciones salio la mujer de negro y la tomó por el cuello llevándola al balcón de una de las habitaciones con intenciones de lanzarla al vacío…sentía que se ahogaba, la estaba asfixiando, iba poco a poco perdiendo el sentido, todo se estaba volviendo negro, mientras aquella mujer le vociferaba: “¡el es mio!, de nadie más, ¡muere!” Anne, se perdió en la oscuridad unos instantes; cuando de repente despertó en brazos del duque, tosiendo, ahogada, que la miraba alarmado, terriblemente asustado, pero esta vez no la dejó, él la tenía entre sus brazos, en el balcón de su habitación…

Cuando Anne volvió en si, le preguntó que pasaba y el solo le respondió que el se quedó dando vueltas en el castillo, cuando oyó los siniestros gritos y entró a su habitación con la llave maestra, y la encontró al borde del balcón casi a punto de caer al vacío, impulsada por esta mujer de negro…el tuvo un enfrentamiento con ella y con mucho esfuerzo pudo arrebatarle a Anne de sus manos…Esta toda atemorizada, le pregunto quien era esa mujer y el le dijo que era el malvado espíritu de su cuñada solterona, que siempre tuvo un sentimiento turbio por el y que desde que se casó con su hermana, esta había vivido con ellos al no tener a nadie mas…,pero que siempre estaba al acecho por el…

Y que a duras penas, podía disimular sus oscuros sentimientos, odiaba a su hermana porque esta, había obtenido su amor y ella, había sido rechazada una y otra vez…al morir su hermana pensó que tendría una oportunidad de nuevo, pero el duque la volvió a rechazar pues solo sentía lástima por ella. Esta al ver su actitud, le dijo: “Te arrepentirás de esto toda tu vida, toda mujer que pose sus ojos en ti, quedará marcada por mi, lo juro”...,al otro día la encontraron vestida de negro, recostada en su cama, con las venas cortadas…y de allí en adelante, toda chica que se fijara en el o se “suicidaba” o se iba trastornada del palacio.

Entonces, Anne comprendió muchas cosas de lo que sucedía en aquel lugar, las miradas que se sentían, los pasos, las cosas estrelladas en las paredes, entonces sintió tanta piedad por su amado duque, que le propuso irse lejos de aquel lugar. El duque, pensando en su amor, en la seguridad de él en la de su propia hija, decidió cerrar aquel castillo e irse hacia otras tierras donde tenía otras propiedades junto a su hija y amada Anne, casándose en el acto, dejando atrás todo aquel turbio pasado, con sus demonios bien atados, prestos a tener una vida plena, normal y feliz.

Sumandome al Concurso de esta hermosa comunidad, dejandoles mi participación; invito a mis amigos @ismaelgranados, @annafenix y @chacald.dcymt a participar.

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