Hispaliterario 8 / Hallando un propósito de vida // By @alexarelatos - SPA- ENG

Hallando un propósito de vida

Hay un joven llamado Manuel que no sabía a su corta edad (23 años) el propósito de su vida. Es cierto, sus propios problemas lo agobiaban; sin embargo, un día al ver situaciones en la calle y con lo poco que tenía ayudaba a otros, él se dio cuenta que eso le generaba bienestar.


Estas pequeñas acciones lo hicieron reconectarse la gratitud y la vida le fue cambiando progresivamente. Consiguió trabajo y se reincorporó a la universidad, pudo apoyar a su familia, las psicoterapias lo ayudaron con sus tormentas internas y paralelamente continuaba con su labor social.

Una vez se encontró al Sr. Francisco que no tenía para pagar el tratamiento de quimioterapia y fue el primer gran desafío que se enfrentó en su camino de ayuda y solidaridad. Tuvo un poco de temor en usar las RRSS y con valentía, publicó el primer caso para quien deseara realizar alguna donación. Este chico ya con 25 años y con más madurez, jamás pensó que se haría viral este vídeo, tuvo la receptividad esperada y aquel abuelo completó su tratamiento oncológico.


Nadie se imaginaba lo que venía para Manuel, al cabo de 2 meses era el chico más buscado de toda Venezuela. Tuvo que organizarse y crear una red de apoyo, para poder canalizar todas las miles de solicitudes que le llegaban a diario. De esta manera, se iban sumando testimonios de agradecimiento a la gran labor de este chico, que al fin había encontrado un sentido a su vida y Dios lo iluminó para dedicarse a distintas causas, tomando la corriente altruista como un lema propio.

Manuel no está exento de tener altibajos, a veces le llega un poco tarde algunas solicitudes o no consigue a tiempo las medicinas requeridas por sus seguidores; pero al tener las herramientas emocionales para enfrentarlas, lidia mejor con las cosas que no salen como espera. Vive con un nivel de conciencia mayor y eso le permite evaluar las mejores alternativas para ayudar a otros.

Hace algunos años este joven venezolano no sabía cual sería su destino; a pesar de ello, nunca desistió en conseguir acciones que le diera un sentido a su vida. Ahora se convirtió en una referencia nacional y demuestra que los buenos somos más, haciendo una impecable labor que ha traspasado otras fronteras.

"Hagamos el bien; sin mirar a quien"
Dicho popular

Finding a purpose in life

There is a young man named Manuel who at his young age (23 years old) did not know the purpose of his life. It is true, his own problems overwhelmed him; however, one day when he saw situations in the street and with the little he had he helped others, he realized that this generated well-being.


These small actions made him reconnect with gratitude and his life changed progressively. He got a job and went back to college, he was able to support his family, the psychotherapies helped him with his internal storms and at the same time he continued with his social work.

Once he met Mr. Francisco who did not have the money to pay for his chemotherapy treatment and it was the first big challenge he faced in his path of help and solidarity. He was a little afraid to use the RRSS and with courage, he published the first case for anyone who wished to make a donation. This boy, now 25 years old and with more maturity, never thought that this video would go viral, had the expected receptivity and that grandfather completed his cancer treatment.


Nobody imagined what was coming for Manuel, after 2 months he was the most wanted boy in Venezuela. He had to organize himself and create a support network to be able to channel all the thousands of requests that arrived daily. In this way, testimonies of gratitude were added to the great work of this boy, who had finally found a meaning to his life and God enlightened him to dedicate himself to different causes, taking the altruistic current as his own motto.

Manuel is not exempt from having ups and downs, sometimes he is a little late with some requests or he does not get the medicines required by his followers on time; but having the emotional tools to face them, he deals better with things that do not go as expected. He lives with a higher level of awareness and that allows him to evaluate the best alternatives to help others.

A few years ago, this young Venezuelan did not know what his destiny would be; in spite of this, he never gave up on pursuing actions that would give meaning to his life. Now he has become a national reference and proves that there are more of us good people, doing an impeccable job that has crossed other borders.

"Let's do good; without looking at whom"
Popular Saying

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