Why was no one infected with the Corona virus from WHO?

The World Health Organization has introduced that the Corona pandemic will continue with us for a lengthy time, and there is no magic solution to the pandemic, and we may also in no way locate a solution. This is not the first time that we have heard from the World Health Organization such a sudden declaration about the pandemic, even though the previous statements raise our concerns about our fitness and those we love, but this final declaration raises issues about the fitness of the company itself.

We have no longer heard from the World Health Organization or others whether establishments are contaminated with the rising Covid-19 virus. And if the organization is infected, what are the symptoms of infection? Do you have a mild cold, resulting in pessimistic or illogical statements? Will the virus infiltrate the central manipulate system and have an effect on the group with melancholy and social phobia, so one of its symptoms is to reduce the ropes of hope one by way of one? Or does the virus have an effect on some establishments but now not others?

We have heard a lot of speak in view that the opening of the pandemic about infection, signs and symptoms and prevention, such as pronouncing that the blood kind has a role in preventing disease, as if the blood type, like film tickets, can be exchanged before getting into the showroom. Perhaps the virus was once infecting groups except all institutions, and considering the World Health Organization is conducting the work of combating the pandemic from in the back of the home windows of laboratories, and in the lengthy corridors of the greatest health centers in the world, it caught to a doctor’s tie to answer a question that all at once befell to her while he used to be strolling between affected person wards, it is now not It is atypical that she gotten smaller the virus.

And if contamination and the virus’s manage of the employer is a possibility, the punches it obtained and reverberated in the corridors of the global press might also be another reason. The resentment expressed through some nations on the lips of their senior officials was once a end result of the organization’s positions in the political arena, where it stands as soon as to the proper of the boxer and once to his left, and perhaps commented with praise on one of them earlier than being hit by means of a lightning punch due to the wrong positioning of the competitors. As the injuries continue.

It is probable that symptoms will appear, such as brief reminiscence weakness, which explains some contradictory statements. Whatever the reason, the statements issued by the business enterprise confuse many, had been it not for the fact that the recipients commenced to deal with these statements with the wisdom they possess, some of which have been led by means of the madness of world events. .

There is no doubt that we as recipients, with all the local and global troubles that affect our day by day lives, need to excuse these organizations. Just as we panic, agencies seem to panic as well, and if we can not specific our concern, they are higher at expressing their challenge in their own ways, and if we have a fever with this or that virus, they boost a similar fever with signs and symptoms that we don't always understand. However, it may also be really helpful to start applying the precept of institutional distancing, similar to social distancing, lest the contamination unfold to different corporations that have enough, such as the United Nations and UNESCO.

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