To the ocean, brothers and sisters

Monday today, and i will take it from the end

This is how it ended

It was a calm and beautiful evening

I needed to feel good vibes, so i went near and stayed close to the sea. I saw crabs, a baby octopus and some sea snails


People need to let themselves free. It is very important to have your own space when you need it. Away from things (or people) that make us crazy or nervous or simply not well

So that was exactly what I did

The clouds were also amazing

I think it is again because of the African sand that has flooded the atmosphere

I hope you enjoyed the photos and wish you an amazing new week!

I would like to make a question, especially to the street photographers of hive

Are we allowed to take shots of other people and post them without their consent?

How does that work?

Or do we simply do it because it is not easy for them to find out?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this!

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