My advice on how to shoot an insect (with a camera)

Hello everyone!

Today I will post some of my insect photos and i will share my way of shooting them (mostly using a smartphone)

I try to stay as calm and still as possible
Sometimes i try not to breathe

The difficulty is when the insect is on my hand
And i need to use only one hand

But when i have the freedom, i suggest that you use both hands to take a stable photo

When the insect is moving, it may be more difficult

You can also take a video in HQ and screenshot it

You can do the same with cats that keep moving

Butterflies are not always easy
You need to find their favorite flowers and simply wait

For me bees are a pleasure to watch how they gather their pollen

Please remember not to wear clothes or shoes that make noise. Move slowly, look steadily and breath lightly (or not at all!)

Do you have any tips to share?

Thanks for visiting!

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