[Esp-Eng] Como vivir ,sin vida

Hola amigo de esta linda comundad,escribir sobre la perdida de un niño y ayudar a sus padres sobre esta situación es difícil,les hablare desde mi experiencia personal,sin llegar a perderla no vivo.

Hello friend from this community, to write about the loss of a child and help their parents about this situation is difficult, I will speak from my personal experience, without losing her I do not live.


cuando nos dicen que estamos embarazadas,siempre corremos a soñar como sera,si hembra o varon,diseñamos hasta su carrera,sunombre que signifique algo lndo en la tierra,y asi vamos andando a su lado toda la vida,no dormims cuando tienen una gripe,n novio un trabajo riesgoso,bueno simplemente mas nuncadormimds a piernas sueltas.

when they tell us that we are pregnant, we always run to dream how it will be, if female or male, we even design their career, a name that means something on earth, and so we walk by their side all our lives, we do not sleep when they have the flu, a boyfriend a risky job, well just more nuncadormimds to loose legs.

hasta que un dia,cuando crees que algo es sencillo y por los avances de la medicina pronto con una pastilla sanara ,como esa antigua gripe y alguien te anuncia que esta grave que tienesque ngresar en la sala de pedriatría del oncológico,sientes que acabas de morir.ya no escuchas ,no ves no piesrcmienzan a florecer los sentimientos encontrados,y comienzas a buscar culpables donde no los ahi

until one day, when you think that something is simple and because of the advances in medicine, soon with a pill it will heal, like that old flu and someone announces that it is serious and that you have to go to the pediatric oncology ward, you feel that you have just died. you no longer listen, you no longer see, you no longer see, the mixed feelings begin to bloom, and you begin to look for someone to blame where there is none.


Cuando entras no lo puedes creer,tienen disímiles de edad y patología,solo una en común,son niños,enfrentando a la muerte con la mayor de sus sonrisas,aun cuando los dolores y la situación en la sala se pone tensa ellos mantiene una posición que los padres no entendemos,solo nos resta apoyarnos darnos animó,pero como hacerlo.

When you walk in you can't believe it, they have different ages and pathologies, only one thing in common, they are children, facing death with the biggest of smiles, even when the pain and the situation in the room gets tense they maintain a position that parents don't understand, we can only support each other and encourage each other, but how to do it.

Los spicológos,te explican y quizás cuando te hablan lo entiendes,es el ciclo de la vida,para no mas largos para otros mas cortos,pero cuando un niño ve su pierna amputada y dice que Marti,nuestro apóstol,fue mentiroso porque dijo que los niños nacen para ser felices,no entiendes de razonamientos lógicos.

Psychologists explain it to you and maybe when they talk to you you understand it, it is the cycle of life, some are longer, some are shorter, but when a child sees his leg amputated and says that Marti, our apostle, was a liar because he said that children are born to be happy, you do not understand logical reasoning.

La situación agrava buscas apoyo en otras madres pasando lo mismo,crees que te dara mayor consuelo,eres atea y te aprendes los rezos,haces de todo menos comer,hasta que sientes el sonido de una maquina que te avisa que un angel se ha ido ,todos dicen que llego un angel al cielo pero tu lo querias en la tierra.

The situation worsens, you look for support in other mothers going through the same thing, you think it will give you more comfort, you are an atheist and you learn the prayers, you do everything but eat, until you feel the sound of a machine that warns you that an angel has gone, everyone says that an angel has arrived in heaven but you wanted him on earth.


Las madres nos abrazamos y solo decimos tu puedes,eres fuerte y sí es asi,no sabemos de donde pero lo hacemos,claro esta nunca más la vida vuelve hacer igual,aun cuando se tiene otros hijos,nos volvemos amigas,pero solo queda ese aopoyo junto a ese vacio.

We mothers embrace each other and only say you can do it, you are strong and yes, we don't know where we come from but we do it, of course, life is never the same again, even when we have other children, we become friends, but we only have that support and that emptiness.

Yo no vivo, mi hija es adulta,gracias a mejorado su salud pero seguir viendo la vida como pende de un hilo que de momento se puede romper no es vida, nos volvemos mas protectoras cuando no debe ser asi,se debe conversar, disfrutarlos siempre que se pueda,hacer miles de actividades juntos aunque sea en casa,no dejar que la tecnologia nos aisle ,tocar este tema,la enfermedad y la muerte como un echo tan real como que hoy existes y mañana no.

I do not live, my daughter is an adult, thanks to her improved health but to continue to see life as hanging by a thread that can break at any moment is not life, we become more protective when it should not be so, we should talk, enjoy them whenever possible, do thousands of activities together even at home, do not let technology isolate us, touch this issue, disease and death as a fact as real as that today you exist and tomorrow you will not.

Las madres debemos estar unidas,informadas,contribuir a una crianza sobre la union familiar,apoyarnos y no ver en el hijo ajeno un enemigo según su educación,color,para tu hijo o hija ,dar gustos es bueno pero es importante que valoren todo en la vida porque cuando nos toca en algún momento de la vida, vivir sin ellos,porque ya no puedes verlos ni por videollamadas,entonces caemos en una espiral de todo lo que no hicimos o no hicimos correctamente,mi modesta opinión,desde la óptica de una hija,que puede estar o no y de amigas que no los tienen ya.

Mothers should be united, informed, contribute to an upbringing on family unity, support each other and not see in other people's children an enemy according to their education, color, for your son or daughter, give tastes is good but it is important that they value everything in life because when it touches us at some point in life, we have to live without them, because you can no longer see them even by video calls, When we have to live without them, because you can no longer see them even by video calls, then we fall into a spiral of everything we did not do or did not do correctly, my modest opinion, from the point of view of a daughter, who may or may not be and of friends who do not have them anymore.

fotos de pixabay
traduuctor Deepl

photos from pixabay
translator Deepl

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