They looked like torture devices

I am sure many of you know what this photo shows. It was me who saw these for the first time today...

Don't be fooled by the title - these are not modern torture machines, although they do look a bit like it. We see a table and ropes, vertical bars, pulleys, and sticks... But, no one was taken under torment here, without its will. A bit of suffering, maybe, as those who were not in shape had to make a bit more effort.


So, I had my very first Reformer Pilates workout this morning. My physiotherapist recommended it to me when I visited him the last time. For a few months my neck and back hurt, and my arm too, but after two sessions with him, I improved so much that I am already very well. The thing is that I have to stay flexible and strong and strengthen my muscles to be able to keep up with the pace of life that we all lead, with more ease and without those neck and back pains. Also, for general physical and mental stability, we need to be well-prepared for any surprises that life can bring us.

This type of workout combines physical and mental aspects. Breathing is very important, that is why we started the session today with a few breathing exercises. We were asked to put one hand on our chest and the other hand on our belly. We had to recognize what moves first, the chest or the belly, and later inhale and exhale in the way we were asked. I didn't know we could fill the lungs with air in four different ways (chest, belly, both at the same time and back). It was all to start to control with our mind what our body does.

The instructor was guiding the three of us (and it was the maximum of participants for one group as there are four reformers in this room) showing examples and doing also the exercises at the same time. It was not difficult even though I had no clue what we would do here. Pull the bar with your toes, flex the knees, stretch them, curve the back, or stretch the arms, legs, and spine in one way or another... Everything was helped with this apparatus and guided by the instructor.


He was also checking on our posture and corrected us when needed. We had relaxing music in the background and the one hour of workout passed so quickly. Being the first lesson we had the resistance of the machines on a low level. I would not be able to make more effort for the first lesson, and also that is not the idea, of going home "destroyed".

Practice will be needed, that can't be denied. Each week we will get a bit deeper into the way of doing the exercises and make the most of it. I felt like a beginner who just got the opportunity to meet a way of working out, this mind and body discipline that hopefully will bring just benefits in the future. I can't say that I did a lot today for my body.


Yes, it was the first step and it is important, however, the joints and the muscles will work more each time and get flexibility and strength over time. I just can't give up on this now. I stayed in this fitness studio for a few moments more, to reflect on my first Reformer Pilates workout and booked my next lesson for next Friday.


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