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Iniciativa ¿Qué recuerdas de tu papá? - Que siempre esta presente / Initiative What do you remember about your dad? - That he is always present. (ESP / ENG)

Un hombre maravilloso, un gran esposo, excelente padre y abuelo, que aun con sus defectos siempre estuvo ahí para todos, inculcándonos valores y el amor a la familia.

Tantos y tantos hermosos recuerdos que tengo y que hoy compartiré alguno de ellos, en la comunidad de holos&lotus con todos los hivers del mundo, en esta iniciativa que nos trae @tibaire y a la cual me anime a hacer con mi corazón bastante movido.


Enmpiezo con...

El señor que más baila.

Mi papa era muy “bonchón” como decimos en Venezuela, le gustaba siempre una fiesta, de allí salimos nosotras sus hijas tan rumberas. Además era compinchero, eso si no lo herede. Recuerdo los fines de semana cuando iban de visita sus amigos de la universidad, mi mama se esmeraba en cocinar y atenderlo. Siempre había cantos y baile, risas y alegría.

En un carnaval nos fuimos con sus amigos a Rio Chico, un lugar de las costas mirandinas y recuerdo que en el lugar donde nos hospedamos tenían fiestas de disfraces y actividades por las fechas. Mi papa no dejo de bailar y disfrutar toda la noche, al día siguiente las personas del complejo turístico le llamaba “el señor que más baila” y así lo reconocían cada vez que íbamos de vacaciones.


Gracias a mi papa conocí muchos rincones de mi país

También le gustaba viajar, desde pequeñas siempre en vacaciones nos íbamos a recorrer en el carro distintos lugares de Venezuela. De adolescentes ya entrando en la edad adulta todavía programábamos esos paseos en familia y nos íbamos a disfrutar juntos, las costas o las montañas de mi amado país.



Llego el 99

Una de esas anécdotas era su emblemática franela con el número 99, siempre íbamos a un pueblito al oriente del país llamado El Hatillo en el estado Anzoátegui y mi papa le encantaba andar con ella todo el tiempo y sus amigos le decían “llego el 99” siempre le decía que se la cambiara, que tenía tantas camisas y siempre se ponía la misma… me contestaba “aja déjame tranquilo”😜


Su espíritu deportivo

Otro grato y motivador recuerdo que tengo, es su espíritu deportivo, él siempre estaba entrenando, fueron varias la caminata en las cuales participo y gano en su categoría. A sus hijas y nietos siempre nos apoyo en las distintas disciplinas que practicamos, gimnasia, natación, futbol y beisbol.


El abuelo “Peye”

A mi papa lo nombraban por su apellido “Reyes” pero mi hija como estaba pequeñita, pronunciaba “Peye” y…. peye se quedó, a partir de ese momento, los nietos, sobrinos, amigos y hasta nosotras mismas terminamos diciéndole así.

Pendiente y consentidor con sus tres nietos y su nieta, a la disposición de lo que necesitaran, él siempre estaba atento. Un poco regañon, para que se portaran bien, pero el amor a sus nietos y de ellos a él siempre será inmenso.



Leaan… le-aan

Así nos decía siempre, estaba constantemente mandándonos a leer…

A mi viejito siempre le gusto leer, desde pequeña recuerdo la compra de los periódicos diariamente y los domingos podía comprar hasta cinco, así que llegaba cargado del kiosco y nosotras corríamos a sacar las revistas o los encartes para leer o jugar.

Asistía a cuanta feria del libro hicieran y eran paseos de horas recorriendo los stand, llegábamos a la casa con bolsas de libros para todos los gustos.

Le gustaba leer en su silla y mirar el Ávila de vez en cuando, también lo hacía cuando se iba al parque a leer bajo los árboles.


Sigue estando en mis células

Lo siento siempre conmigo, aunque físicamente ya no este con nosotros, siempre lo digo y lo seguiré diciendo, en cada célula de mi ser estará mi querido papi. Te quiero.💗


Invito a mi hermana @yamilar04 a que participe en la Iniciativa 4 – Qué recuerdas de tu papá y de seguro tendrá muchas más anécdotas que compartirnos.




A wonderful man, a great husband, an excellent father and grandfather, who even with his faults was always there for everyone, instilling in us values and love for the family.

So many beautiful memories that I have and that today I will share some of them, in the holos&lotus community with all the hivers of the world, in this initiative that @tibaire brings us and to which I was encouraged to do with my heart quite moved.


I start with...

The man who dances the most.

My father was very "bonchón" as we say in Venezuela, he always liked a party, that's where we came from, his daughters were so "rumberas". He was also a "compinchero", I didn't inherit that. I remember the weekends when his friends from the university came to visit, my mother would go to great lengths to cook and take care of him. There was always singing and dancing, laughter and joy.

In a carnival we went with his friends to Rio Chico, a place in the coast of Miranda and I remember that in the place where we stayed they had costume parties and activities for the dates. My dad did not stop dancing and enjoying the whole night, the next day the people at the resort called him "the man who dances the most" and that's how they recognized him every time we went on vacation.


Thanks to my father I got to know many corners of my country.

He also liked to travel, since we were little we always went on vacations to travel in the car to different places in Venezuela. As teenagers and entering adulthood we still scheduled those trips as a family and we would go to enjoy together, the coasts or the mountains of my beloved country.



99 is here

One of those anecdotes was his emblematic flannel with the number 99, we would always go to a small town in the east of the country called El Hatillo in the state of Anzoátegui and my dad loved to wear it all the time and his friends would tell him "99 is here" I would always tell him to change it, he had so many shirts and he always wore the same one... he would answer "aha leave me alone"😜.


His sporting spirit

Another pleasant and motivating memory that I have is his sporting spirit, he was always training, there were several walks in which he participated and won in his category. His daughters and grandchildren always supported us in the different disciplines we practiced, gymnastics, swimming, soccer and baseball.


Grandfather "Peye".

My father was called by his last name "Reyes" but my daughter, since she was very young, pronounced him "Peye" and .... peye he stayed, from that moment on, the grandchildren, nephews, friends and even we ourselves ended up calling him that way.

He was attentive and spoiled with his three grandchildren and his granddaughter, available for whatever they needed, he was always attentive. A little nagging, to make them behave well, but his love for his grandchildren and their love for him will always be immense.



Read ... read.

That's what he always told us, he was constantly sending us to read...

My old man always liked to read, since I was little I remember buying newspapers daily and on Sundays he could buy up to five, so he would arrive loaded from the kiosk and we would run to get the magazines or the inserts to read or play.

He would go to every book fair and would spend hours walking around the stands, arriving home with bags of books for all tastes.

He liked to read in his chair and look at the Avila from time to time, he also did it when he went to the park to read under the trees.


It is still in my cells

I feel him always with me, even though he is physically no longer with us, I always say it and I will continue to say it, in every cell of my being will be my dear daddy. I love you.💗


I invite my sister @yamilar04 to participate in the Initiative 4 - What do you remember about your dad and she will surely have many more anecdotes to share with us.


• Fotos de mi archivo personal y del album familar tomadas con mi celular / Photos from my personal archive and family album taken with my cell phone.
• Logo de la cumunidad / Community logo
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• Banner diseñado en Canva con los elementos disponibles en su versión gratuita / Banner designed in Canva with the elements available in its free version
