Esa Vida Nuestra/ Iniciativa No. 13/Vamos de Paseo//That Life of Ours/ Initiative No. 13/Let's Go for a Walk


29 de julio de 2015. Lecumberre aún con el cabello negro. En Cata.

Esa vida nuestra... ¡¡¡Vamos de paseo!

Al leer la invitación a esta iniciativa hecha por @charjaim acerca de irse de paseo, no puedo negar que mi corazón y mi mente hicieron un equipaje de nostalgias, y voy a evocar ese paseo que realizábamos muchas veces a playas del estado Aragua, que son las que más cerca nos quedan.

Por supuesto, que como se trata de un paseo, el tiempo de permanencia, por lo general debe ser breve, pues otro asunto son un viaje o unas vacaciones. Y mi paseo no es solo para recordar, sino también para irme de nuevo a esas aguas saladas.

Mi familia proviene del estado llanero Guárico, pero, además de gustarnos nuestra tierra, siempre hemos profesado afán y atracción por el agua salada, por lo que en vacaciones era fijo que mi cuñado Andrés Eloy, desaparecido hace 3 años por Covid19, organizara la salida.

Pero también había días en los que nos íbamos a las 4 de la mañana con el fin de dar un Sabroso por Ocumare de la Costa y, si había tiempo, nos íbamos a Cata a disfrutar del paseo de 1 día.

Salíamos en 3 carros de la familia y llevábamos lo elemental para la diversión en familia, como un juego de dominó, unas cartas españolas, ropas apropiadas, comida suficiente y mi infalible instrumento de cuatro cuerdas. En esos tiempos yo me tomaba los tragos.

La carretera hacia Ocumare de la Costa es bastante accidentada y en principio nos daban mucho miedo aquellos inmensos barrancos, pero con la experiencia hasta nos bajábamos un rato a disfrutar de ese ambiente neblinoso y un tanto lleno de misterio.

La adrenalina se nos elevaba cuando veíamos aquellos autobuses que fungían de transportes al gran número de pasajeros que iban también con la idea de pasar un día distinto y agradable. A veces se cruzaban 2 autobuses, y había que esperar con calma para que pudieran pasar.

El recorrido no es tan largo, pero la angosta carretera y las curvas predominantes hacen que dure más de una hora para llegar a Ocumare donde el primer chapuzón nos lo dábamos en El Playón.


Me fascinaban los tatuajes provisionales.

Después de disfrutar un par de horas seguíamos a Cata, y allí sí sacábamos nuestra mesa de dominó donde íbamos más de 3 parejas y llamábamos la atención por nuestro estilo ya que pegábamos unos gritos que la gente creía que era que estábamos peleando.

Las 2 parejas jugaban al dominó mientras los demás se lanzaban al agua y podíamos pedir las delicias culinarias tales como pescado frito, fosforeras y hasta patacones.

En ese paseo también había niños de diferentes edades que gozaban al máximo de ese día de paseo. Juguetes inflables, pelotas, baldes para cargar arena y otras diversiones hacían la vida de ellos.


Paseo por Cata, estado Aragua.

/That Life of Ours/ Initiative No. 13/Let's Go for a Walk

En mi familia hay quienes cantan muy bien aunque muy pocos nos entendemos con un instrumento musical, y recuerdo que si era Navidad
, mi hermana Carmen tenía por tradición interpretar la canción "Corre, caballito".

¡Cuánta nostalgia de esos paesos! Lamentablemente, la situación económica nos afectó durante muchos años, y la muerte de Andrés Eloy nos dio duro en el corazón.

Pero es posible que en estas vacaciones que se aproximan podamos agarrar un día y repetir ese paseo, en nombre de Dios.

When I read the invitation to this initiative made by @charjaim about going for a walk, I cannot deny that my heart and my mind made a baggage of nostalgia, and I will evoke that walk that we made many times to the beaches of Aragua state, which are the closest to us.

Of course, as it is a walk, the time spent there should generally be brief, since a trip or a vacation is another matter. And my trip is not only to remember, but also to go back to those salty waters.

My family comes from the plains state of Guárico, but, in addition to liking our land, we have always been fond of and attracted by the salt water, so on vacations it was fixed that my brother-in-law Andrés Eloy, disappeared 3 years ago by Covid19, would organize the trip.

But there were also days when we would leave at 4 o'clock in the morning in order to take a Sabroso through Ocumare de la Costa and, if there was time, we would go to Cata to enjoy the 1-day trip.

We would leave in 3 family cars and take with us the basics for family fun, such as a game of dominoes, some Spanish cards, appropriate clothes, enough food and my infallible four-stringed instrument. In those days I did the drinking.

The road to Ocumare de la Costa is quite rough and at first we were very afraid of those huge ravines, but with experience we even went down for a while to enjoy that foggy and somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

The adrenaline would rise when we saw those buses that served as transportation to the large number of passengers who were also going with the idea of spending a different and pleasant day. Sometimes two buses would cross each other, and we had to wait calmly for them to pass.

The trip is not that long, but the narrow road and the predominant curves make it take more than an hour to get to Ocumare where the first dip was at El Playón.

I was fascinated by the temporary tattoos.

After enjoying a couple of hours we continued to Cata, and there we took out our domino table where we were more than 3 couples and we called the attention for our style because we were shouting so loud that people thought we were fighting.

The 2 couples played dominoes while the others jumped in the water and we could order culinary delights such as fried fish, fossilized fish and even patacones.

There were also children of different ages who enjoyed the day to the fullest. Inflatable toys, balls, buckets to carry sand and other amusements made their life.

The road to Ocumare de la Costa is quite rough and at first we were very afraid of those huge ravines, but with experience we even went down for a while to enjoy that foggy and somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

The adrenaline would rise when we saw those buses that served as transportation to the large number of passengers who were also going with the idea of spending a different and pleasant day. Sometimes two buses would cross each other, and we had to wait calmly for them to pass.

The trip is not that long, but the narrow road and the predominant curves make it take more than an hour to get to Ocumare where the first dip was at El Playón.

After enjoying ourselves for a couple of hours we continued on to Cata, and there we would take out our domino table where there were more than 3 couples and we would draw attention to our style because we would shout so loudly that people thought we were fighting.

The 2 couples played dominoes while the others jumped in the water and we could order culinary delights such as fried fish, fossilized fish and even patacones.

There were also children of different ages who enjoyed the day to the fullest. Inflatable toys, balls, buckets to carry sand and other amusements made their life.

In my family there are those who sing very well although very few of us understand each other with a musical instrument, and I remember that if it was Christmas, my sister Carmen had for tradition to interpret the song "Corre, caballito".

How nostalgic those rides were! Unfortunately, the economic situation affected us for many years, and the death of Andrés Eloy hit us hard in the heart.

But it is possible that in these vacations that are approaching we can take a day and repeat that ride, in the name of God.

I invite my friends @giocondina @faniaviera @saulos and @mariela53.

I used DeepL.Traslator.

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