Concurso: Mes de abril| Día Internacional de las bromas|[ENG/ESP]


Aqui en Venezuela , lo que nosotros conocemos como dia de los inocentes , en otras latitudes lo festejan como el dia de las bromas.que por cierto son los 1ero de abril.

Todos alguna vez hemos sido victimas de alguna broma, hecha por la familia o por algun amigo.

En mi familia eso ha sido el pan de cada dia , en el oriente del pais somos asi , muy alegres y bromistas , hay algunos que se pasan de la raya , como hay otros que son mas sutiles, y tambien estan los que se arrepienten a mitad de camino 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Recuerdo que en mi juventud gastabamos bromas, entre la familia , entre los amigos etc. Recuerdo una en especial y creo fue la ultima que gaste.

Cuando tenia 20 años por alla por los años 90, y eran .. recuerdo muy bien era el mes de julio, me quede en casa de una de mis tias donde pasaba horas y horas con mi prima Mili charlando y demas ...

Un domingo lo recuerdo bien porque mis tios se fueron a misa , Mili y yo decidimos darle rienda suelta a nuestra imaginacion y jugar a llamar a numeros desconocidos para ver quien de las dos duraba mas tiempo manteniendo a la persona en linea. El juego consistia en llamar a cualquier numero y sacar un tema de conversacion mientras el otro tomaba el tiempo .

Ese dia Mili llevaba la delantera , habia logrado mantener una conversacion con un señor sobre unos numeros de la loteria algo asi como el triple ganador ...jajajaja, yo solo no tomaba el tiempo sino que me reia hasta mas no poder con su forma de hablar..pero en el fondo sabia que no superaria ese record.

Utlizabamos la guia telefonica , que parecia el libro gordo de Petete, y a ciegas marque con el dedo un numero y ese fue el que marque ..trate de engrosar mi voz para que pareciese mas adulta ..y asi de esa manera jamas podrian saber que era una jovencita jajajaj.

Marqué y me atendio un señor. y algo asi fue la conversación:

Alo! - pregunto el don, se notaba por su voz temblorosa.¿Quién es? —preguntó de nuevo el viejito.

—No puede ser!!! — le dije— ¿Ya no te acuerdas de mi?

—No. no sé quien me habla —dijo el viejito—. ¿Con quién quiere hablar?
—¡a pues contigo !

Dayana eres tu?- pregunta el viejito- me parecio que era alguien muy cercano -

La forma que lo pregunto como con deseperacion y a la vez con nostalgia me hizo pensar en que podria ser una hija y que posiblemente tenia mucho tiempo que no sabia de ella o tal vez vivia lejos ..

Quise arriesgarme y le dije claro papá soy yo!!!- Dayanita mi amor !!..respondiendo eso me tuve que ir para el patio porque mi prima Mili , me hacia muecas y me iba a hacer reir..

Donde estas ahora hija? pregunto el viejito .. le respondi ..donde siempre papa..- y aun sigues con ese hombre ? pregunto - mi respuesta fue..-no vale !! . Con decirles que la conversacion se extendio aproximadamente unos 20 minutos , quizas un poco mas , entre preguntas que me parecian extrañas de parte del viejito...pero ahora les cuento la peor parte ... No saben ustedes que a quien querian mantener en linea era a mi ..porque la tal Dayana estaba desaparecida y estaban esperando la llamada del supuesto secuestrador,, bueno en realidad se habia escapado con el novio, de eso me entre despues ...despues que sali de la detencion ,porque estaban rastreando la llamada, y nos cayo la PTJ en casa...Eso nunca se me va a olvidar ,,el Karma amigos mios es una cosa seria jajajajaja



Here in Venezuela, what we know as April Fool's Day, in other latitudes they celebrate it as the day of jokes, which by the way is April 1st.

We all have been victims of a prank, made by family or a friend at some time.

In my family that has been the daily bread, in the east of the country we are like that, very cheerful and jokers, there are some who go over the line, as there are others who are more subtle, and there are also those who repent halfway 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

I remember in my youth we used to play pranks, among family , among friends etc. I remember one in particular and I think it was the last one I played.

When I was 20 years old back in the 90's, and they were .. I remember very well it was the month of July, I stayed at one of my aunts house where I spent hours and hours with my cousin Mili chatting and so on ...

One Sunday I remember it well because my uncles went to mass, Mili and I decided to give free rein to our imagination and play to call unknown numbers to see who of the two lasted longer keeping the person on the line. The game consisted of calling any number and bringing up a topic of conversation while the other one took the time.

That day Mili was in the lead, she had managed to have a conversation with a man about some lottery numbers, something like the triple winner...hahahaha, I not only didn't take the time but I laughed as much as I could at her way of talking...but deep down I knew I wouldn't beat that record.

We used the phone book, which looked like Petete's fat book, and I blindly dialed a number with my finger and that was the one I dialed...I tried to make my voice thicker to make it sound more adult...and that way they would never know I was a young girl hahahahaha.

I dialed and a gentleman answered and that was the conversation:

Alo! - asked the don, I could tell by his trembling voice, "Who is it? -asked the old man again.

-It can't be! - I said, "You don't remember me anymore?

-No, I don't know who is talking to me," said the old man. Who do you want to talk to?
-Well, you!

Dayana, is that you?" asked the old man, "I thought it was someone very close to me.

The way he asked it, as if it was with despair and at the same time with nostalgia, made me think that it could be a daughter and that maybe he hadn't heard from her for a long time or maybe she lived far away...

I wanted to take a chance and I told him of course daddy it's me!!!- Dayanita my love!...answering that I had to go to the patio because my cousin Mili, was making faces at me and was going to make me laugh....

Where are you now, daughter? asked the old man...I answered him...where always daddy...- and are you still with that man? he asked - my answer was...- no way!!! . To tell you that the conversation lasted about 20 minutes, maybe a little more, between questions that seemed strange to me from the old man ... but now I tell you the worst part .... Don't you know that the person they wanted to keep on the line was me...because this Dayana was missing and they were waiting for the call from the supposed kidnapper, well actually she had escaped with her boyfriend, that's what I got into later...after I got out of detention, because they were tracing the call, and we got the PTJ at home...I will never forget that, Karma my friends is a serious matter.

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