Las Ocurrencias de Mi Mamá ( Esp/ Eng)

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En mi familia hemos tenido muchas anécdotas con las madres de nuestra familia, criadas por una madre matriarcal, sus hijas no podían hacerles menos a ese legado, por lo tanto, mi madre y sus hermanas todas criaron a sus hijos bajo los mismos parámetros en que mi abuela las crio a ellas, bastante estrictos y sin derecho a mucha réplica, lo que mandaban se hacía, pero en esta ocasión les voy a compartir una anécdota que aunque han pasado los años, siempre quedó de cuento entre mis amistades, mi madre y yo.

Tendría más o menos 19 años, estaba en mi primer empleo, empezaba a saber lo que era la independencia económica, a tener mis primeras salidas, a restaurantes, discos y estas cosas; pero había un detalle, mi madre tenía unas reglas bien estrictas de cumplir, si iba a salir a un lugar, donde tenía que estar más allá de las 9 de la noche, la persona con la que iba a compartir, tenía que venir a casa a sacarme permiso, comprometerse con ella a que me traería a "la puerta de mi casa" y máximo 12 de la noche luego de esa hora, no daba un permiso.

En ese tiempo no existían los celulares, así que tenía que dar toda esa vuelta, para poder salir tenía que planificarme muy bien. Recuerdo, muy bien, que ese viernes, día de quincena y día de las secretarias, me invitaron mis amigos a compartir con ellos un rato, en un restaurante donde, aparte, amenizaban con música en vivo, cantantes y se bailaba. Tanto me insistieron que fui, además de que quería ir también, pero con la condición de que nos fuésemos a una hora temprana.

Nos entretuvimos, bailamos, brindamos, todo estaba buenísimo, pero ya a las 9 de la noche empezó mi preocupación porque sabía que hasta esa hora mi madre me esperaría molesta, porque no le había comunicado nada, pero sabía que si llegaba dentro de esas horas, el regaño sería menos. Así que les dije a mis amigos que tenía que irme ya; éramos 4 los que estábamos compartiendo dos chicas y un chico. Las muchachas vivían relativamente cerca, de donde yo vivía, entonces me dijeron que me calmara, que llegábamos juntos y nos iríamos juntos.

Que nos quedáramos un rato más y luego nos iríamos todos, les dije: "ustedes saben como es mi mamá, seguro ya me está esperando tras la puerta, quizás con que en las manos", ellas se echaron a reír y me prometieron que alguno iría conmigo hasta la casa y seguro que eso la calmaría. Pensé en ese momento que podría funcionar, pues mi madre las conocía a ellas, al chico no, pero seguro al ver el grupo se le pasaría el enfado. Eso creí en mi inocencia jajajajaja.

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Como siempre ocurre en estos casos, nos tardamos más del tiempo que habíamos dicho, encima el transporte estaba pésimo, no andábamos en carro particular y nos tocó que pagar un taxi, porque vivíamos lejos, el chico que no vivía por nuestra zona no nos quiso dejar solas con el taxista, así que se vino con nosotras, una de mis amigas le ofreció para quedarse en su casa y el encantado. Ellas relajadas, felices de haber compartido y yo asustada, ya a todas estas iban a ser las 12 de la noche.

En el camino, veníamos decidiendo que íbamos a hacer, conmigo. No nos poníamos de acuerdo, ellas dos vivían cerca la una de la otra, eran vecinas, pero para llegar a mi casa había que caminar un buen trecho y a esa hora, estaba difícil la cosa. Ellas me decían que me quedara en sus casas y yo "¡Noooo!, están locas, será para que mi mamá me mate y me bote", ellas pensaban que exageraba y se venían riendo. Cuando llegamos, estaba el papá de una de ellas esperándola, entonces ellas decidieron irse con el señor y mi pobre amigo dijo como todo un superhéroe: "Yo voy contigo a acompañarte".

Recuerdo, que les dije que era muy mala idea, que mi mamá se iba a poner peor si no las veía a ellas, que con mi amigo que aún no lo conocía se iba a transformar, pero ellas apresuradas por irse, por el lugar y la hora, me dijeron: "tranquila que Wilmer te acompaña, tu mamá seguro se le pasa cuando vea que te acompaño" y se fueron... a Wilmer y a mí no nos quedó más remedio, que caminar derecho a mi casa; en el camino, iba tratando de prevenirlo, de prepararlo para el escenario que se iba a encontrar, el más bien nervioso por el camino iba enfocado en eso, pero yo sabía lo que me esperaba...

Al llegar, mi madre no me dejo ni abrir la puerta, para de una vez pegarme 4 gritos ¡Ah, pero cuando vio a Wilmer", ella no espero a que le explicáramos, de una vez empezó a preguntarle que quien era él, que era un falto de respeto, que como se le ocurría traerme a esa hora, que si era mi novio, que no le íbamos a ver la cara. En esos momentos, yo estaba roja de vergüenza, trataba de explicarle, pero no me dejaba ni hablar a él menos. En medio de su gritería, le dije que él solo me había hecho el favor de acompañarme, que se calmara...

Pero fue peor, porque entonces le dijo: "Viniste a acompañarla, entonces ya lo hiciste te puedes ir por donde viniste", mi pobre amigo se puso lívido, apenado, pero también con mucho temor, pues ya a todas estas, era una hora y él no conocía el lugar, entonces empezó a rogarle "Señora por favor, mire deje que amanezca y yo me voy ahí mismo calladito, yo no molesto, su hija y yo solo somos amigos más nada, se lo juro señora", entonces mi mamá se condolió de él un poco y le dijo: "Te quedas en la sala en el mueble grande y Dios libre se te ocurra gatear, porque ahí si es verdad que no la cuentas" jajajajajajajajaja

Ahora me rio, pero en ese momento lo que podía decirle a mi madre era, "Ay, mamá por Dios" y mi madre rezongando, que ella ya sabia de cuentos, que mucho cuidado con una gracia, en fin. Mi pobre amigo creo que no durmió a lo que Dios amaneció, el pobre se despidió de mí a duras penas, porque mi madre madrugó para estar pendiente. Puedo decirles que pasaron años, para que nosotros nos volviéramos a ver, mis amigas no podían suponer todo el rollo que se había presentado y las risas, burlas fueron las acompañantes de ese cuento que hasta el sol de hoy, nos saca varias carcajadas, cada vez que la recordamos. ¡Pobre Wilmer, se traumó jajajajajaja!

Fuente/ Source

Recorriendo mis comunidades favoritas, me encuentro con este Concurso| Mes de mayo| "Pase lo que pase, madre solo hay una..." dedicado a las madres. Les invito a participar a todos mis amigos en Hive.

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In my family we have had many anecdotes with the mothers of our family, raised by a matriarchal mother, her daughters could not do less to that legacy, therefore, my mother and her sisters all raised their children under the same parameters in which my grandmother raised them, quite strict and without much right to reply, what they commanded was done, but this time I will share an anecdote that although the years have passed, always remained a story among my friends, my mother and I. I was more or less 19 years old, I was in my first job, I began to know what was economic independence, to have my first outings, to restaurants, discos and these things.

I was more or less 19 years old, I was in my first job, I was beginning to know what economic independence was, to have my first outings, to restaurants, discos and these things; but there was a detail, my mother had some very strict rules to follow, if I was going out to a place, where I had to be beyond 9 at night, the person with whom I was going to share, had to come home to get permission, to commit to her that she would bring me to "the door of my house" and maximum 12 at night after that time, she did not give permission.

At that time there were no cell phones, so I had to go all the way around, to be able to go out I had to plan very well. I remember, very well, that on that Friday, day of the fortnight and day of the secretaries, my friends invited me to share with them a while, in a restaurant where, besides, they entertained with live music, singers and dancing. They insisted so much that I went, and I wanted to go too, but on the condition that we left at an early hour.

We were entertained, we danced, we toasted, everything was great, but at 9 o'clock at night my concern began because I knew that until that time my mother would be waiting for me upset, because I had not told her anything, but I knew that if I arrived within those hours, the scolding would be less. So I told my friends that I had to leave now; there were 4 of us sharing, two girls and a boy. The girls lived relatively close to where I lived, so they told me to calm down, that we would arrive together and leave together.

I told them: "you know how my mom is, she is probably already waiting for me behind the door, maybe with what in her hands", they laughed and promised me that one of them would go with me to the house and that would calm her down. I thought at that moment it might work, because my mother knew them, the boy didn't, but I'm sure when he saw the group he would get over his anger. I thought so in my innocence hahahahahaha.

As always happens in these cases, we took more time than we had said, on top of that the transportation was lousy, we did not go by private car and we had to pay a cab, because we lived far away, the guy who did not live in our area did not want to leave us alone with the cab driver, so he came with us, one of my friends offered to stay at his house and he was delighted. They were relaxed, happy to have shared and I was scared, it was about 12 o'clock at night.

On the way, we were deciding what we were going to do, with me. We could not agree, they both lived near each other, they were neighbors, but to get to my house we had to walk a long way and at that hour, it was difficult. They told me to stay at their houses and I said "Noooo, they are crazy, my mom will kill me and throw me away", they thought I was exaggerating and laughed. When we arrived, the father of one of them was waiting for her, so they decided to go with the man and my poor friend said like a superhero: "I'm going with you to accompany you".

I remember that I told them that it was a very bad idea, that my mom was going to get worse if I didn't see them, that with my friend that I still didn't know him she was going to be transformed, but they were in a hurry to leave, because of the place and the time, they told me: "don't worry, Wilmer will go with you, your mom will surely get over it when she sees that I am going with you" and they left? Wilmer and I had no choice but to walk straight to my house; on the way, I was trying to warn him, to prepare him for the scenario that he was going to find, he was rather nervous on the way, he was focused on that, but I knew what was waiting for me....

When we arrived, my mother didn't even let me open the door, she didn't wait for us to explain, she started to ask him who he was, that he was disrespectful, that how could he think of bringing me at that hour, that if he was my boyfriend, that we weren't going to see his face. At that moment, I was red with shame, I tried to explain to him, but he wouldn't even let me speak, let alone him. In the middle of his screaming, I told him that he had only done me the favor of accompanying me, to calm down....

But it was worse, because then he said: "You came to accompany her, so now you can go where you came", my poor friend became livid, sorry, but also very afraid, because it was an hour and he did not know the place, then he began to beg her "Madam please, look, let the sunrise and I'll go there quietly, I do not bother, your daughter and I are just friends, I swear lady", then my mother sympathized with him a little and said: "You stay in the living room on the big piece of furniture and God forbid you crawl, because there if it is true that you do not count it hahahahaha.

Now I laugh, but at that moment all I could say to my mother was, "Oh, mom for God's sake" and my mother grumbled, she already knew about stories, she was very careful with a joke, in short. My poor friend I don't think he slept as soon as God dawned, the poor thing said goodbye to me with difficulty, because my mother got up early to be attentive. I can tell you that it took years for us to see each other again, my friends could not imagine the whole thing that had happened and the laughter and mockery were the companions of that story that to this day, makes us laugh every time we remember it. Poor Wilmer, he was traumatized hahahahahahahaha!

Scrolling through my favorite communities, I came across this Contest|Month of May| "Whatever happens, there is only one mother..." dedicated to mothers. I invite all my friends at Hive to participate.

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