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My Tattoo Experience


Getting a tattoo is a way to express ourselves. Sometimes tattoos can serve as remembrance of departed loved ones or serve as a reminder of childhood memories of things we treasured. Also, tattoos are a very personal method for us to express our unique selves, whether it be via sketches or representation in our personalities or just our hobbies, like reading comic books or playing video games and watching anime that inspires us. Whatever motivates us like our favorite musicians or destinations we've visited and etc.

However, tattoos are highly contentious because some businesses and the corporate world do not accept them, which could harm your career. People will also perceive folks with tattoos as criminals. That's why I asked myself a lot before getting a tattoo. I'm fortunate that my employer accepts tattoos, and I know that soon, the whole corporate world will embrace them as well.

So I have a five minimal tattoos. The snake was my first minimal tattoo, and I'm not too fond of how it looks, that's why I'm planning to re-design or cover up it with other more professional artist. These are two more crucial factors that you should think about before getting a tattoo: first, is the design something you truly like, and second, is the tattoo artist qualified to do the work.

Given how frequently I get asked this question, I'm thinking that you might be wondering also why I decided to get a tattoo of a snake. I chose to get a snake tattooed for a variety of reasons, but above all, it's because it represents transition and rebirth. This tattoo serves as a constant reminder to me to change, to live my life to the fullest, and to stop looking at the past, through the perspective of a snake that will eventually lose its old skin to reveal its beautiful new one and leave the shedded skin behind.

The word in alibata, which is my second minimal tattoo, holds a special meaning for me. My life has been full with struggles with friends, family, work, and love. etc. This tattoo serves as a reminder that one day I'll be well and lead the greatest life possible.

My third tattoo has a really deep meaning that I can't really explain to you. But this is my favorite tattoo of all.

I had my fourth and fifth small tattoos recently with my friend, I think it's been three years ago since I had my last tattoo. That's why I'm scared and nervous again, and I forgot also the after-care of a newly done tattoo, it felt like i'm having my first tattoo again. Lol.

Before we begin, our tattoo artist talked about our designs and the process.


Unlike to my previous tattoos, this one hurt so much that it bled while it was getting done.

However, much like the other ones, these two minimalist tattoos are also quite meaningful to me and aren't just random designs I saw online.

Having a tattoo has a very great feeling for me. It hurts, but in an incredible way.

Disclaimer: All images are mine unless stated otherwise.