Rising Star - Update #143: Reached level 97!

Hey everyone, I am back with another update on my journey in Rising Star. It has been a few days since my previous post but anyway.. Currently, I am at level 97! I have come a long way in these endeavours for improvement. Yet nothing yet really changed, I am still going on with my missions to pull in more starbits and XP.

Daily pack opening:

In today's post, I have gotten 6 common cards and 3 rare cards. This is to make up for the previous days' lack of posting. Since there are also a good bunch of duplicates here, I will talk about the rare cards that I got, to not make the post that long.

  • Rare - R195 Midnight Drums
    A musical instrument card bringing 50 luck for the Drumming classes
    It is my first issued card for Midnight Drums! Unlucky, got another card that belongs to the instrument class that I do not use.

  • Rare - R198 Dominic
    A card under the People category, bringing in 150 fans, 150 skill points, 4 luck and 4 IM.
    It is my third issued card for Dominic! Great card to have, with a very good amount of fans and skill points, it is one of the best rares cards to get.

  • Rare - R206 Rick
    A card under the People category, bringing in 125 fans, 75 skill points, 3 luck and 2 IM.
    It is my first issued card for Rick! Decent card, it has average stats amongst those I have seen of rare cards.

Daily productivity:

Daily Statistics
Total Starbits gained : 4534
Total Ego gained : 56
Total Skill point gained : 0
Pizza slices found: 3

A surprisingly decent performance for the day. Since I have accidentally slept past my time to set the next long mission (Local Mini Tour Support mission), I have expected to gain much fewer starbits afterwards. At 4500~ starbits, I would call it pretty decent, despite the 0 skill points and 3 pizza slices.

Back at it again with my current progress and small goals:
(Previous update: @tertius/rising-star-update-142-reached)


Might have noticed a more significant boost to my fan count. This is due to me purchasing some more fan-based cards in order to boost my fan count. As the starbit millionaire missions received a so-called 'nerf' of requiring incrementally larger amount of fans in order to run the mission, I have to purchase more fans in order to do the mission too. As of now, I have purchased 3 cards costing around 60.9~ starbits per fan I believe.

That's all for now. Hope you all have a more productive day ahead. Stay safe and stay sober everyone.

We keep on going. Happy Busking.

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