RABONA #15 : Christmas match was not bad!

TawadakFC24 : Become a RABONA Soccer Manager Legends



Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing great during this Christmas holiday. Let just enjoy the holiday and play RABONA.

Current Standings Season 59 League 2


Today TawadakFC24 managed to win 2 match, one draw and a lose from previous match. This made the club climb to the 9th place on the league currently. This still a very critical moment for the club, if we lose another 2 match in the future match we might go back to the bottom 4 team that have the potential to be demoted again to the league 3.

We have player with RED cards.


Now the team had to play with our substitute players. Luckily our team had some good player for the temporarily substitution.

One player was injured during the previous match.


This really had decrease the overall strength and gameplay for the team. We had to play safe in the upcoming match to prevent anymore injury and cards.

Result from previous match.


The King was a strong opponent during the match, we lose to them with 2 goal difference 3-1. Ruchy Legends was really strong too. I did not expect to get a draw from them, but since some of the main player can not join the match, the match outcome was a draw.

Managed to beat FC Barceloneta by 2-1 and we won against FC Maryland by 2-0.

All of this makes us gained a total of 7 points.

Team Stat and Details


New fans still comes to support the club which is a great news. The club need to be stronger and shows some great play and sportsmanship to be able to attracts more fan to the club.

TawadakFC24 Player Lineup


The club need more than 20 players. We will have difficulty on the upcoming match if our players keeps on getting injured and cards. On the next season we will have to recruit more defenders and midfielders.


Ticket sales = 434,515
Player sales = 37,440
Shop (merchandise): shirt sales = 26,000
Shop (merchandise): scarf sales = 3,600
Catering: beer sales = 7,932
Catering: bratwurst sales = 4,566
Hotel income = 1,000
Parking lot income = 2,000
Total income = 517,053


Stadium: operating costs = -18,600
Player salaries = -146,400
Scouting = -140,000
Shop: operating costs = -20,000
Shop (merchandise): shirt costs = -6,800
Shop (merchandise): scarf costs = -820
Catering: beer costs = -1,304
Catering: bratwurst costs = -1,133
Youth Academy: operating costs = -19,800
Building Yard: operating costs = -13,500
Office Building: operating costs = -1,260
Training Center: operating costs = -18,000
Hotel: operating costs = -300
Parking lot: operating costs = -600
Total costs = -388,517

Result = 128,535


And that is for today's TawadakFC24 Club report.
Until next Season!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Keep on Kicking! RABONA!

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