Splinterlands End of Season Rewards

Hello everyone, I play splinterlands every day. Splinterlands end-of-season prizes open today.
At the end of the Splinterlands game season, loot chests are allowed to open. The number of loot chests received may vary depending on the rank of the player.
This time, at the end of the season, I was able to attend BRONZE I. I was able to open 52 Loot Chests. Let's take a look at the 52 Loot Chests I got.

There are so many things to order this time. I get a lot of cards.
This is very good. It helps to get the card power I need.
I need card powers to take it to the next level.
There is a lot to gain from this season. I like getting more cards. It will increase the card power for the players. I think it gives more opportunities for every player. Next time, we will try to do better.

I'm working hard to make upgrades to get better results.
Hope to get even better next time.
Next time, I'm going to try to get to the Silver III League. You have to try to get the card power. You need 15,000 card power.
Thanks for reading. have a good day.

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