Radio Studio Session mission start (Day 14: I'm playing the Rising Star game)



Hello everyone
I play Rising Star game every day with great interest. I have been playing Rising Star game for 14 days now. It is now at LEVEL 25. i can only climb one level per day. Because of my busy schedule, I missed out on a series of missions. In the days to come, we will have to focus more on doing more missions.
It is best to do this regularly. I want to make it faster, but there are difficulties. Forgetting and being busy is the biggest obstacle.
Today I was able to step up to the level . A new Radio Studio Session mission has been launched in the Local Gig Circuit Zone. To perform a Radio Studio Session mission
Fans needed 500
Level needed 25
Duration 30
Energy needed 65%
We will need
Starbits: 60 to 282
XP: 65
Ego: 3
We can get it back.
After the Radio Studio Session Mission
Shopping Mall Mission I think it will take a few days. This can only be done at 30 levels.
I have to focus on doing new missions.
A total of 318 missions have been completed.
Ranking 802 has arrived. It is slightly higher than yesterday.
This is the situation I was playing in the Rising Star game.
We will be able to talk about better results in the coming days.
Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day.

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