🎼My Rising Star game progress #154🎸: Opening a pack and collecting a card

Dear friends,

Today is the 154 day of playing Rising Star game and I have reached level 97. Yesterday, I opened a pack and received two common instrument cards and a rare people card. I like the rare people card 'R247 Clark' because 100 fans, 100 skill points, 4 luck points and 2 IM (fig 1). And the other two common cards gave me 11 luck points. And I also collected 'R242 Alan' to my card collection because I have not got it yet although it is not a new one. It gave me 150 fans, 75 skill points, 4 luck points and 2 IM.

fig (1)

I am making progress in Rising star game by doing missions and in this morning, the difference between my skill points and base ego (ego without temporary fans) is 10,686. Yesterday, I did one 'Promote FC' mission and didn't do guitar music lesson. And I was rewarded with 1200 starbits for completing 600 'Shopping Mall' missions (fig 3).

fig (2)

fig (3)

And, my current Rising Star status is as follow.

Total no of fans from cards19885
Base Ego (without temporary fans)28,617
no of cards owned368
Ego Level0

Until this morning, I have accomplished 3609 missions and the breakdown are as follow. ↑shows the no of missions performed.

Illegal Busking153
Open Mic Night392
Mid Week Support Slot6845
Licensed Busking58
Midweek Headline Slot1311
Saturday Support691
Saturday Headline23
Radio Interview1553
Radio Studio Session352
Shopping Mall Performance6025
Record a Demo24
Local Festival Acoustic Tent20
Local Mini Tour Support951
Band Auditions24
Band Rehearsal1963
Full Band Support1354
Summer Breeze19
Record Signing2
Promote Fan Club3081
STARBITS Millionaire1181
Basic Singing Lesson7
Guitar Lesson359

Rising Star game is a cool game that I have played so far. If you want to play this game, please follow my referral link below:



There is a FAQ page on how to play this game on the Rising Star page and many other posts and YouTube videos as well.

Thank you for your support.



Image source : https://www.risingstargame.com/

7th Oct 2022

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