What Are Your DCity Goals?


Do you have goals for your DCity? Two weeks in, I think it is time to set some targets for the city. After all, in the real world, cities without a vision tend to be pretty crappy.



So, the first target is to get an education rating of 800. This would give the city a 20% chance to discover new technology. I am buying universities and I hope to pick up the Free Education card which would double the ratings given by the universities. I have placed a bid at the last price so if anybody's looking to sell, please do consider my offer.

SIM Power

My other target is to get to the $1M SIM Power club. The only thing stopping me is that I often spend the SIM power on buildings instead of accumulating.

Also, with the war tax on now, I am not earning SIM. We'll need to see how the elections go an whether there is any change to that tax.

Why a million dollars? No special reason. It's just a nice big number from an era gone by.

So, do you have any goals for your city?

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