One More Harriet For The Band

Got another Harriet today and she is my third in the collection. 25 more skill than fans added to the total so that will bring the ego down slightly although it is at 1 - 2 percent at the moment. Nothing too major and I will let it build up a bit.

Card totals are at 329 and I don't see any breaks from playing on the horizon so I should be able to build up to 350 by the end of the month. Hopefully there will be at least one more epic card by then.

Rankings have improved slightly although not by much to slightly better than 450. Playing time hasn't varied so the only differing factor is the additional cards and uniqueness score. I wonder what the ranks will be when I have 500 cards. Would that be enough for the top 200? Depends on what everyone else does though, I suppose.

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