My Weekly Battle Challenge ( Hill Giant )


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Hello, Splinterlands Community Members,

This is my second post for weekly battle challenge.


Edition : Chaos Legion
Rarity : Common
Element : Earth
Attack : Melee
Abilities : Stun

Battle Rule

Mana Cost - 27
Available Element - All elements ( fire,water ,life ,death ,earth and dragon )

Line up and position,

Summoner - Obsidian

Position 1 - Hill Giant
Position 2 - Regal Peryton
Position 3 - Goblin Psychic
Position 4 - Mantoid
Position 5 - Venari Scout




Obsidian summoner costs four mana. The ability of this summoner is increasing the magic attack of all cards in the team.I like the ability of this summoner and I always use this summoner when I got earth splinter.

Hill Giant


Hill Giant card costs three mana and the card contains one melee attack, one speed and six health. It has no ability till level 5,but it has stun ability from level 6 to 10.I like this card because it has six health.It is a good card to use in the battle.

Regal Peryton


Regal peryton card costs five mana and the card contains one magic attack , five speed and six health.The ability of regal peryton is flying ability.I choose this card because it has magic attack and flying ability.

Goblin Psychic


Goblin psychic card costs six mana and the card contains two magic attack, one speed and three health.It has tank heal ability. This ability helps the first position card to live longer . So,I choose this card to help hill giant card which I will place in the tank position.



Mantoid card costs six mana and the card contains two ranged attack, two speed and five health. The card has snipe ability.I use this card in the battle because it has snipe ability and six health.

Venari Scout


Venari Scout card costs three mana and the card contains one melee attack, two speed and three health.It has opportunity ability. I choose this card and I think I need a card with opportunity ability in the battle.

Round 1


In this battle,I choose obsidian summoner.Behind this summoner, I choose hill giant, regal peryton, goblin psychic, mantoid and venari scout .

The enemy team uses kelya frendul summoner .Behind this summoner , enemy team placed serpent of eld, deepluker, merdaali guardian, scavo hireling, pelacor bandit and hardy stonefish.

The battle starts and deepluker card from enemy team can destroy venari scout in the round 1.I am sad to see one of my cards lose in the first round.

Round 2


In round 2, my cards can eliminate serpent of eld card. The battle is difficult. The enemy team has merdaali guardian card and scavo hireling card.This two cards help and protect their cards survive longer. So,my cards can not easily defeat their cards.

Round 3


In round 3,my cards can eliminate deepluker card from enemy team.One of their good attackers card lose in this round. So,my chance of winning is increased.

Round 4


In this round,goblin psychic card eliminates merdaali guardian card from enemy team.

Round 5


In round 5, my cards destroy scavo hireling card and pelacor bandit card continuously.

Round 6


Enemy team has only one card in the team. My team still has four cards.So,my cards easily destroy hardy stonefish,the last card.

Hill Giant costs only three mana and the card has six health. These two qualities make the card a good card. But it only has one melee attack,so the card is a little weak in attacking. But the card is a useful card in the battle and especially when it uses together with goblin psychic card . I like to use these two cards together in the battle and these two cards are a good fit to each other.

Battle Link

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